

There was another 15 minutes remaining of Vin's free time between classes. Vin decided to spend 10 minutes wandering the building made specifically for what could be considered a club. He had noticed the attire of the people there being extremely weird, some had the area around their heart uncovered. Others had spikes across various parts making it seem as if when someone bumped into him they would turn into a tattered cloth.

There was an unique attribute about a handful of the older students. Some had a demonic attribute to their name, most common was a horn. Some opted for a tail, though many didn't for obvious reasons. One even had wings as they brought foul smelling materials to someone across the building, no one else seemed to notice this.

One of his upperclassmen who had two horns and red skin along his right hand had gave him a bit of advice, "If you ever consider joining us, make sure you train your will and mind first. Otherwise have enough money to pay for the Heavenly Scriptures group over there to purify your mind!"

Once he began to run out of time he dragged himself to the next class, with haste obviously running across the entire domain because walking would cause him to be late. He started walking once he neared the doors and saw other's also panting… as well as older students calmly entering the Sero Building, named after the person to solely fund the domain to get it started.

Nothing exciting happened nor did Vin cause any events… as how could he in history. The entire class for the day was essentially a recap of the war between the Humans and the Astrakls. A race from another planet who attempted to invade but was instead heavily overwhelmed, all their attempts failing. Their techniques, skills, and items left their planet for good. The Astrakl's faced total annihilation, wiped clean from the stars.

The war ended in less then 8 years, the exact time frame it took was lost through the sands of time. As this war happened over 10000 years ago. Even through the times, the skills from the other planet are still highly valued.

Over the next few thousands of years after the war, many conflicts would arise in which the humans would be required to fight off the mass enemies they made. Until one day an event happened where many civilizations across several planets were wiped of most of their people above Tier 4. Leading to a period of rising back to their former powers, that has yet to be completed.

The recap was very brief compared to the classes where they had to take that had entire test on when they were younger. But it was enough to get their minds to recall the information. The next class up was their class mostly based on adventuring, Gate Diving, however, currently they were cooped up in a room learning about gates.

The information had to be summarized by each individual student as the teacher spoke with a holographic presentation powered by his energy behind him.

Instead of taking from Vin's empty sheet that had nothing on it because he relies purely on memory, Draco had written 'To scan the type of beast in a gate, a person can release a sliver of their energy to check it. Newly created gates will emit an elegant silver energy except in specific scenarios. An artificial gate will have minimal energy amount in most cases. Making gates without a license and an authorized location to specifically create it is illegal unless it's outside city limits in the middle of nowhere. If it is artificial contact the authorities, if it is naturally make come back with stronger individuals.'

That class was also concluded uneventfully, lunch passed without any trouble as well. Normally by now Vin would have caused at least a shenanigan, but this time, hours passed by with nothing happening.

The next two classes, Fist to Fist Practice and Creation Practice passed without anything happening. The former was pretty obvious why nothing happened, Vin's talent in Fist to Fist fighting wasn't as exaggerated as his magic handling. In the latter they simply were taught what the five major creation professions are and collecting a list of who wanted to try what. Blacksmithing, Formation Creator, Alchemist, Enchanter, and Tailor. Vin of course chose Blacksmithing, Formation Creator, and Enchanter. Choosing three wasn't so surprising as you didn't have to learn all three, just testing them. Some even chose to try 5!

The final class was a skill creation class, each student was required to download an app that gave students a database of items that can improve the chances of successfully making skills of certain qualities. The app also held techniques on how to the make skills in the first place. Specifically methods to change the type of skill and even the way it's manifested.

Of course the class had to be done outside as the skills they made could damage other students or even the room if it was done inside a building. A simple, green landscape was where they practiced. A ban was in place for using skills you already knew, only new skills were allowed to be made.

Armed with new methods Vin, learned that it was possible to connect a skill's source to an item and have the item conduct the skill's energy when activated. Also known as the weakest method to enchant weapons, combining a summoned skill core and a real core, then using a binding agent with

the new combination on the tool. The part where people often fail is creating a skill core, as it drains soul energy and because of that adding too little or too much makes it weaker. Then at that there is no real indication if you used enough or didn't use enough.

When trying it once, Vin found his soul energy to many times that of his classmates, he automatically correlated it to the system as his innate talent had no connection to the soul as far as he knew. Hopeful, the lad thought that he would figure it out eventually in the near future.

Regardless of that, Vin created three more skills and enchanted a stick straight off the tree with demonic based skill core he made. The skill core complimented by a demon core that Vin used as a base.

The skill core was enhanced by a demon core it used as a base to be created. Generously the class provided all types of cores for people to use and binding agents.

The bing agent Vin chose was a material with a weird name but great effect for low level items, Pixie Isbofluent Dust. Vin sparkled it onto the stick and liquified the core into the stick. That just about how this would go with any tool. Vin sold the item to the school as it's effects weren't that bad, it could be used as an incentive for a new student to join the Demon Summoning group. Instead of receiving money, which this kid had plenty of, he receive 'Golden Points.'

With enough time and effort, the accumulated points could be used to redeem unparalleled items, skills, martial arts, and if you had enough get an experienced mentor to teach you.

Though the points he received was only 1, a negligible amount that couldn't pay even a thousandth of the price of the cheapest item. This wasn't important as it was long term benefit it would provide, getting thousands of these points.

With that routine, other than the Gate Diving class in which they did mock battles against beat they would find in the gates they would be exploring, the three days passed quickly and the competition was infinitely close to beginning.

The pacing of many students in their rooms reverberated with anxiety. An arrogant demeanor floated around those who believed they were fated to win. And excitement bubbled in those who joined for fun.

Amidst the beginning of opportunity, Vin told himself softly with a strong resolve and the image of four people together,ready for a photo, in his head as he woke up with tears streaming down his face, "No matter what I have to win. Those bastard hunters have to pay…"

i’ve been busy, i wrote this chapter a while ago but kept getting interrupted while editing.

DeadpanDemecreators' thoughts