
I became Walder Frey

Antony, when he died, had the chance to reincarnate in the world of GOT, but due to an error by the employee of the transmigration department, he did not become a young and beautiful heir as he wanted, but he ended up becoming the old walder frey, luckily he has a system like apology that will help him live long

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starting to spend money

In a large wooden tub, an old man lay enjoying the hot water.

'I have to build a better toilet.....the wooden barrel is too bad, old Walder really hated spending money..' Walder thought

Walder Frey has tons of gold coins in his secret vault, without calculating Walder speculates something around almost 3 million gold coins

Simply a fortune that makes most great houses jealous, only the Lannisters, Hightower and Tyrell can have such a fortune.

Of course, that doesn't mean that other houses can't earn it, but the truth is that the Freys don't need to spend anything, as their fortune comes only from their collection of taxes on the bridge, taking a percentage to pay the big number of knight soldiers, pretty much all that's left for old Walder's pocket

'I can muster 1000 mounted knights and 3000 foot soldiers, a good number but I still want to increase more... besides I'm going to start the construction of a small town in the south part of the castle' Walder

During the bath Walder began to plan, if he is going to ally himself with the Targaryens it means being an enemy of almost all riverlands.

'literally all my military equipment is bought from the Lannisters, luckily my busty daughter-in-law helps a lot even though Tywin hates me' Walder

Ideally, all your food production, weapons and war armor is produced by yourself and makes your troops self-sufficient, unfortunately the number of ores in Riverlands is limited and in the Frey territory it does not exist, at least there are no ores in the open air as underground, it is impossible to see in a medieval society

'time to start spending' Walder stood up


Walder dressed and sent for his eldest son Stevron Frey

Soon a balding man entered, his appearance almost as old as Walder's.

"my dad called me?" Stevron

Walder didn't answer, but looked at his son and analyzed his data.

[name]: Stevron Frey

[identity]: eldest son of Walder Frey

[status]: strategy = 69, leadership = 32, strength = 49, governance = 75

[Ability]: Calm Man = Can remain calm in low to medium risk situations

[loyalty]: 92

'bad dice....but this skill is good' Walder

"I called you here because I have something important to say, an extremely important task for our family!" walder

Stevron Frey was curious, his old father only spoke when it was to complain or to raise taxes

"Please tell me dad, I'll do my best" Stevron

"very well, I want you to look for good engineers, the castle is going to be renovated and most importantly we are going to start building a city" Walder

Stevron was happy to hear about building a city

He wanted to build a small one, but his father did not think it necessary, because according to old Walder a peasant must live in a village to plow the field.

virtually all of the Frey vassal population lives in scattered villages and farms.

This has the advantage of always keeping the fertile land under cultivation, however it has many disadvantages, for example no literate man wants to live in a village, blacksmiths or tailors, practically all the population has the same profession which is farmer or soldier

If House Frey is to become the greatest house in the Riverlands, it needs more than just soldiers or wealth gathering dust in the vault, a good safe city that attracts trade is undoubtedly necessary.

"I will do it right now my father" Stevron

"Very well, go and ask the maids to call the black Walder" Walder Frey

Black Walder is the grandson of Walder Frey, he is also usually responsible for dirty jobs like ordering murders or collecting debts, a very unpleasant fellow.

Walder decided to send someone to Essos to buy some immaculate ones, although the purchase of slaves is prohibited it is easy to circumvent this, just do not exaggerate the number and exchange armor for common clothes, in the end they will enter Westeros as traders

Walder wants to buy just a few to become trained for his infantry and also assemble a personal guard, only about 50