
I Can Rewind Ten Seconds At A Time

Time waits for no one. This a phrase that most of us have been hearing since our childhood but who would have guessed that an exception to this rule would also exist? In a world, where humans are fighting a battle of attrition against extraterrestrials, Andrey, a 17-year-old boy with not much to show for himself except his above-average grades gains a supernatural ability related to time. How would he use it? What will he encounter in his long and arduous journey? Stay tuned for the answers.

John_Titor234432 · Kỳ huyễn
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34 Chs

Aptitude Test Approaches

The following days passed just like that and with the passing of each day everyone was getting more and more knowledge regarding the history of their earlier planet, earth, and how they reached their current planet called 'shelter'.

Many curious students had already searched most of the basic information on the CoNet via the T-2 app but since they severely lacked knowledge on this topic after reading all the auto-suggested stuff they had no clue on what to search for.

As a result, they once again went back to focusing on the academic lectures which gave them more information about their own history and state of affairs.

Just like that two weeks passed as everyone got busied with assimilating the sea of new information that they now possessed.

Andrey was currently texting Lisa after finishing up his late-night studies.

Andrey: [Did you know what the frontline was called earlier? (• ◡•)] 

Lisa: [You're trying to brag about what you just read again aren't you? :')]

Andrey: [Of course, who told you to get sick all of a sudden? Don't worry though, I'll study your share as well ~(˘▾˘~)]

Lisa: [You meanieee ಥ_ಥ....I thought you wanted to provide me with important knowledge for the Warrior Academy interview while I was sick.]

Andrey: [Alright alright I'll stop with that but you still didn't answer my question, do you want to know or not?]

Lisa: [No I don't, now tell me already! ಠ_ಠ ]

Andrey: [Mars]

Lisa: [Mars?]

Andrey: [Yes, mars, that's what the frontline was called earlier. It's half the size of our former planet, earth...]

Lisa: [Interesting! Imma note that out. They might ask us this as a general awareness question]

Andrey: [Indeed...but do you know how to reach the frontline from our place? You don't right :D]

Lisa: [Andrey if you keep on teasing me like this then I'll have to call it a day (ง •̀_•́)ง]

Andrey: [I see, alright then see you tomorrow]

Lisa: [WAIT!]

Andrey: [ Just kidding xD]

Lisa: [ 凸(`0´)凸 ]

Andrey: [xD]

Lisa: [Hmph!]

Andrey: [Alright alright I'll tell. There's a special pathway called 'Shuttle'. Once we enter it we reach the frontlines within the passing of a second. Like those teleportation stuff in novels and anime]

Lisa: [Shuttle...tell me more about it]

Andrey: [Hmmm...well it's a 10-foot high and 4-foot wide pathway. There's no image of it available on the CoNet so we have to see it for ourselves to confirm how it looks. Oh yeah, it was made by the 25 heroes in their last attempt to save the human race.]

Lisa: [Damn! You know so many interesting things! I'll most probably recover from this cold by tomorrow morning. I'll study all to my liking then]

Andrey: [That's good. I'll be waiting for you at the school :) ]

Lisa: [Alright! Imma go rest then, my eyes almost gave up on me a few seconds ago,]

Andrey: [Sure, good night]

Lisa: [Good night ^^]

Andrey put aside his phone with a yawn and prepared to sleep. It was already 1 AM by now and he had school to attend in the morning. 

He had already talked with his father early on and he had been constantly nagging him to go for an early morning run and along with it do more exercises to build muscles but the lazy him had been delaying it all this while trying to wait for a perfect moment.

"Hah! Guess I'll have to postpone tomorrow's running again," Andrey sighed to himself as he lay on the bed and glanced at the time which was being illuminated on his digital clock. He felt a bit frustrated with himself as he had been postponing this for the last few days but before he could dwell on it any longer, sleep took over him and he closed his eyes.

The next day when his eyes opened up it was already seven in the morning as he quickly freshened up and after shoving a fresh toast in his mouth he rushed out for his school without care.

"God I'm late!" Andrey rushed out of the house not caring about getting caught in an accident. It had already been more than 2 weeks since his accident and it was clear that by now he had become complacent.

