
106 Lord Fengxiang (6200)_3

About five or six minutes passed, and everyone started to stand up from their seats and walk towards the hospital corridor.

Casio had just reached the door.

"Mr. Li Wei, please wait a moment."

The deep baritone of the White bird came from behind.

Casio turned his head: "What's the matter?"

White bird just smiled.

Ten minutes later, in the conference hall.

Casio swiftly joined the Black Spade A Organization.

In fact, from the very beginning, Casio had a vague idea about the Black Spade A Organization. Because both Black Spade A and the Sand Dust Organization were involved in the antiques business, it would be the perfect place for him to look for Obsession Antiques. Secondly, Black Spade A Organization was well-informed, and it was a large organization in the North Flow Country, and it even operated some businesses in the six counties in the eastern part of the Hong Li Federation. It's always good to have such influential backing.