
I became an NPC in The Great Tomb of Nazarick

This is an AU! In a world where Earth is dying and humanity struggles, virtual reality games, especially the VR game YGGDRASIL, provide an escape. Momonga, the leader of a powerful race in YGGDRASIL, remains online as the game faces shutdown. Alone, he reconnects with a comrade, Bukubukuchagama, before YGGDRASIL's closure. Meanwhile, in Nazarick's ninth-floor library, an androgynous character named Thoth, a trapped soul, anticipates freedom as the game ends. Upon the game's closure, Thoth gains control of his movements and discovers his angelic form. As Thoth explores his new abilities and surroundings, a mysterious world awaits beyond the virtual realm. With an enigmatic library, magical prowess, and a goal to adapt to the new world, Thoth embarks on an adventure, uncovering his true potential and encountering diverse characters within the Great Tomb of Nazarick. As the story unfolds, alliances, conflicts, and loyalty to the supreme one, Momonga, shape the fate of Nazarick and its inhabitants in this virtual-to-real fantasy journey. -x-x-x- I've only seen the anime, and have only read the later half of the LN (at which point, the story will be completely different anyway so it won't matter), so forgive any inaccuracies. Also, I don't know much about angel lore as an atheist, so I'm gonna be making up my own stuff. Hope you like the story and have a good one. Also, if you really like the story, here is my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MarAuthor

MarAuthor · Tranh châm biếm
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60 Chs

Backstory 1 - Meeting

Within YGGDRASIL, in the server of Niflheim also simply known as "The Underworld" or "Hell" two players could be seen walking through the barren landscape.

One dressed in brilliant white armor with a flamboyant red cape that seemed to gracefully flow behind him no matter the circumstance, the legendary PVP legend Touch Me walked side by side with what looked like a relatively meek player of no importance.

This other player, simply known as Momonga by his few allies and even fewer friends, could be seen wearing a fairly high-quality red robe while a small wand is equipped on his left hand.

He has a few rings on his fingers since he still hasn't bought the necessary DLC for all the ring slots to open, still, these should be more than enough for your average exploration of Niflheim.

"Seriously Touch Me-Sama... Do we have to keep exploring this part of Niflheim?" (Momonga)

Momonga spoke to Touch Me with respect as he has only recently been admitted to the guild, its name still "Nine's Own Goal."

"I'm telling you Momonga, there has to be something in this vast black desert! Why would the devs even put it here if it has nothing in it!" (Touch)

Momonga sighed.

"Maybe just to troll us? Also, even if there is something here, how can you be sure it's worth it?" (Momonga)

Touch Me shrugged.

"I dunno, but hey, it beats arguing with Ulbert back in our hideout." (Touch)

"I guess... Still, I already had to use ten potions of fire resistance to resist the crazy 'Hell Desert Heat' debuff..."

"Blah blah blah who cares? We have a lot of spare resources right now anyway thanks to your grinding with Ulbert, so let's use them!"

Momonga remained silent as they continued to walk, minutes stretched into hours as the two occasionally chatted.

Still, for Momonga, this was certainly better than just sitting on his bed in the real world staring at the roof, which is honestly prettier than the toxic fumes outside anyway, which says something.

Touch Me suddenly halted at the peak of a large sand mount- Actually, it would be more accurate to refer to the sand here as ash, since it felt more accurate.

What he saw in the distance was an immense sandworm with layers upon layers of teeth, its two small round eyes glowed a menacing white while its veins, normally hard to see, stood out like a sore thumb as they gleamed with divine energy.

Either way, he whispered to Momonga.

"There's a huge Ash Worm in the distance, looks around level 90 or so. But... It's also weird." (Touch)

"How weird?" Momonga tilted his head, confused.

"It glowing white with thick white veins and stuff, I dunno, never seen anything like it!" (Touch Me)

"I..." Momonga considered, "...I don't think we should take that fight if I'm honest..." (Momonga)

"Hmm... Well, it might be special, and besides, I'm level 90 and you are level 92, we should be fine."

"Very well, but if our health gets too low we have to bail or the 'Hell Dessert Heat' debuff is gonna kill us." (Momonga)

"Sure, now let's go!" (Touch)

The two then rushed out since sneaking around the Ash Worm is useless thanks to its tremor sense.

After they reached the edge of its tremor sense, Touch Me charged in while Momonga hung back.

As the massive worm noticed the flamboyant hero, it dug itself into the ground and tried to swallow him whole from beneath, but Touch Me ran around as sporadically as he could, making it very difficult.

Momonga meanwhile cast various debuffs on the worm, including "[Greater Slow]" and other similar spells, helping Touch Me in his dodging efforts.

Nonetheless, as Touch Me ran, one of his feet suddenly got stuck in the ash beneath him.