Thanks to his rushing Andrey reached the school before the gate was closed and took a sigh of relief. 


"Good morning,"

Jacob and Jenny greeted Andrey with a chuckle. It was clear from the eyebags below Andrey's eyes that he overslept again.

"Try to wake up early otherwise you might just one day get blocked at the school gate" Jacob commented.

"I'm trying..." Andrey replied the same thing as always.

A few moments later Miss Jane arrived and after taking their attendance said, "Alright everyone, there's a special announcement for you all,"

Hearing Miss Jane's words everyone pulled their attention from whatever they were earlier busy with and focused their eyes on her.

Seeing that she had everyone's attention Miss Jane continued "Our school just received a special notice this morning from the Warrior Academy..."

Hearing the name of "Warrior Academy" everyone's eyes gleamed as their focus on Miss Jane's following words heightened.

"...On Thursday, that is the day after tomorrow they are going to send special instructors to conduct your aptitude test." The moment Miss Jane finished the whole class erupted into an uproar as everyone realised the immensity of the news.

Seeing this Miss Jane just shook her head as all she could do at the moment was to wait for the class to calm down because this was indeed big news for the students. 

"Miss Jane! Is there any news about the aptitude test? How are we going to be tested?" Alex stood up and asked in his loud and confident voice which made the once-erupted uproar slowly withdraw as the same doubt floated over everyone's head.

They all waited for Miss Jane's answer in anticipation but what they got was just a face of helplessness as Miss Jane's following words entered their ears.

"We don't know. Our school tried to ask them for it but the only reply we received was that it was a newly developed method and we shouldn't be worried about it as they had the utmost confidence in the fairness of this method," 

Miss Jane's words were like cold water over the student's anticipations as a series of whines escaped the students' mouths the moment they heard Miss Jane.

"That's not fair!" One angry student roared.

"Yeah! It's only right that we are made aware of it" Another one chimed in.

"Yeah, how will we know that nothing is going on in the dark,"


Quiet a lot of voices were raised but Miss Jane didn't say anything and let the students say whatever they wanted to say until they calmed down.

When she felt that everyone had calmed down a bit she finally said what she wanted to say, "Since the Academy had said that the method is fair, then you all should believe them. They won't benefit in any way after taking in students who are not fit to become future warriors,"

Miss Jane's words finally put some sense into those students and the atmosphere finally calmed down. 

"So 2 days eh?" Jacob said as he clenched his fists in excitement and nervousness.

"I wasn't expecting it to be so quick..." Jenny said as her mind started flooding with a lot of unwanted thoughts which only increased her nervousness.

"It's here," Andrey muttered to himself. Since the moment Andrey heard from Lisa that the aptitude testing was comparatively easier for children of Warriors/former Warriors his confidence soared as the thought of failing never crossed his mind.

It was because of this reason that instead of worrying about the aptitude test at the back of the mind like most people Andrey and Lisa were instead preparing for the interview that was to come after clearing the first screening.

"You look quite confident," Alex said as he made his way towards Andrey.

"I am, are you also giving the test though?" Andrey asked in doubt as he along with the rest of the classmates had always thought that he had no interest in becoming a warrior and was fully focused on becoming a researcher like his father.

"Of course I am," Alex exclaimed.

"Don't you want to become a researcher like your father?" Andrey asked while Jacob and Jenny also became curious and turned towards him for his answer.

Alex didn't mind the attention he was getting from Jenny and Jacob as he replied without any hesitation, "Of course, I want to become that too,"

"That too?" Andrey questioned.

"Who said that one can't become both? My father said that I can continue doing research work after I become a Warrior aswell. In fact, he said that becoming a warrior makes it much easier to do research work as one can directly collect research materials from the area of action." As Alex said it one could see a gleam of excitement in his eyes.

"You indeed are very passionate about research," Andrey commented.

"To the point of being crazy," Jacob chimed in.

Not caring a bit for Jacob's words Alex showed a proud expression and nodded towards Andrey, "You got a good eye to notice that, as expected of my rival,"