
Trading Knowledge (part 2)

Loki said as he pointed at his eyes, all while forcing them to open as widely as they can towards me. I became slightly creeped out by this sudden act of his, but he does have beautiful green eyes. 


Green eyes…? I only saw them once before.


And magical eyes? I saw them everyday through the mirror. They don't look that amazing, but they have crazy abilities.


"I have magic eyes too, no need to overly flaunt them. But, how can you see them?"


I asked him since I can't see Baldur when it is invisible, and Loki just grinned while folding his arms.


"Maybe our eyes are just different. Mine is definitely better than yours!"

This little...


I lifted my left hand to the left and acted as if I'm holding Baldur. Then, with a light voice, I called its name.

