
Chapter 12 Deciding to Join the Navy

The admiral of the Navy Headquarters personally recruited an unknown member of his own, even though Wood was a time traveler, he couldn't help but feel flattered at this moment.

There are several main lineup forces in the pirate world, such as the navy, pirates, revolutionary army, and bounty hunters.

After witnessing real pirates in the pirate world, Wood had given up on the idea of becoming one of them.

The Revolutionary Army has not yet risen, and Monkey D. Dragon, as its leader, may still be with the Navy Headquarters.

Wood originally wanted to be a bounty hunter, but the experience of doing a life simulation before and going to sea alone was still vivid in his mind...

When watching the show, because the protagonist's perspective is that of a pirate, most people will substitute the navy into the villain's setting.

But is this really the case? Obviously not.

Only by personal experience can you understand that there are very few pirates like Luffy and others in this world.

Most pirates are as vicious as they are known to be. Perhaps the world government that the navy takes orders from and the "Celestial Dragons" on it are not good things.

But it is undeniable that without the navy to contain these pirates on the sea, the world would only become more chaotic.

Having completed his first life simulation, and the second mission will also end in the next few days, Wood generally has two options for his future plans.

One is to stay on the island for a few more years to make yourself strong enough before going to sea.

The other is to wait for the navy warships that would otherwise pass by and join the navy.

He had originally planned to join the navy, but now that he was personally recruited by a naval admiral, Wood was naturally not ignorant, so after hesitating for a moment, he agreed to join Zephyr in the navy.

Both Zephyr and Wood were very happy with this result.

The reason why Wood was happy was that compared to those who volunteered to join the Navy and were personally recruited by the Navy Admiral, the treatment would obviously not be at the same level.

No matter which world you are in, connections are also very important. If you haven't seen a certain Straw Hat boy who always wanted to be the Pirate King, almost the whole sea is his family's relatives and friends.

No matter how promiscuous I am, I can't die. In addition to the protagonist's aura, the point is that his approach is wild enough.

Seeing that Wood was willing to join the navy, Zephyr looked equally happy. This time he came out to recruit new recruits and finally met one he was satisfied with.

Originally, he thought it would take more words to persuade Wood. After all, from Wood's previous behavior, it was not difficult to see that he had a deep bond with Red Leaf Island and the people on Red Leaf Island.

But now that he has promised himself so readily, it seems that Wood's insistence on justice may be stronger than he imagined.

It is impossible for the navy to stay on Red Leaf Island for a long time, especially since Zephyr is the general of the headquarters, and it is even more impossible for the navy to stay in a small place like Red Leaf Island for a long time.

Due to the fierce battle with Iron-Armed Cook, Wood had to stay in bed for at least ten and a half days now despite the ridiculous recovery power of everyone in the pirate world.

"Mr. Zephyr, can you really not stay for a while longer? Wood's injuries are so serious. Can he bear the bumps on the sea?"

Otherwise, you should wait until Wood recovers from his injuries on the island, and then let him report to the Navy Headquarters. Then you can send warships over, and this time will also allow him to say goodbye to everyone properly. "

Seeing Wood, whose left hand and left leg were covered with bandages, being roughly carried to the warship, Stia couldn't help but reveal a look of worry and heartache.

In Stiya's view, there were a large group of big men on Zephyr's ship, who knew how to take care of people, not to mention that Wood was still a wounded person, so she was really worried.

"Madam, don't worry, we have the best ship's doctor on board, and your child will only get better care on board."

After hearing Stiya's words, Major General Kadaru's expression couldn't help but twitched, but he still patiently persuaded him at this moment.

And send a warship over? Does this woman think that Navy warships are cabbage? Or is it that her child is a general in the headquarters?

As a rear admiral in his headquarters, if he wanted to go to the Navy headquarters, he might not be able to send a warship from his headquarters to take him there. However, Wood was not even considered a recruit, so how could he have such treatment?

Of course, Kadaru just thought about these thoughts in his mind and did not speak them directly.

Because he knew that his current boss, General Zephyr, was quite optimistic about the Red Leaf Island boy, and even recruited him personally, and specifically ordered them to take good care of Wood.

What I have to say is that sometimes having a strong relationship is really a good thing.

The navy's warships have limited rooms. Except for those high-ranking admirals who have independent rooms, most other navies have several people crowded into one cabin.

Because Wood himself was a wounded person and because Zephyr wanted to take care of him, he was mixed into a separate room like the admiral on the ship.

But it was also for this reason that Wood's reputation became completely infamous as soon as he came on board.

No matter where they are, people hate individuals with special backgrounds. Unless the person receiving special care is themselves, otherwise due to human nature, the public will be repulsive towards such individuals.

It is a great honor that in the eyes of most of the navy, Wood is the kind of guy who receives special care.

Because when Kadaru and the others arrived at Red Leaf Island, the remaining Iron Arm Pirates had been completely defeated by Zephyr.

Naturally, all the navy, including Kadaru, believed that all of this was done by General Zephyr.

As for Wood's achievements, Zephyr did not go out of his way to explain anything to the navy on board.

The reason is simple. Zephyr himself is the supreme commander on the ship. He has no reason or obligation to report anything to others.

At the same time, he is also worried that excessive praise for Wood will make Wood feel unnecessarily proud and complacent. After all, Wood is still a half-year-old child, and it is quite normal for him to feel complacent after receiving too much praise.

Therefore, Zephyr's silence and special care have led to most of the navy on the warships now thinking that Wood is a backdoor connection.

Forget about those navies who originally served in the Navy Headquarters. After all, they all know something about General Zephyr and know what kind of person General Zephyr is.

But those navy recruits who had just been recruited from various places now have a somewhat unbalanced mentality.

We are all recruited recruits. Why are more than a dozen of them crammed into one cabin, while Wood can have an independent cabin.

When recruiting new soldiers before, Zephyr was even more picky with them. How could Wood, a semi-crippled brat, be treated so favorably?