
I Became Sans in Date A Live

I became sans in date a live

Shiniro_Yang · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

Tengu City

Tengu City

* * *

As the plane slowly touched down on the runway, I looked out the window.

The sky of Japan was clear, and the sunlight was dazzling, casting a golden glow over everything it touched.

This was Tengu City, the place I had longed to visit for as long as I could remember.

The place Date A Live took place in.

The anticipation had been building up inside me ever since my world had dramatically changed a month ago.

A month ago, my ordinary life had taken an extraordinary turn.

Friends, school, and even family remained the same, but everything else was different.

Spacequakes had become a bizarre part of reality, and I had inexplicably transformed into a human version of Sans from Undertale.

At first, I was bewildered by my new appearance, expecting shock and confusion from those around me.

However, no one seemed to notice.

Friends and family insisted I had always looked this way, as if two worlds had seamlessly merged.

The plane came to a halt, and the seatbelt sign turned off.

With a mix of excitement and nervousness, I gathered my belongings and followed the stream of passengers exiting the aircraft.

As soon as I stepped off the plane, the sights and sounds of the bustling airport enveloped me.

People from all walks of life hurried past, each absorbed in their own destinations.

The air was filled with a blend of languages, the hum of conversations, and the occasional announcement over the intercom.

I put on my sunglasses and took a deep breath, savoring the moment.

"Finally here," I murmured to myself, a smile creeping onto my face.

Over the past month, I had learned more about my newfound abilities.

With a simple wave of my hand, I could conjure bones in midair, forming intricate patterns or using them as weapons.

I could summon gigantic dragon-shaped skulls, known as "Gaster Blasters," that fired powerful lasers with devastating precision.

Telekinesis, or "Blue Magic," allowed me to move objects effortlessly, bending them to my will.

The most exhilarating ability, however, was teleportation.

I remember seeing a theory that Sans could teleport and it ended up being true, and now, so could I.

Realizing the potential of these abilities, I made the bold decision to move to Tengu City.

My goal was simple yet profound: to enroll in Raizen High School.


To meet my favorite heroines in person, of course.

The opportunity to interact with them in real life was a dream come true, something anyone in my situation would eagerly seize.

As I walked through the airport lobby, I couldn't help but notice the stares of people around me.

Whispers floated through the air.

"Is that person a celebrity?"

"He's so handsome!"

I just smiled and kept walking, my confidence growing with each step.

I had always considered myself good-looking, but after my transformation into sans, my appearance was almost overwhelmingly attractive.

It was a strange feeling, but not an unwelcome one.

The airport itself was a marvel of modern design, with sleek architecture and expansive glass windows that let in an abundance of natural light.

Shops and restaurants lined the corridors, offering everything from traditional Japanese cuisine to the latest fashion trends.

Digital billboards flashed vibrant advertisements, while travelers hurried to catch their flights or reunite with loved ones.

Leaving the airport, I felt a sense of anticipation growing inside me.

The cityscape of Tengu City sprawled out before me, a mix of towering skyscrapers and traditional buildings.

The streets were alive with activity, as people went about their daily lives.

The air was filled with the sounds of honking cars, the chatter of pedestrians, and the distant hum of construction work.

I hailed a taxi and gave the driver the address of my hotel, eager to settle in and start this new chapter of my life.

As the taxi weaved through the bustling streets, I gazed out the window, taking in the sights.

Cherry blossom trees lined some of the avenues, their pink petals fluttering in the breeze.

Small parks dotted the urban landscape, offering pockets of greenery amidst the concrete jungle.

The city felt alive, vibrant, and full of possibilities.

Upon arriving at the hotel, I checked in and made my way to my room.

The room was cozy and neatly arranged, with a beautiful view of Tengu City's skyline through the window.

Exhaustion washed over me as I threw myself onto the bed.

My body felt heavy, and my eyelids were like lead.

I was on the verge of falling asleep when a sudden alarm blared from the speakers.

"Spacequake alert! Spacequake alert! Get to your nearest shelter immediately."

My eyes snapped open in surprise.

"Spacequake? Now?" I muttered to myself.

The thought of that strange phenomenon that had been disrupting my life for the past month flashed through my mind.

'Could it be...'

I bolted out of bed and rushed outside the hotel.

The streets were filled with people frantically running towards the underground shelters.

I didn't panic; instead, I calmly pulled out my phone and opened the navigation app.

The destination was a certain family restaurant.

My heart pounded in my chest.

'The chances are slim, but... if this is the spacequake where Shido and Tohka met for the first time in the original light novel...'

An excited smirk tugged at my lips.

The thought of witnessing such a pivotal moment made my blood race.

Blue flames erupted in my left eye.

'I can't miss such a scene.'

My pulse quickened, and anticipation surged through me.

I snapped my fingers.

Where I had been standing, there was nothing left.

I had vanished like the wind.

* * *

I teleported on the roof of the family restaurant, my heart pounding with anticipation.

The scene that unfolded before my eyes was nothing short of extraordinary.

A massive crater, as if a meteor had struck, dominated the landscape.

Next to the crater stood a person, gazing intently at the destruction.

I couldn't help but smirk. 'I guess I was correct.'

The person was Shido Itsuka, the main character of Date A Live.

'That means...'

My eyes darted to the center of the crater.

There, amidst the rubble, was a grand golden throne.

And next to the throne stood...


Tohka, code name Princess, one of the main heroines of Date A Live.

And this scene before me, the first meeting of Tohka and Shido, was one of the most iconic moments of the series.

Seeing it unfold in real life was surreal.

'I can't believe I'm seeing this in person...'

Suddenly, Tohka began to move.

Her expression turned fierce as she reached for a blade embedded in the golden throne.

With a swift motion, she drew the sword and swung it with all her might.

The blade shimmered with an intense purple light, and a massive wave of energy erupted from it.

The problem was... It was heading straight toward me.

'The fuck?!' I thought, my adrenaline spiking.

The wave of energy was incredibly fast, and I could feel the air around me crackling with its power.

I had only a split second to react.

* * *

Tohka stared at the smoke rising from the top of the building she had just attacked.

Upon arriving, she had seen a white-haired guy standing on the roof, watching everything unfold.

And she could sense it immediately.

The guy was strong.

So she attacked him. And she thought she had killed him.

But suddenly, from out of nowhere, she felt an invisible force pushing her away.

Her surroundings blurred as she was flung backward.



She slammed into the side of the building with a bone-jarring impact.

Pain shot through her body, but she managed to open her eyes and look around.

In the distance, she saw the white-haired guy.

He was hovering in the air, standing atop what looked like the skull of a dragon.

His left eye was ablaze with a fierce flame, and most of all, he was smiling.

As if this situation was fun.

Tohka tried to move, but found herself restrained by an unseen force.

It felt like invisible chains were holding her in place.

She gritted her teeth, summoning every ounce of strength she had.

Slowly, she managed to break free from the invisible bindings and lunged toward the white-haired guy.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed another group of people flying toward her with strange suits on, but she didn't have time to worry about them.

Her focus was solely on the white-haired man.

She closed the distance between them and, when she was near enough, swung her sword with all her might.

The blade sliced through the air, but hit nothing.

Her instincts screamed at her, and she sensed something right behind her.

A cold voice cut through the tension.

"What? You think I'm just gonna stand there and take it?"

The voice sent a shiver down her spine.

She spun around, eyes wide with shock, trying to locate the source of the voice.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she realized she had underestimated her opponent.

Oh no!! Tohka is in trouble!!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Shiniro_Yangcreators' thoughts