
I Became The Strongest Support Character

Have you ever come across a tale where a character's immense strength disrupts the storyline's equilibrium? Readers ponder over how this formidable character could meet defeat, prompting the Author to carefully consider a logical resolution. This predicament often befalls non-protagonist characters—be they villains or supporting figures—ultimately leading to a tragic demise that shapes the main character's development. As I awoke in an unfamiliar bed, gazing at the ceiling of an unknown room, the realization dawned on me. Was I experiencing the clichéd phenomenon of transmigrating into the story I had just completed? Given my current state, the answer seemed affirmative. However, to my surprise, I found myself inhabiting the role of Fawwaz Nor Everglen—the strongest supporting character in the narrative, neither the reformed villain nor the cautious mob character entwined with the protagonist. While not as dire as previous cases, unsettling facts fueled my anxiety. I now embodied Fawwaz, a character with a myriad of scripted deaths designed to propel the protagonist's growth. His unbridled strength led to varied demises, from authoritative to ludicrous, profoundly influencing the story's trajectory through his pivotal connection with the protagonist. Fawwaz's predictable demise stemmed from the disruption he caused to the balance of power between good and evil. Moreover, every narrative path devised by the author seemed to culminate in two possibilities: my demise or the demise of all characters except the protagonist. It appeared the author had a penchant for tragic endings. Undeterred, I resolved to alter this fate. My goal was to ensure not only my own survival but also that of everyone else, fostering a happy conclusion. Armed with determination, I embarked on a journey to defy any potential future deaths.

farsy_ · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

A Dream? (Re-make)

A/N: Recently I decided to remake the story from the first chapter, so for those of you who have just read this chapter, please refrain from reading the next chapter, because the storyline will be diverted. (Please read chapters that have additions (Re-make) in the title)

(I will add the word (Re-make) to the chapters that I have finished)


"Huh? Where am I?" Fawwaz muttered, his surroundings unfamiliar.

He found himself on a wide road, with a malfunctioning traffic light at the far end, its three lights blinking erratically.

"That traffic light is broken," he observed aloud.

Confused, Fawwaz ventured into the road's center, unsure of which direction to take.

'I remember falling asleep in the inn... Could this be a dream?' he mused, trying to piece together his fragmented memories.

As clarity slowly dawned on him, Fawwaz concluded that he must be dreaming.

"This place... it's the path to my home in the modern world," he realized, his steps hesitant yet determined.

His journey led him to a bustling intersection, complete with sidewalks and traffic lights controlling the flow of four streets.

"This is..." Fawwaz's heart skipped a beat as he recognized the place vividly—a place forever etched in his memory, the site of a tragic accident where he was struck by a speeding truck.

With the pedestrian light signaling green, Fawwaz began to cross, the memories flooding back with each step.

As he reached the road's midpoint, a wave of nostalgia washed over him, the sensation still raw from the recent ordeal.

'Will this dream end when that damn truck hits me again?' he pondered, freezing in the middle of the road, oblivious to the curious stares of passersby.

As Fawwaz stood motionless in the middle of the road, he awaited the arrival of the truck, determined to face whatever fate awaited him.

"Hey, are you trying to kill yourself? Damn it, don't curse this road," yelled a concerned passerby.

"Kid, get out of there! Are you drunk?" another voice interjected, filled with urgency.

"Someone, please, pull that crazy guy away! We don't need any accidents here," pleaded a third voice, mingling with the growing chorus of concern.

"Why are people so loud? I should have been hit by that damn truck already," Fawwaz muttered, bewildered by the delay.

With each passing moment, his confusion deepened. The truck that had haunted his memory should have arrived by now.

"Why hasn't the damn truck come yet?" he wondered aloud, scanning the horizon for any sign of its approach.

Then, in the distance, he spotted headlights approaching rapidly.

"Ah, finally," Fawwaz breathed, resigning himself to his fate as he closed his eyes, preparing for the inevitable impact.

"Damn it, someone stop that guy!" the voices around him grew more frantic as the vehicle drew closer.

The sound of screeching tires filled the air, followed by a deafening crash.


The force of the collision sent Fawwaz hurtling through the air, his body tumbling until it collided with a large rock protruding from an infiltration well.


Pain seared through Fawwaz's body as he lay sprawled on the ground, his senses reeling from the impact. Unlike before, this time he felt every agonizing moment with painful clarity.

'ARGHHHH, damn, that hurts!'

The pain pierced every nerve in his body, and a throbbing ache in the back of his head buzzed loudly, as if threatening to burst at any moment.

His bones felt as though they were being crushed, sending waves of indescribable agony through his entire being.

'Why... why haven't I woken up yet?'

Fawwaz felt a sense of strangeness; after experiencing the accident, he should have regained consciousness. Instead, he found himself in excruciating pain.

'...things suddenly became quiet.'

Despite the intense pain, Fawwaz's mind remained remarkably clear. He noticed that the chaotic clamor from before had subsided, replaced by an eerie silence.

In his weakened state, Fawwaz caught sight of a figure approaching him in his field of vision.

'...Who is it?'

A human figure emerged from the darkness of the night, drawing nearer to the incapacitated Fawwaz. Despite his severe condition, Fawwaz could discern the figure.

It was someone he knew very well—someone from his past life, a memory he had carried with him for 17 years, though he had not retained it while in this world.

As the figure came into full view, Fawwaz's conviction about his vision only grew stronger.

