
I Can't Die, Can I?

I was betrayed by the Demon King and returned to the past. To get revenge, I sacrificed my worthless life to save the lives of the Hero's companions. But they became obsessed with protecting my one and only life, even the Hero herself. This is the copyrighted cover art from Novelpia!

RekoMan · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

I Won't Die - Episode 15

Besia thought my body's swift recovery was due to the necklace's effect.

"That necklace isn't a scam, right? You're already walking around perfectly fine? Maybe if I wear it for just a few days I'll be able to move quickly too."

"Then do you want it?"

"...Don't joke around saying things like that."

She treated the Origin of the Stars I wore like it was my lifeline.

While to me it was just a good artifact, I don't know how this misunderstanding started...

But it was still far better than my immortality being exposed.

The Origin of the Stars was also a powerful artifact that could replace the dagger.

And when I felt enough time had passed, I told Besia,

"I'll be going back now."

"Wha, what?"

Besia was taken aback, messily eating cake.

She must have been very shocked, judging by the cream smeared all over her mouth.

"Nothing to be surprised about. This isn't even my home, it's not like I'll live here forever."

"But still, leaving already?"

It did feel a bit early.

I had only stayed here three days after all.

She probably expected me to remain at least a month.

"I have a home to return to as well. No reason to stay here long."

"You're not fully recovered though."

"I can get treatment at home, why here?"

Seeing the reluctant Besia, I chuckled and stroked her head.

Oh, reluctant. 

When did I last feel such an emotion?

"Your family must be worried like Bishop Rave."

"Ah, right."

Bringing up family made her take a step back as well.

...Of course, it was to match my schedule.

The academy's entrance exam would begin soon.

"...You said you're going to the academy?"

It seemed she had been informed since I asked the bishop for a recommendation to the academy.


"I'm going to the academy too, so let's meet again there."

"...In your condition?"

Besia bristled.

"Of course I know myself best! I'll transfer midway, so you better not fail the entrance exam."

"A midway transfer? Isn't that getting in through the bishop's connections?"

"It's not unfair connections! I'll properly take the exam and get in, got it?"

Well with her vowing that strongly...

I gave her this much warning.

"Don't overexert yourself."

"...I understand."

With divine power close to a saint's.

Her relationship with Bishop Rave.

The Origin of the Stars I had received.

Calculating it all, it would be a loss if Besia overexerted herself and got pointlessly hurt.

I said it out of that concern, but for some reason, her cheeks flushed red.

I'm not sure why.

"Ah, anyway! We'll meet again at the academy!"

"I suppose so." 

"We can go to cafes together, um? And eat delicious things too."

"If that's what you want."

And the time came.

I had rested leisurely at the church, but the time to return had arrived.

Thankfully, the bishop had reserved a teleportation magic circle for me.

It was the moment of parting.

Instead of the patient robes she usually wore, Besia came to see me off wearing proper priestly vestments, neat and tidy.

Besia Rave was by her side.

My clothes had vanished without a trace since being kidnapped, so I had to buy new ones.

Bishop Rave had taken care of that as well.

Rather fitting noble garb...

I couldn't help but be grateful for Bishop Rave's sincerity.

That much I could promise at least.

That if Besia fell into danger again, 

I would save her.

But at the same time, questions arose.

Bishop Rave still didn't emerge in my memories.

...For him to be someone I don't know among the key figures, it was one of two things.

He had died before I escaped slavery, or was demoted to far too low a status.

Either way, the worst case scenarios.

I would have to keep an eye on him for now.

Seeing my appearance at the church entrance, Besia snorted.

"Huh~ Dressing up makes you look decent." 

"Is that so?"

"See you later. Don't get dejected if you happen to fail the academy exam."

I snorted at her jest that was nothing short of a curse.

Could I even fail?

It was like a giant caught up in children's squabbles.

Bishop Rave held out the dagger.

In a sense, it was an object that should have been immediately sealed by the church, but he had kept it for me since it was my belonging. 

This too was the bishop's consideration.

"...Please only use it in emergencies."

"I will."

With that final.

Our brief parting came to an end.

Similar to the past, there was nothing around me.

But since what had been empty was filled to some degree,

it felt slightly less hollow.


Taking the teleportation magic circle, I moved to a city near Baron Britain's territory.

Since understandably no rural backwater would have a teleportation magic circle marked to it, I went to a city near there.

And I saw many familiar faces.

...I didn't expect them all to come.

It started with a bombing.

Arielle crashed into me.

"Uwah, you're okay right? You're okay right?"

"I'm fine, calm down."

"You must have been surprised, uwah!"

After her came my brother.

"Thank goodness."

Followed by a slap on my shoulder.

In the past after I disappeared, Ardell had joined the Golden Knights to desperately search for me.

The capital's guardians.

It was an important position overflowing with information, so he thought he could find me like that.

Just that one word, one action, but I knew how much he had worried and struggled to run around.

Behind him were Father and Caron.

Caron was sobbing right there.

Were women just naturally prone to tears?

At this point, it would become a fixed perception.

"Sniff, I'm so, so glad. I couldn't do anything, *sob* back then..."

"It's enough you believed I would return."

Extensive comfort wasn't needed.

For them, the greatest comfort was,

the fact I had come back.

And lastly Father.

