
I Can't Stay Away

Scarlet and her friends springbreak vacation takes a menacing turn when they are kidnapped. It later leads to mysterious, rough and unforgettable romantic journey between her and the captor when they are reunited.

Kimberly_Rambaran · Thanh xuân
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11 Chs

Chapter 3- Gas Station

We've been driving for about two hours now and we should be near the gas station soon according to the directions. There isn't anything around here, it's just a narrow road surrounded by huge trees. We are the only ones driving here and Gia is at the front giving Joven the directions while Nathan and I are back here with Cole.

''Are you guys sure we're going the right place? it isn't even on the GPS'' Nathan says as he tries finding the place on the GPS.

''Yeah, that's what the man on the phone told me'' Gia responds.

''Why isn't it on the GPS?'' I ask Nathan.

''I don't know'' he responds.

''How much further-'' Joven gets cut off.

''There it is!'' Gia shouts and Joven stops the van in front of it.

We pull up in front of an old gas station, that looks like it has been abandoned for years now, there are two gas pumps covered with rust and dirt with grass growing all over them and look as if they haven't been used in at least 10 years. The gas pumps stand in front of an old shack with half broken signs that are barely understandable. I understand one of them and they say 'Texaco'. There is grass growing up by the pumps and there is a sign that says closed. This place looks like it's up to something and I can feel it for some reason. Why would there be a gas station in the middle of nowhere hidden away like this? No one even looks like they come here.

''Are you guys sure this is where we're supposed to meet the person?'' Cole asks.

''Yeah that's what he said on the phone'' Joven says.

We all get out and stand in front of the shack.

''The sign says closed' 'Cole says and just as he says that the old wooden door opens revealing an old thin man. He doesn't look that old, he looks like he's in his forties or fifties at most but he walks really slow. He's wearing a red shirt with white t-shirt on the inside along with jeans and boots.

His eyes are puffy and he has a lean body and his mouth forms a straight line then a frown. His skin is pale and some wrinkles are visible making him look older.

He has this evil suspicious look on his face that makes me really think again about this place.

We all stare at the man unsure what to do or to say. He approaches us and looks at us up and down examining us like a police officer does with criminals. His eyes frighten me and I back away as he walks closer to us.

''Are you the man we spoke too on the phone?'' I ask and instead of answering he spits some liquid from his mouth onto the ground making me look the other way in disgust.

''The place is just up the road keep driving past the lake then make a left and drive in until you see it'' he speaks then he coughs.

''What does it look like?'' Nathan asks.

''You won't miss it'' the man replies and Joven opens his mouth to say something but the man interrupts.

''The list of activities will be there when you arrive'' he continues and his voice is raspy and hoarse.

''Are there a lot of people there?'' I ask.

''You will see when you get there'' the man replies and throws a cigar on the ground, he stomps his foot on the cigar that startles me causing me to jump a bit and hold Nathan's arm.

The man walks back into the shack and leaves us out here. We walk back into the van and Joven starts driving and for some reason I can't stop looking at that shack wondering what's in there. The old stop bar goes up allowing us to pass and I turn around from my seat staring at the gas station as we drive off and just as I'm about to turn back around the man opens the door slightly and watches us as we drive off.

We follow the man's directions and keep driving, we past a huge lake and make a left like he told us too. I don't see a hotel or any building nearby though. There isn't any sign or anything nearby and it doesn't look like anyone is even here at least not for 20 miles.

I finally glimpse a small wooden house, more like a cabin that's kinda hidden away, it's dark and concealed as if it's kept top secret. It's small and there is a dirt path leading to it. Joven parks the van right in front of the cabin and we all just stay inside for a while staring at the creepy looking thing.

''I thought it was a resort'' Nathan says.

''This can't be it'' I say

''I thought it was a hotel or something'' Nathan says and we all look at each other in confusion.

''Well it has to be this because this is where the man said it was'' Gia says.

''Let's just go see inside'' Joven says.

Cole opens the door steps outside the van first followed by Nathan and everyone else but me, I'm the last to leave the van. I take my first step out of the van then I walk a bit forward, as soon as my feet touch the ground I feel a sense of uncertainity that overrides my body. I ignore it because ever since what had happened to me in Connecticut I always feel uncertain about everything and everyone so maybe it's just me, I need to ignore it and have fun, I can't hold onto this fear forever.

''Come on guys'' Gia says.

