
I became a werewolf

I am not the savior, I am the god of murder! "I have left the king silent, the gods dispersed, and chaos engulfed the earth!"! My roar signifies war and death, survival or death, domination or slavery! "My power will surely manifest, I am the giant wolf sweeping the universe, I am the war."

xinchao_zhang · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
54 Chs

Chapter 042 Ze's Incendiary Bomb


As soon as Wang Ming returned to the camp, Fei and other werewolves surrounded him.

In fact, Wang Ming's return to the base alone has somewhat worried them. Although he is very strong, Wang Ming cannot make any mistakes.

"Yes, guys, night is the best time for us to hunt."

Wang Ming spoke to the werewolf Fei et al. He walked up to the big blackboard on the dry grass ground and then shouted to the scar in the distance, "Bring me the map."

Hearing the command, Scar hurriedly went to fetch the map, and within a moment, he took the map and handed it to Wang Ming.

Wang Ming took the map and pulled the big map apart, signaling that the scar would fly up to help fix it.

Then he took out the mini map, frowned, and looked carefully.

After pondering for about ten minutes, Wang Ming placed the mini map on the table.

I picked up the white chalk on the table and marked three locations on the small map.

One is the Tar Orc base that has been brutally attacked by Wang Ming's Poison Claw.

One is the base of the Third Battalion, the next target of the Tar Orcs.

The last one is the temporary camp where Wang Ming lives.

After a moment of silence, I looked sideways at the big map.

Then he looked at the distance between the three locations marked on the small map, and Wang Ming fell into deep thought.

After a moment, he suddenly seemed to have made a decision, and then drew a circle between the Tar Orc base and the Third Battalion base.

"This is the base of the First Battalion, which has been captured by the Tar Orcs. For the territory that has just been captured, they cannot just let it go. They will definitely arrange for certain personnel to guard it."

Wang Ming looked at the location depicted on the small map and said to himself.

It is obviously impossible to face up to the large forces of the Tar Orcs now, even with weapons of mass destruction.

The large army of the Tar Orcs is well equipped, and frost mentioned the Tar Cannon when he was at the Battalion Base today.

It should be a large caliber gun from the Tar Orcs. Wang Ming doesn't know how big it is, but judging from frost's expression at the time, it must not be small.

This type of large artillery is usually placed in the rear, and if the Tar orcs want to push the battle line forward, they are likely to place the so-called Tar artillery near the base of the First Battalion.

Bomb the base of the Third Battalion Regiment from this distance!

Thinking of this, Wang Ming frowned and then turned to the wolves and said.

"The purpose of the Tar Orcs is a concentration camp. What does that mean? There are thousands, even more, of our compatriots living there. They are like us, and suffering always follows."

"But I think we should stop that damn Tar orc, because this is our territory! The territory of the wolves is sacred and inviolable!"

After Wang Ming said that, his fierce expression glanced at the werewolf soldiers. "We must make them pay the price!"

Upon hearing what Wang Ming said, all the werewolves' blood began to boil, and they calmly looked at Wang Ming with their resolute eyes.

Waiting for his next instructions is incomparable trust.

"Line up!"

With a loud shout, the werewolf soldiers lined up in an orderly manner.

Within a moment, under the command of Wang Ming, the wolves lined up to the temporary warehouse at the camp, which was filled with various firearms, as well as four heavy machine guns.

There are countless bullets, all of which were looted from the raid on the base of the Tar Orcs last night.

If it hadn't been for that river, Wang Ming now owned several cannons.

"Unfortunately, if it weren't for the urgency of time, our chances of winning this action would have been even greater."

Wang Ming's heart ached at the thought of the cannons in the Tar Orc base.

"Boss, I think you should need my new research."

At this moment, Ze suddenly ran over and said to Wang Ming, who was about to leave.

"Ze? Did you succeed in your research on incendiary bombs?"

Hearing that Ze had come to this way, Wang Ming let out a surprise.

"Yes, but no experiments have been conducted yet, but I am absolutely confident that this is my research result, and I can be sure of it."

Ze said confidently to Wang Ming, who was full of doubts.

Hearing Ze's confidence, Wang Ming looked into his eyes for a while and then said, "Take it out."


After receiving Wang Ming's order, Ze quickly ran back to his humble research institute.

After a while, he cautiously approached Wang Ming with two rockets in his arms.

"There are only two at present, but they will definitely make the Tar Orcs suffer."

After hearing what Ze said, Wang Ming stepped forward and looked at the two rockets.

Then it signalled that two werewolf soldiers had taken over from Ze's hand.

"Be careful, don't touch it. If it explodes, we'll all be ruined here."

Seeing that the two werewolf soldiers were somewhat careless, they shouted at them.

"Is it so serious?"

"Yes, who are you scaring?"

Upon hearing Ze's angry voice, the faces of the two werewolf soldiers immediately sank.

They only listen to the head, the others? Either you're better than me, or, hehe!

"Alright, be careful, Ze's words are not alarmist."

Seeing the attitude of the two werewolf soldiers, Wang Ming quickly stepped forward and said.

Hearing Wang Ming say this, the two werewolf soldiers quickly and carefully supported the two "legendary" rockets.

However, for a long time, 450 werewolf soldiers were equipped with guns and carried on their backs, standing bravely on the dry grass waiting for orders.

Wang Ming also carried a gun at this time. His eyes were fierce, and he looked like a big villain with no emotion to speak of.

Walking slowly to the front of the team, I fixed my eyes on the werewolf soldiers in front of me. Except for the movement of individual werewolf soldiers' ears, the whole team was incredibly quiet, but they all seemed to shake their heads.

"Let's go!"

After watching for a while, everything was ready. Wang Ming turned around and shouted loudly, and rushed out.

Upon receiving the order, the werewolf soldiers followed Wang Ming's back closely.

This time, the werewolf team is different from the past. This is a single soldier equipped with the same personal equipment as the Tar orc soldiers.

The combat mode of these werewolves was carefully taught by Wang Ming, which can be said to be a special force.

With their skill and tactical coordination, Wang Ming believes that compared to the currently contacted Tal orc troops, with the same number of troops, they will definitely be vulnerable to a single attack in front of wolves.

The werewolf soldiers' functional resilience and agility, coupled with the weapons they possess, and the tactical coordination directed by Wang Ming.

"Perhaps this time we can stop this army of Tar Orcs, but we will definitely pay a certain price.".

Wang Ming is worried because now he doesn't have any new troops to supplement, and these werewolf soldiers die without one.

"This is not the way to go. If I want to get a certain say, I must show some achievements."

"Shuang, my dear eldest sister, can I trust you? Will you take care of your mother?"

As he hurried along, Wang Ming thought to himself that if he could get Shuang's help, he might be able to solve many big problems.