
I become ash in pokemon world l[Pokemon Ash Reincarnation]l PRA.

Honozaki miura a die heart fan of pokemon, he was intelligent boy and made his living through his love, pokemon. He was an poketuber and was having good earning in netizen. As he thought of upgrading his content by adding pokemon anime review but due to his harsh judgement in review, pokemon company killed him an accident because of they were having a huge loss. His dream life ended. But some ending give birth to new story. He become ash in pokemon world, but wait this is not pokemon world he knew, what are this character and who is controlling my body, what are this dream. Pokemon world is anime i know, it is something different a parallel universe, even so it doesn't stop to reach my dream life. Join the journey of ash who fight an extreme fate. ••• @writer_seiji here, This an fanfiction which i write to fullfill my imagination, i am an new writer so don't aspect much from me. ••• |I don't own anything related to the pokemon| |I doesn't own cover image if your are the owner and wants to delete it then comment in novel or review section| |English is not my first language|

ImagineEagle · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

Chapter 5: Encounter?

•In pallet town, Professor Oak's Lab...

Ash was now standing with a bunch of kids of his age and some few years older than him.

Last week his mother had given him permission to attend the summer camp and also filled his application form.

Because of his early registration he got an lucky seat.

In front of kids was professor oak with his two assistants.

He was giving everyone a basic exposure to current course of event.

he continued his talk...

"By everyone's exciting face, looks like i don't need to mention everything, but as part of obligation let me brief about the upcoming courses of events." he said.

Next he started briefing about....

The camp is gonna be for whole week. first three days are for pokemon classes by prof. oak and some indoor program.

After three days, They are gonna start pokemon exploration and camping in wild with kids joining them from other regions.

This camp was somewhat similar to anime but it has different aspects like other regions kids joining them later.

They were meeting with prof. oak a night before actual camp start it was because that kids have some time for brief bonding with each other.

Ash, who was good at conversation had no problem and made some friends at the time.

He gotten along with fellow age kids but was astonished with their behaviour was not so child like that was in his previous world.

Maybe it was because they get mature early due being trainer at early age of 10.

After brief mentioning prof. oak declared that it was time to sleep and made his assistants guide everyone to the sleeping rooms.

There were each room for two persons,

But for some reason ash's roommate never came.

Maybe his parents cancelled his trip at last moment, but it was beneficial to him to get an room alone.

Discarding his thoughts he went to sleep.

•Next Morning...

Ash had woken up on time, freshen up went and towards the dinning area to have breakfast.

When he reached there,

He quickly glanced the whole room and noticed some familiar faces and headed towards them.

A fat boy with curly black hair, wearing black t-shirt and big shorts was sitting with,

Another boy with red hair, short height and tan skin wearing floral shirt and blue shorts.

Both of them were the friends ash had made last night, named Stone and Rick.

[AN: Fat boy being Stone and tan short boy being Rick]

He made his way and sat in front of them..

Both Stone and Rick quickly glanced and were happy to see ash but their expression was saying otherwise.

Ash noticed this asked them what happened.

"It is nothing for you to fret over it." Rick replied.

"Yeah we don't want you to drag in it." Stone said.

Ash thought about it for moment and later decided not to pry the topic more since he had know them only for past 12 hours.

Both Stone and Rock were honest person and always straightforward in there opinion that's the first impression he got from of both them, also the reason ash made them his friends.

Ash joined them and started eating.

As they done eating breakfast three of them were heading outside....

Suddenly someone intentionally placed their foot in their march, ash noticed this and past leg by side.

But Stone who was behind him fell to the ground.

Ash turn behind and saw Rick was helping Stone and was shouting at a girl.

"You witch, i know you done it intentionally, in morning also was not our fault but now you are gonna pay for this." Rick was shouting angrily.

"What do you mean Mr. it was just an accident there no need to made a fuss over it and beside your Mr. fat friend was at fault for walking blindly."

The white hair girl replied innocently and saying last part with a little bit of arrogance.

Ash was at sidelines and quickly summarised the situation in his head, the reason his friends expression were sour in morning was this girl.

The girl had white hair, was not of younger age than him.

She was looking someone from a well high class family, the way she was addressing was one of the proof.

But she had a little arrogance in her eye like that of typical pampered young lady.

As he was gazing at her...

For some unknown reason, a rise of anger was enveloping in ash eyes for the young lady.

He tried calm his emotions but was failing continuously, his head was getting heavier and he was losing his vision.

For split second he lost his body's control....


All of the surrounding got silent by the sound of slap, everyone looked towards the source of the sound.

And saw a white hair girl with her hand on her little swollen cheek.

She was on verge of crying and was barely holding her tears.

Ash quickly regained his senses, was at shock why his body suddenly slap the girl which he never met in his life.

He knew that something strange was happening since his birth, he knew that his birth was not normal.

His mother was always hiding something from him, those weird dreams he always sees.

But he always tried remain logical over it.

This was not even first time this losing control thing happened before this, few time this type of situation had occurred but he always was able to overcome it.

But now he knew that any longer delay will be dangerous for his future, once the camp is over he had to find answer to all those questions from any possible source.

"A... as ...ash ....Ash!!!!"

As he was in deep thinking a sudden voice halted his thoughts.

It was Stone who was calling him.

"Ash!, what happened why did you suddenly slapped her?" stone asked tensely while shaking ash's whole for answer.

"Yeah, you see i don't like someone interfere in my matter but this time, I respect your help."

Rick added.

By this time ash had regained his senses and was scanning the mess he just made.

"What do you mean by respect, you tan shorty we discussed earlier that we will deal that with it ourselves."

Stone replied angrily in ash's stead.

"What do mean by shorty, you fat head. Instead of expressing gratitude you always go sense of right and wrong justice." Rick replied and quarrel started in both of them.

Ash scratched his head and started summarising the mess in his head to think of potential replied for his actions.

He noticed that everyone had left the dinning hall, and saw that it was time of their classes by prof. oak.

He also saw the white hair girl was dragged outside by her friends not to increase the mess that occurred, she was clearly boiling with anger.

"You guys stop it!" he shouted at them.

"It's time for class let's talk about this later"

he successfully dodged theirs questions.

And three of quickly ran towards the classes.



Fifth chapter posted, just enjoy it, also you can criticise me.

Thanks to fan for support, give lots of collection.

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ImagineEaglecreators' thoughts