

No. NO. Just no. Asahi CANNOT marry Mei. I stare at him in shock. He hasn't said anything since Mei announced the news. I see hundreds of emotions pass over his face. Anger, sadness, horror, shock, confusion. After what seems like an eternity Asahi finally speaks. "no." Mei laughs cruelly. "You don't get a say." I realise that Mei isn't as nice as she originally seemed. "This is between our families" Mei does her cruel laugh thing again. Asahi looks like he wants to murder everyone. "I cannot and will not marry you Mei" Asahi says with aggression. "Like I already mentioned, YOU DON'T GET A SAY IN THIS. YOUR OPINION IS NOT NEEDED!" Mei screams at him. "I'M ALREADY ENGAGED!" Ashai shouts shocking Mei and I and apparently himself. "to who?" Mei and I ask in unison. Asahi looks at me and moves towards me. "To my amazing assistant Ichiko of course." Mei looks at us with shock. "YOU ARE PICKING A NOBODY OVER ME? YOU ARE DEFYING YOUR FAMILY FOR A MEASLY ASSISTANT? Mei screams so loudly that I'm surprised the glass around her office didn't shatter. "Mei please calm down. I know it is not my place to offer you advice but as you are a CEO I believe you need to control your outrageous temper." I try to be as calm as possible as I really don't want to aggravate anyone any further. *SLAP* Mei's hand comes down hard on my face. I fall backwards from the impact. "YOU LITTLE INTERFERING BITCH! YOU'VE RUINED EVERYTHING! HOW DARE YOU STEAL MY FIANCEE?! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS YOU BITCH!" Mei shrieks at me. I'm still on the floor from her slapping me. She keeps kicking me and kicking me. Asahi tries to restrain her but she scratches him. "Mei please.....stop.....please" I try to beg her but she just screams insults at me. I try to crawl to the elevator but she blocks my path. I feel something heavy come down on my head and I hear Mei screeching and Asahi shouting my name. Then everything went black.....