

When I woke up this morning, I found myself in a strange room, unfamiliar bed, strangers I've never met, and a body that wasn't mine.  The strangers wore a maid outfit, and these people were calling me by the name Nasrin Urduja. This name reminded me of the novel I read before coming into this place. In that novel, Nasrin Urduja was the name of the villain, and her only ending in the book was death.  It's strange, and I don't know how it all happened, but right now, I am Nasrin Urduja, the villain of the novel I've read before waking up to this unfamiliar world. In order to survive, I plan to stay away from the main characters of the novel and live my new life as a hermit on a far away forest, but as soon as I turn around, I saw the friendly smiling face of the protagonist. I'm doomed!

flosvloom · Kỳ huyễn
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109 Chs

Sudden transmigration.

"The plot is trash, the characters are even more trash, haah, why did I buy this trashy book in the first place? Such a waste of money, haah." I sighed deeply as my eyes moved from left to right, reading the contents of the book I was holding.

"Whatever, let's go to sleep, I still have a lot of work tomorrow," I mumbled, closing the book as I yawned.

I placed it on the small shelf beside my small bed. I checked the time on my smartphone; it said that it was already half past twelve. 

I knitted my brows as I muttered. "Yikes, did I waste too much time reading a trashy book? Aish, whatever, I need to sleep now, or else I'll be too tired to work later…"

Stretching my petite body, I yawned as I felt drowsy; the lids of my eyes felt like a blanket as they became heavy to keep open. I set my alarm, so I wouldn't be late for work later. I lied down on my bed, finding a comfortable posture to sleep, after this, I then closed my sleepy eyes .

"Lady Nasrin, please wake up or you will be late for the registration of the Mystic Academy…"

Hearing an elderly voice; I jolted my eyes open in suspicion, and the moment I did; a middle aged woman with grey hair and dry wrinkled skin, wearing a maid outfit welcomed my sight. Her figure is humbly standing beside my spacious bed and inside a very luxurious mediaeval style room. 

'Nice room,' I thought to myself.

As I stared more, I got struck with a lightning of realisation that this isn't my room.

My eyes widened, staring dumbfoundedly at the unfamiliar room and to the elderly woman wearing a maid outfit. "What the actual fuck…" I mumbled, leaving my lips hanging open.

"Lady Nasrin, what does fuck mean?" The elderly woman asked obliviously.

Lady Nasrin? Why does that name sound familiar? 

Wait a second. Isn't that the same name of the villain in the trashy book I have read earlier?

"Oh shit…" I exclaimed, sprinting to the mirror on the side of the spacious room.

I tripped and fell as I ran, feeling unfamiliar with my own body that was now...tall. 

'Shit,' I cursed inwardly as I gaze down at my new pair of long legs, wearing a long white shirt that hangs just slightly above my knees. 

"Lady Nasrin, are you alright? The lady suddenly ran, which took this old maid by surprise. Is something the matter lady?"

The elderly woman ask with a tone of worry, supporting me to stand up; her way of speaking sounded like something that came from an ancient time. 

"Yeah, thanks granny," I said absentmindedly as I sauntered slowly to the full-length mirror.

"Yeah? What a strange word…" 

The elderly woman murmured behind me, but I continued to tread my legs step by step to the mirror; I ignored granny's comments because I had to confirm something first. After a few steps, I arrived in front of the large reflection displaying someone's face and body that didn't belong to me yet appeared mine...?

Straight long hair as dark as the night, bright brown eyes glowing like the sun, and slender slim figure similar to a model. The me, no, the girl standing in front of the mirror stood 5 feet and 9 inches tall. 

Since when did I become so tall and slender?

My thick straight eyebrows furrowed together as I stared at the new me. Small youthful face, double eyelids, long thick lashes, smooth fair skin, and plump pinkish lips. 

There's no doubt; this is not my body!

I scan my eyes around the room, seeing nothing modern but ancient expensive things. This is definitely not my room!

I pinched my cheeks hard and felt the burning pain. No doubt; this is not a dream!

I swallowed hard, feeling my pounding accelerating heart in my chest as reality slowly sinks in.

"Lady Nasrin looks quite pale. Is the lady feeling unwell?" The elderly woman asked out of concern.

Hearing the name Nasrin; I looked at the grey haired woman standing behind me; I stared at her greyish eyes through the full length mirror.

