
I become ash in pokemon world l[Pokemon Ash Reincarnation]l PRA.

Honozaki miura a die heart fan of pokemon, he was intelligent boy and made his living through his love, pokemon. He was an poketuber and was having good earning in netizen. As he thought of upgrading his content by adding pokemon anime review but due to his harsh judgement in review, pokemon company killed him an accident because of they were having a huge loss. His dream life ended. But some ending give birth to new story. He become ash in pokemon world, but wait this is not pokemon world he knew, what are this character and who is controlling my body, what are this dream. Pokemon world is anime i know, it is something different a parallel universe, even so it doesn't stop to reach my dream life. Join the journey of ash who fight an extreme fate. ••• @writer_seiji here, This an fanfiction which i write to fullfill my imagination, i am an new writer so don't aspect much from me. ••• |I don't own anything related to the pokemon| |I doesn't own cover image if your are the owner and wants to delete it then comment in novel or review section| |English is not my first language|

ImagineEagle · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: Changes and Pokemon?

Having killed by truck Ash had a deep regret about his past life. if given a chance he would undoubtedly kill his murderer.

In profession of influencer he was at top, due that person he died. Just thinking about him made his heart tremble with anger.

Atlast, dwelling too much on past will be bad.

So he decided to slowly adapt to his new life.

'Let's leave the past face a new future ahead.' he thought.

•It been three years since his birth.....

Ash was now three years old, was able to walk effortlessly without anyone's help, it was his great achievement.

For past years he had to depend on his mother for his every needs. therefore it was an great achieve.

He was also able to talk in toddler's language,

He can call his mother and talk to her, he had also started learning to read and write..

His mother was quite surprised when he showed interest in learning and writing she thought that her 'son' was genius.

'As expected the son of her highness',she praised proudly in her mind.

The language of this world was quite similar to kanji but it was easy on level that everyone can understand.

He also started playing outside of house to made his body have more stamina, than be shut in like his previous life.

Everything thing was going smoothly but there was a thing bothering him lately...

Delia Ketchum, his mother, he felt like her behaviour towards him changes for a short period, like he was someone respectful.

He was not an idiot, he can easily sense some one's behaviour fluctuations.

He never saw her like this before, before that day...

For past half-year ash was having an strange dream.

In dream a beautiful white hair lady was feeding him milk. she had a beautiful aura around her, she played with him, laughed, eat and slept together like it was normal for her to do it.

And when they sleep together, he sees her wet eyes. he tries to wipe it with his small hand but she always refuses his help and pointed towards his necklace and says,

"Don't you know me."

When he tries to touch the necklace around his neck the dream always break and he woke from his sleep.

His hands are always around his neck but necklace was nowhere to been see. he tries to remember the lady's face but always failed.

One thing was sure to him, she was a warm and closer to him that he actually thought.

This dream kept repeating itself one after another, by admitting the defeat he decided to ask his mother 'delia' about it.

That was start of her slight change in behaviour, he knew, that she know something but was not ready to tell him.

Therefore ash decided not to ask his mother anymore, when she is ready she will tell him and waited for that day.


•Another one year has passed.....

Ash now being four years old have gotten permission to play with his mothers pokemon.

Since his reincarnation his life was boring but now he had gotten something to spend his time with apart from study.

He always had his suspicious but today it proved right, this universe was not same as cannon.

In anime his mother doesn't have pokemon from start, later cannon ash catches Mr mime and his mother keep him as housekeeper.

But here his mother has two pokemon, Rhydon and Umbreon.

He asked her when she met her pokemon, she answered with expressionless face, during her journey when she met his father.

Ignoring her resort, he played with rhydon, rhydon was female she also sometimes let him ride her back.

Today was also same day when he was playing with her, his mother has gone to mart to buy groceries. he was home alone.

Everything was going normally, when rhydon started behaving strangely..

Ash noticed this and saw,

Her face was pale and near her eyes were purple circle. she was groaning in pain, steam of heat was releasing from her body.

He quickly ran towards the water valve with his *dota* leg and started spraying water on her body. her temperature was maintaining but it was clear that pain was not reducing.

He went towards landline to call his mom, but stopped his action. A foam was coming out of rhydon's mouth, she was poisoned.

Then a suddenly a voice sounded in his head which made him cleared his thoughts, it said.

"Mom's room, third drawer, white bottle"..

Without wasting any time he quickly went in his mother room taken the white bottle out.

On white bottle was written antitode.

He doesn't knew from where the voice came, but he doesn't have any other options.

He made rhydon drink the bottle, soon changes were visible on her face, her eyes were back to normal.

She was fine, ash released a big sigh.

At the same his mother returned home, she noticed something was strange.

Ash started to his mother what happened with his small mouth, when he was speaking to her he noticed that her aura for slight period change to cold.

She quickly hugged him and asked did something happened to him. he doesn't said anything hug her back.

He knew that today was lucky day, he doesn't knew where the voice came from? what poisoned rhydon?

But in future if he is not ready, he is sure gonna lose something precious.

Without knowing him, he slept in his mother hug.



3rd chapter posted, don't what to think, enjoy the ride.

Thanks to fans support, gives a lot of collection.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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