We all walk up to the cabin and each one of us look at each other before we decide to open the door. Cole puts his hand on the doorknob and turns it then pushes it. I take a huge gulp and hold Nathan's hand as the door opens. The room is dark and we can't see anything. Cole finds a light switch and immediately flips it letting light in the room. We see a living room which doesn't look too bad, it looks kind of homely, it's small with a fireplace to the front and a couch. There is a tv and a statue of a bear to the corner which looks scary. The floor is made of a better wood than the outer structure of the cabin and the kitchen is to the left.

''Hey it doesn't look too bad in here'' Cole says and I agree.

I actually thought it would've been more creepy looking as it looks on the outside but I isn't so bad.

''Yeah we can have a lot of fun here'' Nathan comments.

We all walk inside and go on to explore the rest of the cabin. Nathan and I stay together and look at the rooms. We open a door and it reveals a small room, there is a bed, a dresser and a mirror and they are all brown in colour. I also notice a small table and chair in the left corner. The room is nice, it has a countryside setting and looks like it was just ripped out from the 1930s but it's not too bad. Nathan and I both decide to take this room. We walk back out to the living room and notice the others already by the van taking out their bags.

Nathan takes out his things and I take out mine. The big bag is really heavy that I struggle to carry it in first. I decide to carry it in first then I'll come back out for the smaller one. I place the big bag in our room then make my way back outside to get the smaller one. As I'm getting my bag out of the trunk I hear a noise like a stone hits the ground or something. I immediately turn around to see what it is but I don't see anything. I take my bag out, close the trunk then head back inside.

All of us settle into our room for a while then head back out to the living room. It's now after 4 and I realize I should call my parents and let them know I'm here and we arrived safely.

''Scarlette come on we're gonna have a party in the living room'' Nathan calls me.

''Yeah just now, let me just call my parents first'' I tell him and he walks to the living room.

I sit on the bed and start to dial the number but my phone isn't getting any signal. Oh great! Just great! How far are we that I can't even get signal? I head out to the living room and make my way to the door to head outside to find some signal.

''Scarlette where are you going?'' Joven asks. I notice everyone is around the couch and starting to drink

''I'm going outside to find some signal'' I tell them.

''Babe you want me to come with you?'' Nathan asks.

''No I'll be okay, I won't be long'' I tell him.

I walk outside and it's dark, the sun is setting much earlier here. I stand outside the cabin and look around the area, it's dirt ground and tall loft trees above me. I take a deep breath and a gust of wind hits my face and blows my hair off my back, the air smells fresh and new. This is the first time I have been alone since what happened, I can't be alone since then because it's really hard for me but luckily the pills help.

I take slow steps away from the cabin with my phone in my hand hoping to get some signal soon. I walk and walk and still no signal. Jeez what's with this place? Why can't I get a damn signal somewhere?

I walk and walk and I even reach by close to the lake and finally I get some signal.

I stand close by the lake but not too close because I'm scared of deep water. I dial the home number and call and Gabriel answers and gives to phone to my mom.

''Hey mom I was just calling to tell you that we reached safely''

''That's a relief to hear honey, thanks for calling''

''Yeah sure, I finally got some signal''

''What! You're not getting signal?'' my mom asks raising her voice.

''Not really and the place is different than what we expected''

''What do you mean?''

''It's not a hotel, it's an old cabin''

''Where is it?''

''Somewhere in Arizona''

''Where? What's the address?''

''I don't know, there isn't any address really''

'' What! Scarlette!'' my mom shouts on her end.

''It's not really so out there, it's kind of far away from everything'' I tell her.

''What? Are you guys sure it's safe there?''

''Yeah it is, I will let you know how's it going but we're safe. Nathan will protect me and I have gotta learn to let go of this fear and paranoia and just have some fun and this is how I can so don't worry mom, I'm okay''

''Okay honey I trust you but remember to pick up the phone if anything isn't going how's its supposed to''

''Thanks mom, I'll call you in the morning''

''Okay honey, I love you''

''I love you too mom'' I say and hang up.

I stare at the lake for some time and I jump as I hear a door shut. It's not from the cabin but it sounded like it was coming from in front of me. I take a few steps to the left and I glimpse a tiny light in the distance, I squint to make sure it is a light and it is but it's so far away it's barely visible but I can see it.

Just as I'm staring at that light trying to figure out what it is I hear a thunderous bang, it sounds like a hammer or something that just hit a metal door, it makes me eyes widen and my breathing becomes heavier. The noise sounds far away but it's so loud it sounds nearby and I feel like something's coming. That noise terrifies me so bad that I turn around and start running back to the cabin.

Something's out here and it sounds like it's getting closer.