
I Became The Lycan King's Mate

"I have two souls in my body, he is my shadow, and I am his sun. However, we both agreed to protect you from all dangers in this world, even if it costs our dead” • • • Ruby Barnette, a werewolf who was born mute, was rejected by the alpha after the Moon Goddess announced her as the Luna. Not long after that, Ruby was also kicked out by her family because she was considered a stain that damaged the Barnette Family's name. When Ruby was threatened with being homeless, the Lycan King of the Veritas Kingdom, Matthew Harrelle, came to the front gate of Barnette’s Mansion and asked Ruby to be his mate. Matthew Harelle was known as the Lycan King who was violent and cruel. Rumor has it that he could kill his soldiers on a rampage. Some say that Matthew has killed his parents. Because of these rumors, many women would rather die than become Matthew's mate. However, Ruby willingly accepted Matthew's offer because she had no other place to live, and living as a beggar was risking her life. She was also willing to give birth to an heir to Matthew as long as Matthew would cure her insane mother. Unexpectedly, it turns out that there was a secret behind Matthew's personality. The Lycan King, famous for being as cold as winter, also has a personality that could beat the sun's warmth. After getting to knew him better, the abandoned werewolf would soon find that she was in love with the cruel Lycan. What was Matthew’s real reason to chose Ruby as his mate? Was it possible for Ruby, who was always surrounded by misfortune, could feel the warmth of love from the cruel Lycan King? - - - Art Cover by nonu_gee (IG) Follow my instagram @Zenanicher

Zenanicher · Kỳ huyễn
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351 Chs

Special Day Turns Into Nightmare

"Are you lost your mind?" Matthew shook off Greysen's hand from his wife's and pulled Ruby behind his back.

"How dare you want to tease my wife in front of me? Greysen, are you looking for the death?" Matthew's voice sounded as cold as a blizzard. His eyes stared at Greysen intently as if he wanted to tear the alpha in front of him into pieces.

When the two alphas of different races confronted each other, no one in the hall dared to separate them.

"Your Majesty, I think you have misunderstood something." Greysen gave Matthew a friendly smile as if he didn't regret his actions.

Greysen walked over to Matthew. His gray eyes narrowed sharply as he said, "To begin with, Ruby Barnette was mine. You can marry her since I threw her away."

"In other words," Greysen whispered beside Matthew's ear. "You only married trash that I threw away."

Matthew grabbed Greysen's collar. His golden eyes seemed to radiate burning anger, and he gritted his teeth in restraint from causing trouble at Ruby's coronation ball.

"Once again, you call my wife trash. I will cut your tongue, Greysen." Matthew let go of his grip and pushed Greysen's body away. "Scram, Greysen. Veritas doesn't want to see you around."

From the start, Greysen had no intention of praising Ruby or apologizing to her.

His arrival at the party was none other than to insult Matthew, who picked up the trash he had thrown away.

Greysen wanted everyone to remember that Ruby Barnette was not a lady of honor but an outcast from her own race.

"It just happens that I want to go, Your Majesty." Greysen tidied up his collar, then smiled. "See you soon, King Matthew."

Before he left, Greysen glanced at Ruby, who was standing behind Matthew's back. "My Queen, sooner or later, you might become the meal of the lycan you marry."

"Because basically, lycans are different from werewolves. They were just wild dogs pretending to be nobles."


Everyone in the hall stopped breathing when they saw Ruby splashing Greysen's head with alcohol.

The red liquid ran down Greysen's face and stained his white clothes. He rubbed his face roughly and growled as soon as he realized that a mute werewolf had humiliated him at the party.

"You trash! How dare you be so bold towards me!" Greysen raised his hand, preparing to slap Ruby's cheek.

However, Matthew immediately grabbed Greysen's wrist to prevent the werewolf from touching Ruby.

"You are the one who seeks the commotion. My wife is only replying to your insolent words." Matthew defended Ruby.

