

At 5am I was up and jogging, I thought I wouldn't find many pedestrians as it is still early in the morning but I guess I was wrong. I continued jogging while a few of them greeted me, cars hooting and all the usual stuff happening.

I jogged for less than an hour then returned home, I found Sima making breakfast singing the song power by the little mix.

"You are damaging my eardrums." I said making a face, "I don't care, the song hits deep." I wonder who she is kidding, she sings horrible.

"I'm going to wash up, after you finish making breakfast return to your house please." I said heading to my room, I heard her laugh behind me I just shook my head and closed my bedroom door.

"I'll stay here until you feel like puking." She shouted behind me and continued making those horrible singing voices of hers.

Sima is my older sister, she is just one year older than me. We have been together without parents for 12 years and it's been the scary and tiring years of my life. I don't know about Sima because she seems to enjoy this life of ours.

After bathing I wore my oversized basketball shirt and shorts, "eating without me?" I joked and sat down.

"You shouldn't be eating the breakfast I made, you told me to return to my house." She said and stuck out her tongue. I chortled and started eating, we ate in silent for about 5 minutes, I guess Sima couldn't keep her mouth shut for that long.

"We go another job." She said cutting through her toast with the knife. I ignored her on purpose thinking that she will leave me alone, "I said we are going to do it." I slowly placed my spoon on the table and rose my head to look at her. "You did what?" I couldn't believe my ears.

"I said we wil-"

"I told you that I'm quitting." She looked at me then shook her head. "How can you say that you are quitting? It's already-"

"Why didn't you tell me first?" I yelled in annoyance, "you were going to say no." She also yelled.

"If you knew that I was going to say no then why did you take the fuckin' job Sima? You know that I want to quit that tiring and scary life, I want to live like a normal human being for once, Sima." I continued yelling, already on my feet.

"I did it for you, if you want to live a normal life you should at least have money." She said all calm.

"Are you kidding me? I already have enough money, I'm not going to do the job. You can do it yourself if you want."

I gave Sima one hard look before walking out of the dining room, "where are you going?" She shouted following behind me.

"I'm going away from the person who makes decisions without consulting with me first." I wore my black boots and took my helmet.

"You know that I'm not going to apologize, right?" She asked leaning on the door frame.

"I know better than that."

I pushed past her walking towards my bike, that is the thing that Sima does all the time. She makes decisions without consulting with me, sometimes those decisions gets me in trouble and she still does not care about it.

There's only one thing in this world that I got complicated feelings for, that is Sima.

I love and hate her, and she knows it.

First chapter, I feel awesome. I hope you enjoy the story and also comment I would be happy to read and answer them If I could.


pseudonymcreators' thoughts