
I Can Only Use Inventory. So, I'll Create a kingdom

In a world where game-like functions come to life and popup systems emerge, George harnesses only the inventory function to build a kingdom from scratch.

ReadingSavage · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 - Bossroom

In the heart of the inventory space, George and the eccentric tinkerer found themselves amidst the rushing falls. The tinkerer's mind was alight with ideas, and he questioned George about the inventory's structure, envisioning a revelation in the making. Understanding dawned upon him like a sudden spark of brilliance.

"Each slot in the inventory represent a cube in this space" he looks at George "Try to move the slots of the falls"

With the tinkerer's guidance, George experimented, moving the item [falls] within his inventory. To their amazement, the colossal falls appeared and disappeared within the space instantaneously, leaving them spellbound by the wonders of their discovery.

"FASCINATING!!!" The tinkerer's excitement knew no bounds, realizing the potential for groundbreaking inventions through the study of this magical space.

Amidst this bizarre situation, George's hunger pulled him back to the real world, "hey, I gotta go now I'm hungry" and he clicked the drop button to depart momentarily.

The following day, within the mystical confines of the inventory space, George approached the tinkerer with a sense of purpose.

"Hey, can you fight?" he asked, his eyes fixed on the tinkerer.

The tinkerer, a curious glint in his eyes, replied, "Why do you ask?"

George proceeded to unveil his ingenious plan, and the tinkerer's expression brightened with understanding. Nodding in agreement, he silently conveyed his approval of the audacious idea.

"I'm not a soldier," the tinkerer confessed, humility evident in his words, "but I have some training as a noble."

George regarded the tinkerer with an encouraging smile. "That's good to know," he replied warmly.

As George's gaze fell upon the sophisticated contraption in his hand, he knew it was time to reveal another trump card. He handed the tinkerer the intricate device "what about this?" he said

The tinkerer's eyes widened as he inspected the intricate contraption in his hands. "This is a complex creation," he remarked, trying to comprehend its mechanism.

George pointed to the trigger with a reassuring smile. "You can pull it to shoot," he explained, gesturing towards the safety pins. "But be cautious not to aim it at your face. Here, these two notches will help you align your targets."

Absorbing the information, the tinkerer took a moment to process the mechanics of the gun. "I think I've got it," he responded, a spark of confidence igniting within him.

To demonstrate his understanding, the tinkerer pointed the gun forward, his finger cautiously hovering over the trigger. With a measured breath, he slowly pulled it, and a thunderous sound echoed through the camp as a projectile shot out with precision.

As George witnessed the tinkerer's rapid grasp of the complex gun's mechanics and his eagerness to learn, he couldn't help but be amazed

Their conversation continued, and George expressed a concern that weighed on his mind. "Can you protect yourself with just this? I only have one" he inquired, mindful of their limited resources.

The tinkerer pondered for a moment before responding, "If I acquire five goblins, I believe that will suffice."

"I think I can do it" George replied with a determined nod, taking note of the tinkerer's request.

As the days passed, George meticulously carried out his task, and now he stood at the threshold of the dungeon, cloak of invisibility clutched firmly in his hands. "I spent my entire savings for this" confident in his investment as he rushed into the portal, eager to embark on this daring endeavor.

As George stood in the midst of the game world, his mind focused on the crucial concepts he needed to remember to ensure his safety. The weight of responsibility hung in the air, and he knew that being cautious was paramount in facing the challenges ahead.

"There are two paths to hunt monsters," he murmured, his voice determined. "In the open fields, where creatures infinitely spawn"

His eyes shifted to the cave entrance nearby, the gateway to a dungeon awaiting exploration. The darkness within was alluring, but he understood the perils that lurked there.

"Dungeons, on the other hand, are mysterious and treacherous. attach within walls, standing at the entrance of caves, and even subway entrances, they hold secrets and traps alike," George reminded himself. "I must be careful, as the unknown can be as dangerous as any monster."

With each step he took, George embraced caution as his ally. He understood that the game world was full of surprises, and he couldn't afford to be careless.

Cloaked in invisibility, George glided through the cave-like dungeon like a ghostly apparition. The enchanted cloak enveloped him in an ethereal aura, rendering him impervious to the prying eyes that might lurk in the shadows. In a secluded corner, he spotted a lone goblin, and with trepidation, he slowly extended his hand toward the creature. As his hand gained enough distance, the goblin vanished in the blink of an eye, and teleported into the inventory. The intensity of the moment left George trembling, but a sense of triumph washed over him as he realized the potential of this newfound ability.

