
I Became the Dark Prince.

Leon had finally completed the Triple-A game, End of an Era. It was a fantasy game, where the Main character had to defeat the main boss, a demonic dragonlord to save the world, and blah blah. But when Leon went outside to get some fresh air, he didn't realize a thunderstorm was raging , so he got struck by lighting and died. But he reincarnated as one of the highest level bosses in the game End of an Era, as Prince Zagan Von Asherion, also known as the 'Dark Prince'. He was destined to be used by the final boss and manipulated into being a terrifying villain, who would get killed by the main character and his party members. "NO WAY I'M DYING AGAIN!!!! I'M GONNA SURVIVE DAMNIT!", determined with a strong will to live, Leon will avoid death flags and become the best prince one can become. MC is evil. But it's all for the sake of humanity's survival! He does care for his mother though. THIS NOVEL DOESN'T HAVE A SYSTEM! The cover Image is AI generated.

AGENT_ALT · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Spell Casting and Summoning.

After collecting the items, Zagan left the library and the door automatically closed behind him. The library had no staff, but it was always so clean and perfect, because there were golems inside the Library which became active at night and cleaned the library.

This was to ensure that the knowledge in the library wouldn't be victim to espionage.

Seeing Zagan hold a book and a robe, Arnold got curios about them, but decided not to ask Zagan about it.

"I'll be going into my room now. Don't let anyone in.", ordered Zagan.

"As you command, your highness.", replied Arnold.

They both reached Zagan's room within 15 minutes of walking and Zagan entered the room, stationing Arnold outside the door.

'Now... it's time to learn how this spell works...', Leon thought to himself while looking at the spell book.

He walked over to the desk, sat down on the chair and started reading the spell book.

It took Zagan 3 hours of constant, non-stop reading to fully grasp the spell's formula and how it worked.

If Leon didn't have Zagan's brain and memories, he would have never been able to understand even the first letter of the book.

Zagan was indeed a genius among geniuses, so it was definitely a matter of time before he could fully understand the spell and cast it.

'pheeww.... Here goes nothing!', Leon thought.

"Caster's Blessing.", as soon as Zagan chanted the words, a magic circle appeared below his feet and shone a warm and comforting light on Zagan. After that, he felt the spell's effects and was satisfied with it.

He could feel that he got stronger temporarily, and that the spell consumed some Mana.

'Wow... I was worried that I wouldn't even be able to cast complex spells, because I don't know magic...', Leon thought.

Because there was no magic on earth, and the game didn't really explain how magic worked, so Leon had thought it would have been impossible for him to cast complex spells. But he soon realized that, that wasn't the case. If he focused hard enough, he could tell what kind of spells he could cast, their individual cooldowns, and even their range and area of effect. Telling how much MP he had left was way easier. He could always feel how much MP he had left by the tiredness of his body.

All of this was possible only because Leon had access to all of Zagan's memories. And the fact that Zagan's body was blessed by mana.

'Blessed by Mana' basically means that your body will be more conductive to mana, allowing you to grow faster as a mage than others. Anyone could be blessed by mana, it wasn't just restricted to the rich and powerful. Even a lizard could be blessed by mana.

'With this, It may be possible to raid a mid-level dungeon already... no, I should wait and become stronger. Completing my Spell arsenal takes priority.', Leon decided to stick to his plan and not skip any steps. He knew he wouldn't get anywhere if he looked at the bigger picture. He had to look at the real picture, not the bigger picture to make real progress. He had to improve himself one step at a time. Biting off more than he could chew would only result in him screwing himself over.

'Next is a summoning spell.', he thought to himself.

Summoning in the game wasn't just important, it was necessary for combat and other things. This was especially true for Zagan, as he was mostly solo. He could order some knights to accompany him and protect him, but Zagan hated the idea of asking for help from his father's employees.

'If I remember correctly, there was a very good spell for summons... I think it was called 'Summon Elemental'? I remember the earth elemental being very good from early to mid game. After that, you would usually get yourself a golem summoning spell, which would be way stronger than any other summoning spell in the game...', Leon's thoughts trailed off.

The golem summoning spell was extremely overpowered as you could customize how your summoned golem would look like and how it would function, like you could make it attack or act as a tank for you. It was also a growth-type spell that increased in functions as your level increased. You could specify what material the golem would be made of when you reached 7th circle.

'Oh wait! I almost forgot! I can get one of the best summons in the game tonight!', Leon inwardly exclaimed.

In the game, whenever there was a blood moon, you could see a black carriage being pulled by a headless knight wearing black armor, riding a skeletal horse. Normally, this type of monster would be called a 'Dullahan', an extremely powerful undead, but this headless knight wasn't a monster. He was undead, but he was also neutral, because the person inside the carriage was an 'Archlich', the summoner and controller of the Dullahan.

Archliches were undead sorcerers of extreme power. Even one of them could pose a huge threat to even the Main character's party. But, they were neutral. They had taken the path the lichdom with good intentions and only wanted to keep to themselves.

The Archlich inside the carriage was at least 300 years old. He was originally a 9th circle Mage, who went by the name 'Calypsoe'. After reaching old age, he realized that there was no one who could inherit his magic. So he decided he would take the path of lichdom and wander the plains as a travelling merchant, selling his wares to people who could recognize who he actually was.

He would only come out in his carriage on blood moon nights and ride through the roads between the great cities.

'If I'm not mistaken, then he is supposed to appear tonight! He sells one of the best summons to the player after he discovers the true identity of the Archlich after completing a difficult quest. But I already know who he is, so I don't have to bother with the quest and directly get the reward!', Leon exclaimed in joy.

A slight smirk appeared on Zagan's handsome face, as he let out a few vicious chuckles.

IsN't ThE mAiN ChAraCteR tOo LuCkY?!/11

yeah he is. so what?

AGENT_ALTcreators' thoughts