

GoodnessChigozirim · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

New home.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid woman! What was all that for? I should have just left you at the mercy of Javier. Now I will have to pay for the damages you've caused!" Aiden screamed at Aria inside the car.

"Well, you're rich aren't you? Soooo..." Aira said purposely dragging her eyes and smiling innocently at him, "fix it!" She added after her dramatic pause.

"Listen woman, I make the money and I decide how to spend it and if you're gonna be pulling stunts like that at my house, I will gladly take you back to Javier who will surely be excited to have you back" Aiden threatened not smiling.

Aira took one long look at him, pouting her lips like she was struggling to say something, "well am sorry but not sorry, am sorry you will have to pay for the damages I caused but am not sorry I broke that bulldog's window because he deserves worse!" Aria apologized with a sudden fierceness in her voice.

"I will try my best not to pull such a stunt like that again" , she added quietly after a short pause.

"Well you better see to it that you don't do such again because you are gonna be paying for the damages with your own salary! I will let this off as a warning" Aiden replied still not smiling.

"But..." Aria protested, "shhhh", Aiden cut her short placing his index finger to his lips.

"First off, I expect you to comply with whatever I tell you no matter what, if you have problems with my decisions as your boss then you can keep them to yourself because it doesn't matter to me what you think" Aiden continued.

"But..." Aria being persistent to say what she has to say but was cut short again by Aiden.

"No buts! I expect you to comply by just saying yes boss! Do you understand?" He asked Aria, who only pouted and folded her arms staring back at him.

"For the last time you stubborn woman! Do you understand?! Or do I have to send you back to your former boss to get you to understand?" Aiden asked sternly sounding like he meant every word he said.

Aira just stared at him not willing to break away her gaze, "yes" she replied finally breaking the deafening silence in the car.

"Yes what?!" Aiden asked cupping her face so she could look at him since she finally decided to overlook him.

Aira only stared at him not responding.

"I don't have all the patience in the world for this Fiesty! Yes what?!" Aiden screamed at her.

"Yes boss" Aira replied sounding like she just tasted something vile.

He smiled broadly for the first time since they sped off from the bar, "now that's a good girl, you weren't audible enough but not to worry, I will teach you how to respond audibly to me" Aiden whispered to her ears, finally letting go of her face.

"Am gonna have so much fun with you fiesty and only thinking about what I have in mind for you satisfies my soul deeply that you can't even begin to imagine" he continued, this time around smirking at her just to piss her off.

"All of which are activities I might not enjoy doing I presume?" Aira asked rolling her eyes at him.

He only chuckled, "you're absolutely right Fiesty" he replied her stroking her cheek with his index finger, "absolutely right", he emphasized still chuckling.

"Get your filthy hands off me!" Aria hissed smacking his hand away from her face. "Being  thatyour housekeeper doesn't mean you shouldn't have some respect for me, keep your distance and stop touching me like am your mistress!" She added glaring daggers at him.

"You're right you're not except if you want to be" Aiden replied smirking and looking at her with eyes glistening with nothing but mischief.

"Not even in your wildest drunken dreams! How dare you?! Over my dead body!", Aria screamed.

"You don't need to flare up Fiesty, you see my taste when it comes to women who am interested in certainly contrasts to what you portray, I love my women tamed and classy so take a chill pill because am not attracted to werekayotes" Aiden replied her chuckling.

"Well this werekayote is glad to know that perverts like you are not attracted to her so do yourself a favor and keep your hands away from me!" Aria replied seeing red.

She has really had enough of this rich brat, she could really feel herself losing her self control, "I might lose this damned job before I start if this keeps on happening", she thought to herself. Just as she decided not to reply anything he says and focus on not trying to rip his head off she heard Mark.

Mark who has been watching the drama between Aiden and Aira with an amused smile decided he had enough for the night. He arrived at Aiden's mansion five minutes ago but thanks to the bickering between his friend and this mystery obviously courageous lady not even one of them noticed. Just who was this lady who changed his friend into a bickering idiot within hours. He has known Aiden for years and one thing Aiden hated was talkatives but today he became one because he met a lady. Who was the naive woman?, Clearly she was naive because only naive women will foolishly exhibit the courage she was exhibiting towards his friend, Mark thought. He was pretty excited about her coming to live with them, it's been a while since they had a female worker and the house will really need the magical touch of a lady if at all miss Fiesty here is a real lady, he thought glancing at Aira again. The more reason he was excited about her presence was the way she irked his friend. His friend has been devoid of emotions for years but this lady changed that even if the only emotion she made his friend feel was anger, he still preferred this new Aiden to the former one he knew till this morning.

"This is gonna be fun" he thought with a smirk. He glanced back at them again and one look at them told him how tensed the environment was, he sighed, "We're here guys, as a matter of fact we've been here for five minutes but for some reason you both have decided not to notice anything else around you but each other" Mark said getting their attention.

Aiden rolled his eyes at Mark while Aira looked over at the mansion, she gasped at the sight of the magnificent building she aw. "You live here?!" she asked, her eyes sparkling with wonder.

"Yes we do Fiesty and now you too,  Welcome", Aiden replied getting out of the car and not sparing her a glance...

Hello everyone 🥰✨

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Forgive my grammatical errors again 🥺✨ when you see any.

One love ❤️

Happy reading 🥰❤️