
I Can't Stay Away

Scarlet and her friends springbreak vacation takes a menacing turn when they are kidnapped. It later leads to mysterious, rough and unforgettable romantic journey between her and the captor when they are reunited.

Kimberly_Rambaran · Thanh xuân
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11 Chs

Chapter 8- Day 2

I wake up feeling so hungry and thirsty like I hadn't eaten in days which I didn't. There's dried blood on my skin along with dirt that's been there for days. I feel disgusting and would do anything to take a shower or at least feel some water on my skin.

When is he gonna bring us food or water?

I think I need water more than food right now.

I feel exhausted yet I didn't do anything in the last three days all I did was sit here but I'm so tired I feel like I had been on a hamster wheel for days not stopping not even for a sip of water.

I look around and everyone is looking groggy and hungry like I am. They are all sitting up with their heads against the wall like I am.

''When do you guys think he's gonna bring us some water?'' I ask.

''I need food more than water'' Nathan says.

''I'll take anyone'' Gia responds.

''What time is it?'' I ask Cole since he's the only one that has a watch.

''Almost 4 in the morning'' he wearily responds and I tilt my head back.

I'm so hungry, thirsty, worn out, dirty, bored and angry.

The day seems to be going so much slower as usual. I begin to wonder if my parents suspect anything since I haven't called them in days and I said I would every day.

Do they suspect anything?

Are they worried?

Are they coming to look for me?

In my boredom here I begin to think where are we? I know we're in here but where.

Are we still in Arizona?

Are we close to the cabin?

Are we far from the cabin?

Where are we?

How far did he take us?

Just then I remember something, the first day when we arrived at the cabin I wasn't getting any signal and I had to walk out far by the lake to get some to call my parents to let them know I arrived safely and in the distance I saw a tiny light and it looked like it was from a house or something but it seemed really far that the light was barely visible. Is that where we are?

I also remember hearing a really loud bang and I felt like we weren't alone and something was coming and something was and did come. It was him. Also the bang is his signal to let us know that he's coming so that bang that I heard was a signal that he was coming I just didn't know about it.

''I knew we shouldn't have come here'' I say in my head but apparently I say it out loud since everyone's looking at me.

''Well then you should've said something''

''I did and you guys said to relax and have fun remember especially Nathan''

''Because it's always your paranoia especially when you forget to take your pills'' Nathan says.

''I did take my pills that day and it wasn't my paranoia maybe if you would've believed me we wouldn't be here right now!''

''Don't blame me for all of this it's Gia's fault , she's the one who really wanted to come here and who set everything up''

''It's not mine either, you were the one who told me how badly you wanted you and Scarlette to come here so that she would get over her paranoia!'' Gia shouts.

''I'm sick of you talking about my paranoia and not believing-'' I stop in the midst of sentence as I hear a thundering bang coming from outside.

He's coming.

About a minute later he opens the door and steps in, he stands by the entrance for a while looking all frightening and creepy as hell in that mask that looks like it's made from animal skin or something. He then looks at us for a moment then tilts his head to the side in a petrifying way that makes the hair on my skin raise.

He has a bucket in his hand, a large one that looks so heavy but he lifts it like nothing. He brings it in the room and puts it in the middle of all of us. I start to become nervous and scared as I remembered what he forced Steven and Diana to do to each other when he brought in a bucket. Oh god, I hope he doesn't do that to us. He then turns around and walks towards the door, I remember what Gia said about his ass and out of nowhere my eyes move there and I gotta admit his ass does look good, so firm.

What the hell is wrong with me!

I bend my head down and stop looking there, I hear the door close the latch shut from the outside.

''What's in the bucket?'' Joven asks.

''Nathan look'' I say.

''Cole you look'' Nathan says.

''Seriously you guys are acting like a scared chihuahua'' Gia says and I laugh.

''Yeah for real''

''Oh come on you see him for all we know that bucket could have a deadly scorpion waiting to eat us alive or some dead thing'' Cole says and we laugh at them.

''And Nathan told me just last week that he isn't afraid of anything especially when it's harming me'' I look at Nathan and remind him of what he told me a few times.

''Yeah but we aren't in that situation right now'' he replies.

''Yeah we are, look in the bucket'' I tell him.

He timidly and slowly moves to the bucket and takes the lid off with one eye open and the other closed. He slowly takes off the lid from the bucket and looks relieved.

''It's water'' he says and my eyes light up.

''Like drinking water?'' I desperately ask.

''Yeah I think so, it looks clean'' he says.

''Give me some!'' I demand really loud.

''Wait you guys this is all the water we have for all of us for however long because we don't know if he's gonna bring more'' Joven says and it's true.

''Okay then we all should each get a handful like twice a day'' I suggest and we all agree.

Nathan first takes the bucket closer to him and takes a handful of water from the bucket to his mouth then Cole then Gia and the bucket of water comes my way.

I immediately take a handful of water and bring it to my mouth. I relish the taste of it and felt like I haven't drank water in a long time and I immediately feel better as the water goes down my throat.

I pass the bucket to Joven and he takes a handful then moves the bucket away from him a little to the side.

I'm thankful we got some water to drink, I hope that he brings some food as well.

We all just sit there for the rest of the day awaiting activity 2. Time stands still down here, every minute that goes by feels like an exhausting day that just passed when really it was just a minute or two.

My thirst isn't so bad anymore but I'm hungry, really hungry. When will he give us something to eat?

I sit with my head against the wall until I hear a thunderous bang that makes me jump with fright, the bang came from outside the room.

He's coming.

We all remain silent and look at the front door as we await for our captor. In like about a minute I hear the latch on the outside turn then the front door opens. He slowly walks in dressed in his usual attire. He's holding a bucket in his hand and stops a little way in the room then empties the bucket and I watch as large ants run out from the bucket. I back up the farthest I can against the wall and our captor leaves the room and shuts the door on his way out. There are thousands of ants that look like they could eat us all alive.

The ants crawl to us and I know that they can eat us all alive. I crouch in the corner but the more I crouch and back up the more the ants walk to me. They are all over the room, the room is infested with these large ants.

How do we get rid of them?

My eyes move from the ants coming our way to the bucket with water. We can throw the water on them but that's our water, it's the only water we'll have for however along for all of us until he brings more and we don't even know if he will but if we don't throw it ants will swarm our bodies.

The bucket of water is closest to Joven and the ants have not reached that far yet.

''Joven throw the water on the ants''

''No we can't that's all the water we have'' Gia says.

''I know but it's either we keep the water and get infested with ants or we throw it by the door so they go through the small crease of the door''

''Joven empty the water towards the door so the ants will go through the crease underneath the door and drown in the water out there'' I tell him and he nods.

He gets up and empties the bucket onto the ground, I watch as the water quickly spreads from where we are to the door then passes through the crease of the door taking all the ants with it.

I let out a great sigh of relief as the ants are submerged underwater and are outside the door. I remember that today is day 2 and today was insect infestation. That was it. I think it's over. Please let day 2 be over. I forgot what's day 3 or day 4, we'll have to recheck the list of activites.

I made it through two days but we have 5 more to do and both Steven and Diana told us that as the days go by the activities become more gruesome and frightening so this is just the start and just as I think about that I feel like crying. Will I be able to make it through the rest of days?