The girl with shoulder-length pink hair, barely taller than Fawwaz, eyes the same shade as her hair, and milky white skin, stood out amidst the crowd, making her easily identifiable to Fawwaz despite the thousands of similar faces around.

'Luna... Why is she here?'

But unlike usual, the Luna Fawwaz saw had no expression; her eyes stared blankly at him.

Luna approached the dying Fawwaz and squatted down, bringing her face close to his.

Luna gently stroked Fawwaz's face with cautious movements, her empty eyes locking onto his.

The wounds on Fawwaz's face from the accident stung as Luna's hand passed over them, leaving him speechless in the face of the unfolding scene.

"I miss you..." Luna's voice quivered as she continued to caress Fawwaz's face, tears streaming from her empty eyes and falling onto his cheeks.

Fawwaz attempted to respond, but no sound escaped his lips no matter how hard he tried.

"Why do you do things like this? Don't you know how desperate I am?" Luna's tears continued to flow, her hand pausing its caress.

"...Why?" Luna's demeanor seemed to shift from blank to filled with hatred, transforming her into a different person entirely.

'W-what's going on?'

Fawwaz sensed the sudden shift in Luna's demeanor. In all the time he'd known her, this was the first instance of such intense hostility.

"...You... You stole my happiness, you tore apart my world... you," Luna's voice trembled with irregularity as she uttered incomprehensible words.

Luna's hand, which had ceased its gentle caress, now moved with purpose. With a sudden forcefulness, she seized Fawwaz by the neck, her grip tightening mercilessly.

"WHY DID YOU TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME?" Luna's accusation rang out, her grip cutting off Fawwaz's breath as she effortlessly lifted him with both hands.

'U-ugh, I can't breathe.'

Fawwaz's mind swirled with questions—why Luna had appeared here, why she was acting this way, why she directed her fury at him, and why she spoke of 'him.'

But try as he might, Fawwaz couldn't find the answers.

"I hate you. You're a vile presence, existing only to shatter others' happiness," Luna spat out, her grip on Fawwaz growing stronger.

As Luna's tears fell, they carried not sorrow but bitterness. Her gaze, once filled with love, now radiated pure hatred towards Fawwaz.

'...she's suffering so much.'

Fawwaz couldn't bear to see Luna in such agony. Despite not understanding the situation fully, even with his own life potentially at risk due to his lack of breath, Fawwaz reached out towards the tears streaming from Luna's eyes, gently brushing them away.

"Don't cry." Though moments ago he couldn't utter a word, now Fawwaz found his voice, expressing his concern for Luna's well-being.

Fawwaz loved Luna deeply, a fact undeniable even during this chaos. Witnessing her distress tore at his heart.

Observing Fawwaz's gesture, Luna was taken aback, loosening her grip and causing Fawwaz to slump to the ground.

"Cough, cough, cough," Fawwaz coughed violently, his throat raw from Luna's choking as he struggled to regain his breath.

"You, don't you dare mimic him." Luna's hands flew to her face, her sobs echoing through her fingers.

"You're nothing but an impostor, you wretch!" Luna's words dripped with venom as she cursed Fawwaz furiously.

"What are you talking about? What happened?" Fawwaz, now able to speak, attempted to reason with Luna.

"Talking nonsense? You Fucking thief, daring to speak after snatching him away from me!"

'Wh-what? Who is this 'him' she speaks of?' Confusion swirled in Fawwaz's mind as Luna's eyes reflected a vision that left him stunned.

What Fawwaz beheld was not the black-haired Fawwaz from his former modern life, but a teenage boy with snow-white hair and eyes as blue as the summer sky.

Realizing his predicament, Fawwaz understood that he was not the same person he had been before his incarnation. The current Fawwaz was not the lover Luna remembered.

"Luna, please listen to me. I know this sounds unbelievable, but I am Fawwaz. It's me," Fawwaz attempted to reassure Luna, opting for a gentle approach.

"NO, you're not him; you're an impostor." Luna's declaration was accompanied by a surge of mana, enveloping their surroundings.

Fawwaz possessed the Everglen family's 'Third Eye,' a unique ability rumored to be one of Nebula's powers. Among its functions was the ability to gauge an individual's danger level by reading their mana.

In this moment, the Third Eye activated autonomously, providing Fawwaz with insights into Luna.

She is extremely dangerous.

The mana emanating from Luna differed vastly from that of an ordinary person. Fawwaz's instincts, guided by the Third Eye, urged him to depart from Luna immediately.

Though Luna condensed the massive pool of mana into a smaller, denser form, it still brimmed with power.

"YOU DIE!" Luna hurled the mana sphere at Fawwaz.

However, just as Luna released her attack, Fawwaz's body began to fade, becoming transparent. As a result, the mana ball passed harmlessly through him.

"Wh-what?" Luna was bewildered by this unexpected turn of events, unable to comprehend why Fawwaz had suddenly become transparent.

Gradually, Fawwaz's form vanished entirely, and as he disappeared, Luna issued a chilling threat.

"Remember this, I will hunt you down. You won't escape the consequences of your actions. I will find you... and I WILL KILL YOU." Luna's ominous words echoed in Fawwaz's mind as she faded from view.




"...Young master..."

"Young master!"

Familiar voices penetrated Fawwaz's consciousness, and upon opening his eyes, he found Selena's concerned visage before him.

"U-ugh... Selena?"

"Young master, thank goodness."

Selena's relief was palpable as she wiped her perspiring brow with a handkerchief.

Still reeling from the ordeal, Fawwaz attempted to make sense of what had transpired.

'What exactly happened?'