"I'm truly grateful and sorry you came back."

"What do you have to apologize for?"

"...For being unable to do anything even knowing the perpetrators."

The opponents were the Enforcement Corps.

The hands and feet of the royalty.

Not existences an ordinary minor baron could resist.

"You did well."

Resisting would have only made things more difficult.

The family would have been trampled under overwhelming power.

"Sometimes choosing to do nothing is the better judgement."

"...You're right."

My reunion with family occurred. 

The moment I truly felt I had returned.

The thought that the emptiness was almost entirely filled.

Fear was also felt.

As all my emotions returned.

When I would come to know joy, sorrow, laughter, and pleasure once more.

The past where I had sunk into madness and killed, destroyed everything,

would become a dreadful nightmare.

So I decided to shelve it for now.

After everything was over.

Yes, after killing the Demon Lord. 

Putting a period at the end of the curse.

Of the madness that had ruled my lifetime.

That's how I'll adorn it.


Some time had passed.

The aftereffects of my revival had completely worn off and my body had returned to perfect condition.

It was when I had been utilizing various magics through the Origin of the Stars.

All that was left was the carriage departing for the academy.

"Are you truly planning to go?"

It was a brief conversation in the study.

Father was worried.

"The kingdom's situation is very precarious. With the demon army above, and within the country we don't even know what the royalty are thinking. Moreover, this is when the current hero will enroll at the academy."

A crisis within a crisis.

Attending the academy during such times could be quite dangerous.

And that was also true in reality.

After the hero enrolled and graduated, the academy had a record high death toll.

To the point it was said it would collapse the academy.

...Come to think of it, didn't casualties occur starting from the entrance exam?

But what could be done?

I had to go, to aid the hero and kill the Demon Lord.

Since it would be difficult for me alone to kill the Demon Lord.

"Still, I plan to go."

"...If that is your will, I can't stop you."

While he worried for me, it was inevitable for a noble to attend the academy.

Usually not going meant being treated as a half-baked noble.

So I had no choice but to go.

Leaving the study, as expected, Arielle had just her head peeking out.

The moment she saw me emerge, that child burst out as if a mole leaping out of the ground.

"Brother! You're not going to the academy, right?!"

"No, I'm going."

"You can't! Dad definitely promised me he wouldn't send you, he said!"

...When did Father make such a promise to her?

But his heart that couldn't bear to block his child's future probably allowed it despite that.

Of course, if he refused, I was even prepared to run away from home.

"Don't goooo...."

*Whine whine whine*...

Watching Arielle cling to me and get dragged whining, Ardell deeply sighed and told me,

"The academy's nothing much. Make good friends, do as you're told, and before you know it, everything will be over."

"Is that so?"

"Except for special places like 1st class, there's no need for a noble to risk death. You can't even get in to start with."

I involuntarily tensed inside.

I was overflowing with the desire to enter 1st class, but what meaning did danger have for me anyway?

Since I didn't die.

Aside from that, my brother gave me various advice.

Even though I was a regresser, I had never attended the academy, so I pricked up my ears.

Starting from the dorms, the factional infighting that began in adolescence. 

Political feuds were obvious since it gathered noble youths.

The tightrope walking with the academy's top brass high nobles, and various problems stemming from that like bullying.

"If you don't let yourself get pushed around too much, there's nothing you'll get bullied for. I used to worry, but you now won't have anything happen."

If I was the weak me of the past, I would have definitely been unable to do anything and only get picked on.

Or I might have torn them apart during my madness.

While I wouldn't kill now,

I wouldn't kill.

"Just take care and don't overdo it. I won't worry too much." 

"See you later."

"Yes, be sure to come home on break."

And Arielle, still tearful, griped.

"Uwah, don't goooooo."

"Anyone would think I'm going off to die."

I finally shook off Arielle clinging to me and arrived at the carriage headed for the academy.

Caron was waiting there.

While accompanying me as an exclusive maid, she couldn't enter the academy together with me.

Only students of a certain standing like high nobles and royalty could have servants.

If I passed the exam, Caron would have to return alone.

Yet Caron happily saw me off. 

"We depart."

This time as well, Caron boarded the carriage with me.

I could see Arielle cursing behind us.

"Fail the exam and come back home!"


"...I don't understand."

Seeing that, Caron couldn't stand it and burst into laughter.

I was somewhat perplexed.

What meaning was there in blocking me when I had to go anyway?

Moreover, there was no chance of me failing either.

As if reading my feelings, Caron explained as if defending Arielle.

"It's because the young miss truly cares for you, My Lord."

"We won't be apart forever."

"But you will be separated for a time."

"...I see."

I could gradually understand others' feelings.

Reaching the academy wasn't far.

The carriage rolled on.

Camping every day, tasteless meals, the days passed by similar to a hamster wheel.

Yet still the carriage moved forward. 

Dirt roads were replaced by stone, and people and carriages moving in the same direction appeared.

We also rested a day in the city and resupplied before continuing the journey. Going further, the second largest city after the capital appeared, among the cities I had seen so far.

It was the end of the journey, and the beginning of a new one. 

"...The academy."

The majestic building erected in the city center.

An educational facility that even those from other countries crossed over to attend.

A long line stood before the academy, with the on-site entrance exam registration unfolding before it.