
I Can Level Up By Staying Idle

# highmartialartsworld Initially, Lin Mo intended to become stronger through cultivating diligently. However, he discovered that staying idle was more comfortable. Most importantly, he could level up by doing nothing! Since he could achieve his goals by lying idle, why would he trouble himself to stand and work? Lin Mo transmigrated to a martial arts world and realized that he had no talent in cultivating at all. Fortunately, he awakened the Idle Upgrade System. He could become stronger by staying away from the rat race and enjoying life. Lin Mo lamented, “It’s not that I don’t want to work hard, but truly, there is no opportunity for me to do so.” As such, the most bizarre Martial Arts Saint in human history was born.

Kings Don't Steal · Khoa huyễn
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It's not easy to be a dog!

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

The Red Dragon clearly knew his limits and knew that he was no match for Lin Mo no matter what. Therefore, as soon as he stepped onto the arena, he directly made his request—don't hit his face!

"Not in the face?"

Lin Mo sneered and leaned forward. He slapped the Red Dragon out of the arena. "You're talking to me in such an arrogant manner. Are you looking for a beating? And you think you can ask me to not to slap your face?"

Was this the attitude one should have when making requests?

Your face is what Brother Mo is going after!

"Next!" Lin Mo stood proudly in the arena with his hands behind his back, waiting for his next opponent to come up and get beaten up.

Gao Haoran quickly collected Red Dragon's ten time cards and arranged for contestant number two to enter the arena.

… .

One opponent after another stepped onto the arena.