"Fuck! Bad RNG now of all times?!" (Touch)

Momonga noticed the sudden stop from Touch Me, staring in horror as his friend was consumed.

So many items and levels were lost that quickly! But there is still hope.

If Touch Me could attack it from the inside while he attacked it from the outside, they would have a reasonable chance to kill the thing.

And so Ainz kept going, dodging as if his life depended on it while praying that Touch Me would know what to do.

Touch Me meanwhile was sent rag-dolling down the worm's body after he was attacked by hundreds of sharp teeth, luckily, his armor is of Divine-tier level, so he survived the otherwise lethal damage.

After he fell for roughly a minute, during which he occasionally crashed into the worm's intestines, he finally stopped falling.

He tried to stab the intestines a few times, but the thick mucus around them made it effectively useless.

As he stood up, covered in stomach acid, he looked around.

Around him was a large pool of green acid with various bodies and large islands of ash and dust, all half-melted.

As the worm threw itself underground again, the entire stomach churned, throwing everything into the air, including Touch Me.

As a lot of the acid flew up, he managed to see a large white crystal-like thing held up by thick red flesh, the crystal pulsed with power, as if struggling to break free.

"Woah, now that is cool!" Touch Me shook his head as he remembered Momonga whining, "I told him there had to be something interesting out here!"

With that, he landed in the stomach acid while doing a superhero landing, the acid burning against his avatar.

Touch Me looked at his health, in here, he could last another 10 minutes at this rate.

With determined steps, he started wading through the thick acid sludge, jumping on the large clumps of ash and dirt whenever possible.

After a few minutes, he reached his goal, and his health was now at 50 percent.

With a deep breath, which was purely theatrical, he jumped into the acid and swam toward the crystal.

Thankfully, it gave off a convenient white glow, making it very easy to find.

After Touch Me reached the crystal, he drew his blade and started hacking away at the tendons holding the crystal, causing the creature to wildly thrash around, much to Momonga's confusion.

Either way, Touch Me held onto the tendons and finally cut the crystal free.

A large explosion of pure white covered his eyes as Momonga saw the creature click its teeth rapidly in pain as beams of pure white light shot out from it, its white veins squirming and pulsing as it exploded outward.

The pieces that shot out quickly disintegrated into white ash, leaving Touch Me on the floor with the crystal, surrounded by white ash.

Momonga ran over, popping up a ":O" emoji with his interface.

"Woah! Is that a rare drop? I've never seen anything like it!" (Momonga)

Touch Me looked at the crystal and hummed thoughtfully.

"Hmmm, I don't know, never seen anything like it." (Touch Me)

"Huh, I have some basic appraisal spells, but it might be better to have one of the others look at it." (Momonga)

"Cast an appraisal spell on it for now, we'll have the others look at it later." (Touch Me)

"Sure." Momonga then reached out his hand and cast "[Appraisal]," a simple tier 5 spell capable of appraising all items and giving basic information about them. The only negative was that it couldn't provide info on any items with decent encryption.

Ainz stared in confusion as he looked at the item.

[Seed of Heaven]

[Effects on the user while carried before hatching:

-50% XP gain.

Resistance to all holy damage types.

Resistance to all Unholy damage types.

Will automatically agro all demonic, angelic, and undead enemies within eyesight.]

[Effects on the user after hatching:

+1 AI companion capacity for the user and his guild.

+1 customizable AI companion (Capable of casting Supertier spells).]

[Requirements for hatching:

1) The user must be level 100.

2) Seed of Heaven must have at least 100000000 XP.

3) The user must be a member of a guild that has a guild base.]


[As a great angel falls and heaven weeps in sorrow, a seedling is created within the divine realm. This one has fallen to the infernal plains, abandoned, left behind, one cannot be sure of its purpose here. Yet it has been discovered, and should it be given a chance to grow, it will become a mighty angel indeed.]

"What is it? Is the silence the good or bad kind?" (Touch Me)

"...Well, depends on how you look at it, here, I sent you a screenshot." (Momonga)

Touch Me opened the screenshot and read through it, his excitement palpable.

"Holy hell! This is really good for grinding XP for the others! Okay, I'll carry it around and the others, you included, can kill the swarms of monsters that approach to kill me without any risk to you all. Sounds good?" (Touch Me)

Momonga sent an awkward laughing emoji.

"Well... Maybe we should ask them for their opinion before making a decision?" (Momonga)

"Oh yeah, right. Let's do that." (Touch Me)

And so the duo began walking back to their current base. A sea of ash all around them.


I'll occasionally drop a backstory chapter here and there when I feel like it :)

THANK YOU TO MY PATRONS! patreon.com/MarAuthor

SUPREME BEINGS (2): ElusiveBucket, shadowlord0474 (6 USD/month)



NAZARICK NPC's (1): NONE (1 USD/month)