
The Bad Boy- Chapter 3

An hour later


Stacy: That must be Axel.

Lexi: I'm ready when you are.

Lexi and Stacy head to the door.

Stacy: I'll see you at the party.

Stacy opens the door.

Axel: Wow!

Stacy: See you later Axel.

Stacy leaves.

Axel: Yeah, see you later.

Lexi: Hey... are you ready to go?

Axel: Um... yeah let's go.

Lexi and Axel head to the movies.

5 minutes later.

Axel: Do you want popcorn?

Lexi: Sure.

After the movie.

Lexi: That was a good movie.

Axel: Yeah. Do you still want to get pizza?

Lexi: No, the popcorn filled me up. We can just go straight to the party.

Axel: Whatever you want.

Lexi and Axel go to the party.

Lexi: We just got here and I already wanna leave.

Axel: Come on, at least stay here for an hour.

Lexi: Fine.

Stacy walks up to Lexi and Axel.

Stacy: You guys made it!

Lexi: Yeah.

Axel: So... what did we miss?

Stacy: Nothing much. In fact you came just in time, we're just about to play truth or dare.

Lexi: Oh really? Cool.

Everyone gathers around and makes a giant circle.

Stacy: Ok, I'm going first. Axel truth or dare?

Axel: Um... truth.

Stacy: Is it true that you like Lexi?

Axel: . . .

Stacy: That's not an answer.

Kim: Ok, my turn. You, boy in the leather, truth or dare.

Leather boy: Dare.

Kim: I dare you to kiss someone in this room.

The boy in leather looks around the room and walks in Lexi's direction.

Stacy: OMG Lexi, he's walking this way.

Lexi: That doesn't mean anything. He could be walking towards the person next to me.

The boy in leather walks to Lexi, leans in, and kisses her.

Stacy: Yep, it totally doesn't mean anything.

Lexi slaps the boy in leather and runs outside.

Leather boy: Ow, what the heck? It was just a kiss.

Stacy: Lexi, wait! I knew she wasn't over it.

Axel: I'll go talk to her.

Axel follows Lexi outside.

Lexi: Go away!

Axel: It's me.

Lexi: Oh, sorry.

Axel: Want to talk about it?

Lexi: Not really.

Axel: Okay, no pressure.

Lexi: . . .

Axel: . . .

Lexi: I thought I was ready to move on, but it still hurts like hell. This is why I hate parties.

Lexi starts to cry.

Axel: Hey, hey, don't worry about. I'm always here for you. You don't have to go through this alone.

Lexi: I don't mean to cry, it's just that I can't stand the thought of being here without thinking of that night.

Axel gets closer to Lexi and wipes her tears.

Lexi: . . .

Axel: . . .

Axel leans closer to Lexi.

Lexi: . . .

Stacy: Hey guys...

Axel and Lexi look towards Stacy.

Stacy: OMG! Were you 2 about to kiss?!

Lexi: . . .

Axel: . . .

Lexi: I'm going home.

Lexi runs past Stacy and heads for the door.

Leather boy: Hey you, wait!

Lexi: I have nothing to say to you!

Lexi walks to Axel's car and the boy in leather follows.

Leather boy: Do you want to explain to me why you slapped me?!

Lexi: Leave me alone.

Lexi grabs the handle of the car door and the boy in leather holds it closed.

Leather boy: I won't let you leave until you answer me.

Lexi: What do you want, an apology?!

Leather boy: I'm not into apologies. No, I want you to do something for me.

Lexi: Your stupid if you think I'm going to do something for you. I don't even know you.

Leather boy: The name's Cole.

Lexi: Well "Cole", I still don't know anything about you, so I'm not do anything for you.

Cole: Oh come on, it's the least you could do for slapping me.

Cole grabs Lexi's wrist tightly.

Lexi: Ow! What are you doing? Let go of me!

Cole: No! You have to pay for what you did to my handsome face! It still stings.

Lexi: Boohoo, now let go!

Cole pulls Lexi closer to him.

Lexi: I said no!

Lexi tries to shake Cole off and Axel comes out.