
I Believe In Idols (PAUSED)

Euwan is an immortal being (guardian angel) who is in despair specially since his powers is getting weaker and being weak means being removed from the heavens (they'd be deprived of immortality) Powers of dieties or any fantasy or mythical creatures are formed from their believers, if no one believes them anymore they'll be banned from the heavens and slowly they'll disappear into particles. Euwan was fortunate because he was given another chance but he 's thrown on earth as a human, he was tasked to make people believe him as a human but how can he make any believers if he's a mortal? Eventually, later on he gains believers by being an idol.

Camgiynia_Author · Khoa huyễn
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4 Chs

Chapter 4 - Plan

A week has elapsed, Euwan missed the deadline to partake in the 'show', but it looks like he's not even disappointed. Instead, he couldn't have cared less.

For now, he remained idle in his residence, doing nothing meaningful.

Constantly glued to his phone, he spent his days doing almost nothing other than to use his phone.

He must've developed a new addiction due to his constant use of this mysterious device.

"Oh, dear. I have died!"

He muttered, in a frustrated and irritated manner.

His in-game character died during his gameplay, resulting him to react in such an exaggerated way.

"Tsk, this is boring." He placed the phone on the other side of the bed and then he sighed.

'Just what should I do to finish my task?'

'Should I just become a singer? Ah.. No I might become a flop since I'm not good at composing.'

'An actor maybe?'

'Wait no. Who am I kidding? I'm not even good at acting.'

Being unable to come up with ideas to successfully tackle the mission at hand, he pondered for a plan for a few more moments.

His mind whirled deeper with thoughts however, he found himself at a loss, with no clear direction on how to proceed.

Finding it challenging to formulate a plan, he pondered, with a tinge of concern and helplessness.

His mind then altered back to the idol survival show however he already missed the chance to join.

Now that he think of it, he had little idea of what idols are, but he can still search things about it.

He quickly grabbed his phone and opened the app Moonternet. After that he typed something and idols came into the thumbnails.

He clicked on one video after another, that's what all he did for 3 hours. After that, he gained more knowledge about idols but he still couldn't grasp about it.

Even though all of the videos that he watched are about idols singing and dancing he still figured out that being an idol must be the easiest way to gather the public people's attention since they're pretty much all over the human internet interaction.

He then concluded that idols must've gain so much attention from the public.

Attention are really important to gain believers because when you gain believers you also gain light energy, which is just so important when it comes to being an immortal.

Basically, idols are quite the trending phenomenon as they have managed to capture the public interest and attention.

In conclusion to that, being an idol is the fastest way to gather believers but it may also be the hardest.

"Haaa... This is rather bothersome." He sat up on his bed and stared at his screen.

'I guess I'll be alright since there's no deadline given to me..'

He proceeded to put the idea to the back of his mind, and as a result, he unconsciously continued to disregard the issue and put it off for a few days more.

Those days turned to weeks and into months. It seems like he enjoyed being a mortal a little too much.

Well, it's not like he failed to continue his task because he gained some believers around the house by interacting with them

When he tried to converse at first, he noted the uneasiness that they displayed towards him, leading him to the conclusion that the owner of his mortal form might be someone who is extremely introverted.

The sad thing about this is those people were not enough to gain his immortal position again.

He'll need plenty of supporters to be able to regain his immortality. Immortality is a really difficult quest to achieve, hence, he requires a vast amount of supporters that could support him and follow him.

In a drowsy state, Euwan walked slowly into the kitchen displaying an apperance that shows he had just woke up.

One of the butler noticed his approaching figure, this butler is named 'Jenevah', he greeted Euwan kindly upon recognizing who he was.

"Good morning Euwan-"


"You look tired, are you okay??" Jenevah inquired for his well-being, concern obviosly painted on his face.

"Ouf, just a bit sleepy." Euwan yawned before replying, rubbing his sleep-deprived yes, the shadows underneath his eyes clearly visible.

Jenevah analyzed his condition and sighed a few seconds after. He went to the stove and decided to make a meal for the poor lad.

Euwan, on the other hand, had his face resting on the table waiting patiently with a half awake state.

When he finished the meal, He returned to find Euwan intending to serve his breakfast. To Jenevah's surprise, he discovered that Euwan had fallen asleep while seated at the table.

"Pst, Euwan" He tried to wake the other by nudging him on the shoulders.

Jenevah attempted to wake the other but it's really difficult.

Despite having a hard time waking up the other guy, Jenevah was still able to wake him up.

After waking up from the short nap, Euwan slowly sat up obediently then slowly munched on the food that Jenevah placed on the table.

Some time past and the awkward silence was disrupted by Jenevah.

He informed that both of his parents had gone out to work so right now he's alone with the house workers in this big house.

Euwan only responded to Jenevah with a hum as if he's too tired to converse and so the silence took place again.

Jenevah pretended to cough and tried to strike a casual conversation with Euwan, specially since they're pretty close even before his head injury.

"What were you up to last night?" Jenevah raised one of his eyebrows indicating that the other should answer.

"I watched some idols." Euwan shrugged it of in a nonchalant way which shocked Jenevah a bit.

For Jenevah, this is out of character for Euwan because previously after he got kicked of Astrafterá Entertainment Company, Euwan immediately lost his determination to go on with his dreams

Still, Jenevah brushed it off thinking Euwan has the freedom to go back to his passion and he'll totally do his best to support him.

If ever he goes back he'll definitely help him because Jenevah deeply cared about Euwan, and he was already contented being able to to provide him support in whatever endeavor he wished to pursue.

After all, Jenevah wanted only the best for his master, and if this was what Euwan desired, he would be there by his side.

"So.. do you want to go back? About being an idol I mean.." Jenevah asked for some clarity.

"Yeah." Euwan responded in a straightforward way.

"What?" Jenevah widened his eyes as he didn't expect the reply. He meant that he felt like Euwan definitely will say yes but to say it this quickly meant that he's determined.

Euwan on the other hand put the spoon on the table causing a "clink" sound.

He looked straight at Jenevah which kind of made Jenevah tense up.

"O-Oh, well, I did notice that something's odd.. considering that you've been here for months and since you're not attending the school anymore... I guess- that erm.. that means you haven't abandoned your dream yet, huh?" He gazed at the floor as he tried to explain his thoughts to Euwan and then he smiled sympathethically at him.

Euwan cringed there for a second but he replied anyways.

"I guess you could say that."

At his words Jenevah turned bright "I'll totally do my best to support you!"

'He will support me?'

His eyes widened at Jenevah's exclamation but soon later he felt some light energy come into his inner body causing him to form a smirk.



Euwan's expression turned serious, and he spoke in an unusually blunt manner.

"Will you help me no matter how weird my questions are or some things that I'll maybe tell you to do?" Euwan clarified, his gaze sharp as he stared at Jenevah.

With this unexpected scenario, Jenevah turned tense as he was taken aback, his smile slightly faded wondering what Euwan meant.

But, before he could even respond, Euwan suddenly stood up and turned his back towards him, leaving Jenevah utterly surprised and confused.

While Euwan was thinking about what he shall do for his tasks, Jenevah was left to ponder on Euwan's strange behaviour.

Have any guesses about the future events? Comment your thoughts. (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

Camgiynia_Authorcreators' thoughts