
I call myself a hypocrite in VRMMO~

A very common boy started a VRMMO called "AllFreeOnline". He wished for hypocrisy in a free world. And the wish will come true--but that will create a big turmoil in the world. Cheat (legal), opportunism (legal), and harem (). This is the story of an ordinary person who commits (self-proclaimed) hypocrisy.

DaoistQFVZeF · Du hí
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
70 Chs

31 The Royal Capital of the Past Part 15

Due to the magic of the light system activated by Merus, the only remaining miasma is the apostle of the evil god clinging to Raven.

Although Raven desperately tried to resist, he succumbed to the power of the sun shining on his back.


"Hey hey, it's no good not to cleanly incinerate filth—'Glitter Realm Kouikikengen'."


The miasma clinging to the hall was completely extinguished, as if vaporized by the moisture and high heat.

The realm bearing the name of Glitter amplifies the power of the sun and denies its ominous power.


"Huh? Has it already broken...well, I was able to collect the miasma, so it's fine."

"Juduru■Lulu■■Lururu■… Gyugaaaaa!"

"Ah, so the initiative has just been transferred to the apostles. The half-finished language ability may be something like ignoring suitability."

Make a guess based on your own knowledge.

Raven's expression, which had been writhing in agony, changed to a face filled with hatred.

He doesn't feel pain, his clenched teeth are chipped by the force of his clenching.

He utters words that cannot be put into words and wields powers that surpass the human body.

"Oh, is there anything else I can do..."

"Judo, Budi, Adro!"

"What language is it?... Your level is not enough. Should I have raised it a little more?"

"Bujudi Va!"

The apostle who hijacked Raven attacked Merus with a scream that reminded him of the displeasure of scratching glass.

Is it because of his instinct that he wants to slaughter the life in front of him, or if Raven's will is trying to kill Merus... even that is unclear.

However, there is only one thing I can say ─ either way, the attack never reached the target.

"It looks like your body has exceeded its limit, and the limiter is broken.

"Gyaia Doebadoo──"

"Yeah, it's loud—"Kira restraint Sparkbind"!"

A dazzling glow surrounds Raven's body like a string, and a dense light binds his body together with the miasma.

He struggled to resist, but was unable to do anything as the source of his power, the miasma, was created and purified.

Merus closes his eyes and focuses his attention on the magic flowing through his own body.

"It's not a technique that can be used many times."

At a time when even a single piece of miasma could be left behind, there was no telling what would happen.

"That's why I use it, it's a bit tiring, but... Sue is here now."

Give attributes to the kneaded magical power.

A special attribute that can only be used by races connected to the dragon lineage, which no Phu Human can use.

"Sleep, Evil Gods. Sun Dragon, bathe in its breath—"Dragon's Breath Dragon Breath...Yoko Sunlight""

The most intense flash ever released from Merus' mouth.

The intense light accurately penetrated Raven's body and erased his appearance from the surrounding sight.

"'Comfort adjustment'... Oh, that's dangerous. Even if you wear sleepwear, it's a terrible temptation..."

"Then, Mels casually collapses."

At the same time, the barrier was lifted, and Sieg, who was free, immediately gave instructions to the knights.

──I couldn't let the newly born hero die here and now.

"Even if it's in nightwear and pajamas."

  ◆   □  ◆   □  ◆

"... I don't know the ceiling."

After saying the standard line, use the skill to immediately check the situation.

The place where I am is a treatment room, a healing spot where the recovery magic users of the country are waiting.

I was lying on a bed in such a place... well, combined with the fatigue, Sue must have corrupted me.

"My body feels light and I was able to sleep soundly."

"But well, it was dangerous...why did you put out an evil god at the event?"

At the very least... I can understand if the players are approaching the level of 100, or if they're extremely weakened, but I think it would be bullying to send their subordinates out in that state.

"According to Goo's analysis, that is the fallen god of this world.

"Mere mobs don't have the power to clearly recognize the existence of God."

Perhaps it was because he had raised his [Magic User] level through leveling, or because his suitability for magic tools had increased slightly, and the link with his magic weapons had become stronger.

A new and special text has been added to the page of the magic book where Gu writes down the analysis results.

"If you don't constantly replace the barrier, you will be attacked by miasma, and if you don't have a certain amount of magical power, you won't be able to attack.