Greysen, "He's more impudent than me!"

Matthew chuckled. "What else can she do? My wife is mute, so she can only respond to your harsh words with actions."

Before the commotion got bigger, Matthew gave an order to his soldiers. "Take King Greysen out of the palace and get him some new clothes."

"Matthew Harelle! You think I'll stay quiet after you and your wife humiliated me?"

Matthew grunted and turned away so as not to see Greysen's face. "Do whatever you want. If you want to do bad things to my wife, I won't sit idly by."

The soldiers escorted Greysen to get out of the hall as quickly as possible. However, the alpha brushed their hands away and said harshly, "I can get out myself!"

When Greysen stepped out of the hall, the atmosphere was still awkward. Apart from the Veritas and Wridal Kingdoms, the other kingdoms were dominated by humans, so they didn't dare meddle in the affairs of werewolves and lycans.

"Cough …." Matthew cleared his throat to break the silence, then raised the alcohol glass. "Don't mind that wild dog. You all can continue the banquet in peace."

After saying that, the musicians at the party immediately played their instruments again, making the guests more relaxed and able to continue the party as before.

"Enjoy the banquet, Your Majesty," Matthew said while smiling at the emperor and empress.

Before Osborn could reply, Matthew had already gone to a quieter place with Ruby.

Even though the other guests had calmed down, Ruby still couldn't calm down. A high sense of panic and fear enveloped her heart.

She didn't mean to act impudent towards Greysen.

Her body moved on its own when she heard Greysen insult Matthew. Ruby was used to hearing other people insult her, but she couldn't stand it when someone insulted Matthew.

She didn't want her husband to be insulted because of her.

However, it was still not the right thing to do.

Greysen is a king who is as influential as Matthew, so Ruby fears her wrong actions will affect Veritas' future.

"Milady, do you want to eat parfait?"

Ruby flinched, then she raised her head to see Matthew's face.

It's different with Ruby. Matthew looked calm and even tended to relax.

It was as if he wasn't bothered by what she had done to Greysen.

Matthew lifted Ruby's chin. "Don't you like sweet things?"

Ruby nodded, but to be honest, she had no appetite to eat right now.

"I apologize for my rude behavior, Your Majesty," Ruby wrote.

Matthew tilted his head. "When did you get rude?"

Ruby widened her eyes. She didn't expect that Matthew would question the obvious answer.

"I splashed the King of Wridal." Ruby wrote, "It was my fault for following my impulsive thoughts."

Instead of looking angry, Matthew laughed. "It's not a problem. I had done something more terrible to him. Just dousing him with alcohol isn't going to change anything."

"Besides, naughty dogs do need to be punished." Matthew patted Ruby on the back. "I'm happy you can defend your pride, My Queen."

"Really?" Ruby looked at Matthew with round eyes as she handed him a paper.

Matthew smiled gently and patted Ruby's head. "Yeah, you did nothing wrong. So, do you want a parfait?"

Ruby laughed silently, then nodded quickly.

She couldn't refuse to eat the sweet parfait served at the party.

• • •

Unfortunately, the sweet taste of the parfait only lasts for a while because Ruby has to drink alcohol with the guests.

Throughout the rest of the event, Matthew escorted Ruby to get acquainted with the sovereign of other kingdoms. Although they also had doubts and dislike towards Ruby, they weren't as brave as Greysen, who could quickly start a fight with Matthew.

"Milady, this is the King of Mivell, His Majesty King Truman Ayton, and his wife, Queen Elizabeth Ayton," said Matthew.

Ruby immediately bent her back in salute. Truman and Elizabeth also flashed their smiles, although, to be honest, it was just a pretense.

The two people wore clothes dominated by gold, making Ruby feel that her eyes were dazzling from looking at them for too long. As far as Ruby knew, Mivell did have a business sector in the gold mine.

Soon, leaders from other kingdoms joined them.