Minutes later, George returned to his inventory to check on the goblin he had just captured. "Yo, is he good?" he asked, seeking confirmation from Gobly III.

"It seems so," Gobly III responded. The new goblin, whose name is unkown, communicated in an unfamiliar language, which Gobly III promptly interpreted "he said he's name is Gabso a commoner"

Undeterred by the mysterious language barrier, George continued his mission, deftly capturing one savage and four sane goblins. Consist of One formidable goblin emerged as a seasoned soldier, battle-hardened and ready to fight. The others, simple commoners, possessed potential that George saw as invaluable to his team. Each encounter tested his resolve, but he was determined to assemble the best team possible to face the challenges ahead.

The dungeon's atmosphere grew more intense as George approached the colossal arch. Shadows danced and swirled around its edges, giving it an almost ethereal quality. The air crackled with anticipation, and the weight of the upcoming confrontation settled heavily on George's shoulders. This was the moment he had been preparing for – the ultimate test that would determine the extent of his abilities and the fruits of his endeavors.

As he stepped closer, the arch seemed to expand, as if reaching out to draw him into its enigmatic depths. The subtle hum of magic filled the air, and George could feel the pulsating energy emanating from the arch. The invisibility cloak clung to him like a reassuring friend, offering a sense of protection and confidence amidst the uncertainty.

With a deep breath, George Summoned every ounce of courage, George stepped into the boss's room. The ultimate test of his abilities awaited within, and he felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

As the final bend of the arch unfolded, he stood before the colossal creature, unwavering in his purpose. This was not just a game, but a test of his courage, intelligence, and camaraderie. The cloak's faint aura served as a beacon of hope, reminding him that he was capable of greatness.

George took a picture of the fearsome boss monster and quickly stored it in his inventory for the goblin team to strategize. "Are you guys ready?" he asked Gobly III and the others, presenting the image of the minotaur. "Can you fight it?"

"I think we can manage," Gobly III declared confidently, his dagger at the ready. The other five goblins nodded in unison, their determination unwavering

With mutual understanding, they embarked on their quest. George, trembling but resolute, slowly approached the towering minotaur while wearing the invisibility cloak. His hands shook with nervousness, but he pressed forward, determined to fulfill his goal. As he reached the creature, he summoned all his courage and successfully teleported the minotaur into his inventory.

With the minotaur safely tucked away in his inventory, George couldn't help but let out a breath of relief. The daring feat of teleporting such a fearsome creature had been no small task, and the invisibility cloak had proved invaluable in his success. As the adrenaline subsided, a feeling of overwhelming triumph washed over him.

Eager to see the fruits of his efforts, George turned his attention to the colossal chest that loomed before him. The anticipation in the air was palpable as he slowly opened the massive container. To his surprise, what he found inside was a seemingly unassuming hammer, yet its aura held an undeniable air of power.

"[Hephaestus Hammer (uncommon)]," George murmured, examining the engravings on the small but formidable weapon. Though modest in appearance, it held the potential to be a game-changer in his adventures. The uncommon ranking hinted at its rarity, and he knew that such items often held unique attributes.

In the grand tapestry of this otherworldly realm, the rankings of items held profound significance. Among them, the [Hephaestus Hammer (uncommon)] held a unique allure, residing just above the common and below the rare. Uncommon items, as George had come to understand, were elusive treasures that could not be easily replicated. Their rarity was governed by chance, and their true potential remained shrouded in mystery.

The small hammer, though seemingly unremarkable in its attack power, radiated an aura of hidden potential. Its base attack stood at a modest [20], yet its true strength lay in the unparalleled benefits it offered. [+50% speed in production] and [+50% production quality]. George marveled at these enchanting attributes, realizing that the hammer had the power to enhance any material made using it, allowing for greater yields and superior outcomes.

The enigmatic nature of the uncommon ranking intrigued George. He gingerly grasped the handle, feeling an inexplicable connection to the hammer. As he did, a surge of energy coursed through him, and he knew that this artifact held untold potential. "This is incredible," George said with awe, a glimmer of excitement igniting in his eyes.