
I Can Create Perfect Accidents.

John, who had been framed and wrongly imprisoned, was finally released. His five-year jail time had fostered his hatred toward the son of the Waters Conglomerate, Niel. However, John, who had no connections, could not do anything about it. When he had almost lost all hope while accompanying his girlfriend who was in a vegetative state thanks to Niel, he suddenly realized that there was a search bar right before his eyes! This search bar was just like the search bar in Google Chrome! After a long silence, John tried to type a line into the search bar. "How to accomplish a perfect crime without leaving any mishaps that will cause the death of Neil Waters?" Immediately after that, a line of words appeared on the search bar: "On March 19, 2021, at 3:29:19 PM, on the trash can at the intersection of Louis Street, place a Lincoln brand pencil that is 3.5 cm in length, with a 1 cm³ base area, and weighs 2.8 g. There will be a series of accidents that will result in Neil's death in a car accident!"

Comfortably Trippy · Thành thị
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131 Chs

First Realization

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

11.35 AM.

The sun shone brightly in the sky.

Owain City District.

It had been more than an hour since the "accident" happened to the vice president of the Owain Chamber of Commerce.

For ordinary people and even some of the famous people of the ordinary upper-class society, in the circle that they couldn't see, there were already undercurrents flowing and arrows were drawn.

It was like the calm pressure before a storm.

It made the people who could know of this feel a sense of suffocation and trembling!

This time, the sky in Owain City might change!

On the other side.

For the tens of millions of ordinary people living in this top international metropolis, today was just a normal day.

Under the bright and beautiful sunlight, there was a comfortable breeze.

It made many people feel happy.

At the nearest large-scale mall from the intersection of the Jiangning Expressway.

Meiyi department store.