"Gra...granny, can you tell me who…who I am?" I asked in a trembling voice, trying to sound calm, but I still stuttered anyway. 

The elderly woman didn't answer immediately; she stared at me with a confused look visible on her face, and I gazed back looking desperate for answers. 

After a long while of silence, the elderly woman sighs in resignation, and I waited with great patience for her to speak. 

"Lady Nasrin shouldn't refer to this maid as granny, I am just a mere maid, and for the lady's inquiries, well, lady is the only daughter of Sir Lukas Urduja; the lady is the only heiress of the Urduja clan, and…"

Those were the only words I heard before I became lost in my thoughts. There was no doubt; I'm inside the body of the villain of that trashy novel!

At the end of the story; after the villain killed many innocent lives in the book; the villain still ended up being killed by the protagonist's sister.

Remembering the ending of that trashy novel made me feel scared in my heart. I don't want to die; I don't want to kill. 

'Shit, what do I do now?' I asked horrified inside my head as I remained motionless, staring at nothing swallowing this hard truth.

"Lady Nasrin? Lady Nasrin, are you still listening? Should I continue? However, this old maid is afraid that the lady no longer has enough time since the lady might arrive late for the registration of the Mystic Academy. After all, the academy only accepts students once a year during summer…"

Mystic Academy? That's right! 

The starting point of the story happened in the Mystic Academy. The protagonist and the villain met at the academy as first years.

My eyes lit up as an idea flashed through my mind.

I turned to granny, dashing quickly to the kind elderly woman; I wrapped my arms around her chubby body, squeezing the grey haired woman in a bear warm hug. 

"Lady Nasrin?! Lady should not hug a maid like myself," granny said, gazing in wide open eyes at my silly face.

I gave her a mischievous grin and said, "granny thank you, you're the best!"

Afterwards, the maids assisted me in changing my outfit into a male highborn aristocratic style. There is only one reason why they made me wear male clothing; all alphas wear male-looking fabrics even if their first-gender was female, and mostly everyone in this mansion believes that this body of mine will differentiate into a high-level alpha, including the original Nasrin, which is now dead, I suppose?

Regardless of my disliking in my outfit; they made me wear dark pants; that they refer to as breeches; it is laced in the front, fitting my legs perfectly. As for my footwear, they made me wear brown boots, reaching just below my knees, and tied laced in the front.

My top is a simple white shirt, and wearing over it is a sleeveless leather jacket, which they call jerkin as far as I heard. Similar to the breeches; the jerkin jacket also has lace in the front to close it. 

Around my waist wrapped a leather belt, making my clothes fit my thin waist. The last fabric they made me wear is a dark knee-length coat. They tied my long straight hair into a ponytail, displaying some side bangs on my youthful face. 

All in all, I appeared quite the aristocrat; clothes do make a man, they say. Or so I say.

At the start, I told them they don't need to help me with these small things since I can do it by myself, but the maids insist saying that it was their duty to tend to me.

I almost forgot that the villain's background was that of a noble. 

The villain's father has the position of the duke. His name is Lukas Urduja, the most powerful noble second to the royalties. The villain came from a family of outstanding alphas, and since the Urduja clan has a long history of having S-Level alphas in their ancestry and lineage; many expectations were placed on Nasrin Urduja; the villain of this novel. 

After all, the villain's father, grandfather, great grandfather, and any descendants in the family before that were all prominent alphas. 

Many anticipated that Nasrin Urduja will end up becoming an alpha, but in the novel, the villain differentiated into an S-Level omega. 

Even though the villain's level was high; the clan was still disappointed that she didn't differentiate into an alpha. 

This is why the Nasrin Urduja in the novel became obsessed with the princess, who differentiated into a strong and powerful S-Level alpha. However, the princess fell in love with the protagonist, and it made the original Nasrin become more obsessed with the princess.

Probably because the villain grew up spoiled by her father. And with one parent alone, since the villain's mother died after giving birth to her, Lukas Urduja gave everything he could give to Nasrin, spoiling his only child. 

This brought the villain to grow up thinking that she could have anything in the world, as long as she asked her rich powerful father. 

I think this is also the reason why the villain became crazy over the princess. Because the villain couldn't have what she wanted. However, since I'm now Nasrin Urduja; I will make sure to change my ending.