
I Can Build Anything

In this story, we will journey with Shura Roosevelt as he brought about the period of rapid industrialization and tech advancement that transformed society and paved way for modern civilization.Though Shura Roosevelt had the system to help him, other kingdoms in his world will not allow him to easily move forward and advance, Those leaders will try to take the invented tech for themselves and kill him.Join me and let's read together. - Vote for more chapters. -

undisputed_shame · Khác
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60 Chs

Quest completion

Quest : [ Cure the farming lands of Azuhai kingdom and introduce large scale farming while at it ]

Quest status : [ completed ]

[ Congratulations host for finishing the main quest within the allocated time ]

Quest reward : [ 200 fabrication points ]


Side Quest (i) : [ Teach the farmers about raring livestocks and land preparation. ] 

Quest status : [ completed ]

Quest reward : [ 100 fabrication points ]


Side Quest (ii) : [ Teach the people of Azuhai kingdom the universal language and simple mathematics. ]

Quest status : [ completed ]

Quest reward ; [ 100 fabrication points ]

[ Congratulations host for finishing all the missions on time. ]

A series of notifications appeared in front of Shura Roosevelt's eyes while he was still hammering a mold board in the blacksmithing guild. 

Actually, Shura Roosevelt thought that he was going to fail the mission because until this time, the supply of the farming tools had not satiated the demand. However, he had only remained with two days until the time limit for the quest reached an end. 

Shura Roosevelt could not complain much because he was the one who wanted power so he could not harass the blacksmiths because he could also feel the difficulty of this occupation. He could only blame himself. That was until today in the morning when he was still making the parts of the plough, several notifications popped in front of him. Shura Roosevelt was delighted as he heaved a sigh before swallowing. He had just been rescued by a thin thread.

It seemed that he didn't have to satiate everyone to make his missions to achieve a complete status, what he would need to do was simply to satiate a certain hapful group and then his mission would be completed or it seemed that the tools that he had already handed out were enough to plant more food that would satisfy his people, that was why the system marked the mission as completed.

Take the main mission of curing the lands of Azuhai kingdom while introducing large scale farming. Truthfully, large scale farming could only be possible with tools such as the plough because the plough was able to cultivate an expansive land while saving manpower, cost of ploughing and time.

The few farmers that were lucky to get this tool could plant crops that were enough to feed their families and also have a surplus to sell to the other people, that was how great this plough was.

It was not only the plough which was a success, but also other tools like the hoe, unlike in the past where by the hoe was not yet invented, the farmers used sticks and weapons to plough their farms but with the necessary tools available, they could now plant on an expansive land as opposed to the way they used to.

As for teaching the people of Azuhai kingdom the universal language and simple mathematics, not many people were successful in understanding this because many of them were ignorant and skeptical of themselves because to them, only the nobles were the ones who could receive education, they on the other hand were not meant for this as they only believed in simple stuffs like hunting, raring livestocks, farming, gathering, dancing, celebrating and the like.

Cateline Brisbois only managed to get not more than a thousand individuals in the whole kingdom who took her lessons seriously.

But this small successful figure was enough for the system to mark this mission as completed. The people of Azuhai kingdom would not be that easy to accept the change as only a few were ready for this change, it takes time anyway.

"Sir Ashish, is there another mission?" Shura Roosevelt asked calmly. Since the first missions were over, he didn't need to remain in the blacksmithing guild anylonger and thus, he could do something else.

The experienced blacksmiths had already known how to make the wheelbarrows and the ploughs, so they could continue manufacturing them without his supervision.

"Missions are always present, I am happy with the host's enthusiasm." As Ashish said that, a panel appeared in front of Shura Roosevelt.