"Your Majesty, I am the King of Tredo, King Brandyn Sawyer." Brandyn then introduced the woman next to him. "And this is my queen, Queen Loreina Sawyer."

Ruby smiled when she saw them, a genuine smile that Ruby rarely showed that day. That was because the King and Queen of Tredo didn't doubt Ruby and sincerely welcomed Ruby's coronation.

Beside them, Queen Herta Coburn, the Sovereign of Ditor, also didn't doubt Ruby. Although Herta's face looked cold and didn't even bother introducing herself to Ruby.

However, Ruby saw Herta's body covered in yellow, which symbolized happiness. Even though Ruby didn't understand why Herta was happy when Matthew had a queen, at least Ruby was glad that someone else didn't hate her.

"It must be hard for you to handle King Greysen." Loreina smiled. "But you don't have to think about it too much. King Greysen often speaks harshly so you will get used to it over time."

Other people might think that Loreina was just saying that to comfort Ruby, but Ruby knew that Loreina was telling the truth. She also seemed to dislike Greysen, perhaps because Greysen had gotten into trouble with her in the past.

"I will remember your words, Your Majesty," Ruby wrote.

The Emperor then joined them as he raised his glass of alcohol. "Come on. This place is a banquet. It's better to forget the bad things and have fun today."

The emperor's arrival made them raise their glasses of alcohol and drink it. As the Emperor said, they were all too busy with endless government work, so it was better to have fun while they could.

Ruby sipped the alcohol slowly, not liking the bitter taste that burned her throat. However, that bitter taste gradually became delicious when Ruby started to get drunk.

It seemed that Ruby had heard that the alcohol at Veritas was known for its bitter, addictive taste, so drinking just one glass would not be enough.

She took glass after glass, letting the bitter taste filled her mouth and throat.

If only Matthew hadn't held Ruby's arm, maybe she would have continued to drink alcohol until she lost consciousness.

"You are drunk." Matthew led Ruby's arm and walked out from the crowd.

Ruby shook her head slowly. She tried to write something in Matthew's palm. However, because she was too drunk, Ruby couldn't write anything.

"Let's go back." Matthew tried to lead Ruby out of the hall, but Ruby insisted on staying.

Ruby no longer wants to leave before the party ends, as she thinks such an act will make the guests feel unappreciated.

"You don't have to worry about them. It is better for you to go rest than to force yourself."

After being persuaded by Matthew, Ruby finally let herself be led by Matthew to the hall door. However, after just a few steps, Ruby stopped again.

This time, it wasn't because she didn't want to leave the party, but because her head suddenly hurt so bad, as if someone had stuck thousands of needles in her head.

"Milady, is something wrong?" Matthew bent his back so he could see Ruby's face more clearly.

Ruby knelt on the floor, holding her head as she was not strong enough to stand. The pain then spread throughout her body, from her head to chest.

Ruby's body was also shivering with cold as if she was being buried in the snow.

Seeing that Ruby didn't respond, Matthew started to panic. "Ruby, can you hear me? Ruby!"

Ruby gritted her teeth as the cold she felt got worse. Both her hands and feet were even numb from freezing.

Ruby raised her head and looked into Matthew's face with blurry vision. She saw Matthew was shouting at her, but his voice sounded faint in Ruby's ear.

Blood flowed from Ruby's nose and mouth, leaving Matthew with fear and worry.

"Ruby!" Matthew caught Ruby's body when his wife's body almost fell.

Before Ruby lost consciousness, she moved her lips as if she wanted to say, "Sorry."

Even though it was her special day, Ruby messed it up.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

From Zena:

Oh, no! Something happened to our adorable Ruby!

In the future chapter, Ruby and Matthew's relationship will enter the next stage. They will begin to open their hearts and discover many secrets that exist between them.

I hope you are enjoying this story as it is unfolding. This book will go premium starting from the next chapter. I would be grateful if you would support me by unlocking it with coins.

Thank you to all of you that were always waiting for this story!