
I Can Only Use Inventory. So, I'll Create a kingdom

In a world where game-like functions come to life and popup systems emerge, George harnesses only the inventory function to build a kingdom from scratch.

ReadingSavage · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 - Goblin tinker

Fast forward to when George found himself back at his house, the weight of his recent encounter with the goblin still lingering in his mind. He sat in contemplation, trying to make sense of the extraordinary situation he had stumbled upon. His mind was ablaze with questions, and he knew he needed answers.

With a determined glint in his eyes, George opened his laptop and began scouring the internet for any information that could shed light on his newfound ability. As he delved deeper into the virtual world of knowledge, he found no records or accounts of anyone being able to place living beings inside an inventory. It was as if he had stumbled upon an uncharted territory, a realm of possibilities that had yet to be explored.

A grin spread across his face, a mix of excitement and curiosity coursing through him. "Am I the first to do this?" he mused aloud, feeling a rush of exhilaration at the prospect of being a pioneer in this enigmatic realm. "Maybe I can use this to my advantage."

His mind raced with ideas, and with a sudden realization, George contemplated another daring notion. "Can I also put myself in my inventory?" he wondered aloud. However, he knew that such a venture required preparation and caution.

Determined to be ready for whatever lay ahead, George set out on a mission to acquire the necessary equipment and weapons to face the challenges of the virtual realm. He researched ways to deal with goblins, scoured forums for tips on combat strategies, and sought out the most reliable vendors for his armament.

In no time, George transformed into a formidable figure. He donned a motor helmet for protection, his armor crafted from books—a symbolic nod to the knowledge he was gaining on this thrilling journey. In his hand, he wielded a medieval-like longsword, a Claymore of sorts, an extension of his determination to take on whatever lay in the depths of his inventory.

With his preparation complete, George felt a mixture of nervousness and excitement as he stood before the inventory window. He took a deep breath, touched himself, and focused on the slot where he intended to enter—an unexplored realm within his inventory.

As he clicked on the slot, George was transported to a realm of wonder. The ground beneath him disappeared, replaced by an endless expanse of sky blue. He felt a thrilling sense of liberation as he walked on the invisible floor.

To his surprise, a goblin stood before him, wearing ragged clothes yet carrying itself with a posture and demeanor that spoke of nobility. George couldn't help but marvel at the creature's unexpected character.

"Greetings," the goblin spoke, its voice tinged with an air of unexpected civility.

"Yeah, hi..." George's astonishment was palpable. "Pardon me, but I seem to have been lost. Might I humbly inquire as to where this is from?" The goblin responded with an air of innocence, clueless about its whereabouts.

With trepidation, George recounted the bewildering sequence of events. "So, you're telling me that I've been a savage, indiscriminately attacking humans in a cave, and as i was attacking you trap me in spatial storage that was bestowed upon you?"

"yeah, that's the gist of it" George replied with a hint of sarcasm, coming to terms with the extraordinary situation. "Forgive me for asking, but what exactly are you?" he inquired, genuinely curious about the peculiar creature before him.

"Oh, pardon my manners!" the goblin exclaimed, visibly ashamed of its actions. "I am Gobly III, second in line for a baron county. I am a humble tinkerer, well, I used to be, possessing a workshop of my own until this curious twist of fate."

"Tinkerer?" George echoed, trying to grasp the meaning behind the title. "is it like a repair shop or something?"

"Perhaps you could say so, but it leans more towards the inventive side," the goblin clarified.

George couldn't help but marvel at the surreal conversation unfolding. "I can't believe I'm talking to a talking goblin," he muttered to himself, contemplating the astonishing turn of events.

"you know what, it's kinda boring out here" George remarked. "I think I'll take you out."

The goblin expressed gratitude for the opportunity, and with a sense of curiosity mingled with anxiety, George decided to release the creature from his inventory. As he clicked the drop button, the goblin materialized before him. But to George's horror, the once noble demeanor of the goblin had transformed into that of a savage, lunging at him with a sinister intent.

In a desperate panic, George swiftly activated the inventory function once more, pulling the goblin back into the safety of the virtual realm. His heart pounded in his chest as he tried to make sense of the sudden shift in the creature's temperament.

"what the hell..." George murmured, catching his breath.

As George steadied his mentality, he once again accessed his inventory, only to find the goblin before him once more, donning the regal demeanor he had displayed earlier. Frustration etched onto George's face, he exclaimed, "What the hell, man!" The goblin tinkerer stared back, perplexed by the sudden change in George's mood. "I don't know what you mean. I was just standing here, waiting for you to release me."

George couldn't comprehend the bizarre behavior exhibited by the goblin. But he remained composed and proceeded to explain the situation.

"Oh... it seems taking me out is prohibited. Alas, I'll live here forever..." the goblin admitted with a sense of resignation.

"I guess..." George responded, feeling a twinge of sympathy for the creature's plight.

Undeterred by the predicament, the goblin tinkerer offered a glimmer of hope. "I do have a request, however," the goblin continued with a touch of formality. "Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that my request may prove mutually beneficial to both of us."

"Sure, if I can do it," George replied, intrigued by the prospect of a potential solution.

With eagerness, the goblin tinkerer proceeded to share his ingenious idea. George's eyes lit up with excitement. "Woah, that might actually work," he exclaimed, impressed by the goblin's ingenuity.

"But how does that benefit you, though?" he inquired, genuinely puzzled by the goblin's proposal.

The goblin, with an air of nonchalance, responded, "Like you said, this realm is kinda boring." It seemed that the goblin's curiosity and desire for novelty were driving this unusual collaboration.

Amidst the lush embrace of the forest, George found himself standing near a magnificent waterfall. Its waters rushed with an intensity that seemed to mirror the boundless spirit. Slowly, George extended his hand towards the falls, a glimmer of determination in his eyes. As his hand stilled, a miraculous transformation occurred—the once roaring cascade vanished, leaving behind a sense of wonderment that engulfed him.

A jubilant grin adorned George's face as he reveled in the success of his newfound ability. He felt a surge of pride at having achieved something truly extraordinary. Yet, as quickly as his elation arose, George dematerialized into thin air, leaving behind the echo of his jubilant laughter.

"Yo, it worked!" George's voice echoed through the realm, filled with excitement and amazement.

"It seems it did," the goblin tinkerer replied, his noble demeanor reflecting a sense of approval. "And the waters are flowing too, despite being frozen within a box-like structure," he mused, clearly intrigued by the magical display before them. "Fascinating! This defies the laws of physics," the goblin marveled, his inquisitive mind captivated by the enigmatic phenomenon.

With a hint of nostalgia in his voice, George drew a connection between their enchanting discovery and a world familiar to him. "This reminds me of Minecraft," he shared, momentarily forgetting that the goblin might not understand the reference.

"Minecraft?" the goblin inquired, genuinely puzzled by the unfamiliar term.

"Nevermind," he replied, recognizing that not everyone shared his experiences in the realm of gaming.