A black fog that makes you want to complain about all the light attribute damage, but the power of all other attributes is reduced.

I managed to erase the miasma that appeared in the analytical barrier ─ annihilated Raven's body as well.

...I had already figured it out, but I just can't bring myself to like the act of murder.

Naturally, I hadn't prepared a plan that incorporated murder into the hypocrisy that I was aiming for in reality.

However, in a fantasy world where magic exists, if you stick to such non-killing behavior, you will never be able to achieve hypocrisy.

I've already made demon demon demi-goblins a nation, and I've already killed other demon demons that aren't... so my thoughts allow killing.

"... self-defense, it's a guilt that can't be erased by words. Well, it's scary because I'm strangely optimistic."

"I don't know why, but I'm the one who thinks it's okay."

"It's true that I'm normal, but... in such a situation... can I really call it normal?"

"──Wait, I can't help thinking about it by myself. Pay attention to Gu's thoughts."

"It ends up there."

"No matter how much I put my mind into it, what can I, who is not an expert in the brain or the psyche, understand?"

"In a sense, it's my own problem, so I feel like I can understand it best, but that's [arrogance]."

And so, I switched my thoughts.

"Because... I'm tired of thinking."

Quiet topic mob fight

I checked the log again.

"Raven's actions were clearly recorded in the log until the middle, but after the example action was taken, nothing was displayed."

"Only when he interfered with me, it was also listed in the log... but everything was "?" " and "■" were hidden.

Is it a camouflage work considering the possibility that if you put it in the log, you will be able to take a screenshot and post the information on the bulletin board?

"Either way, I have no intention of listing it, so it's a completely meaningless task...well, let's not worry about it."

"Oh, did you clear it properly?"

Meanwhile, I was finally able to find the log related to the announcement I was looking for.

"As for what it's like..."



secret quest

Past Royal Capital Defense Battle: Royal Castle Rebellion

Reward: ? ? ?

Description: By subjugating one evil god, it was decided to advance the defensive battle advantageously.

His contribution to protect all the people in the castle is a work worthy of all wishes.

Now it's time to tell you what you want


──I really want to retort, but let's break it down one by one.

It seems that being able to gain an advantage in defensive battles means that the buffs given to the opponent will be reduced.

If the power to worship the evil god decreased, all those who benefited from that power would become weaker... in other words, that's what it meant.

The second half is probably a text about defeating Raven without any casualties other than him.

If I remember correctly, the event that Ryoku and the others caused also had a system where the rewards would change depending on how much the gate was destroyed... so that's what it means.

"I hope, I hope..."

"All sorts of things are written in it."

"Of course, I think there is a limit to what the country can pay for, but... I'm not greedy enough to want eternal life."

But there was one thing I wanted to grant.

An unethical and stagnant thought born of terribly distorted egoism.

"Even so, if I could speak out, I might have had feelings of wanting to resist unreasonableness."

"It's a long-awaited title. Let's do something like that... Come to think of it, I didn't see the title."

"What a change of story."

"If there's someone watching me, they'll definitely give me a vivid remark about how much I've changed."

"If you try to develop such a title ──

-------------------------------------------------- -------

combat system

"Hidden Boss Subjugator": (Big Eater Lv3)

"Hidden Boss Subjugator Solo Bocchi": (Lv5 Big Game Eater)

"God Killer God Slayer": When hostile to the gods and their relatives, forcibly cancel the non-interference

"Evil God Killing Idol Slayer": When hostile to evil gods and their relatives, tremendous correction to ability values

first system

"Fastest S rank adventurer": While registering as an adventurer, occupation frame + 1 (if canceled, the last occupation will be frozen)

"Fastest Skill Creator": SP acquisition limit lifted

"First Hidden Boss Defeater": Increased rare drop rate when subduing hidden bosses

-------------------------------------------------- -------

"Raven is a hidden boss, and it seems that I, who killed him, was given a rare title."

The final drop rate increase, the swallowed ring is actually dropping... The appraisal result is unknown, so it's being analyzed.

"And 'Fastest Skill Creator'. That's right, that's my original skill!"

I paid 999 points for my own power.

I didn't use it this time, but it has a tremendous hidden power that I will definitely use to achieve my goals.

"But let's keep it a secret for now."

…This kind of thing feels like it will appear later than it does right away.