
I became a werewolf

I am not the savior, I am the god of murder! "I have left the king silent, the gods dispersed, and chaos engulfed the earth!"! My roar signifies war and death, survival or death, domination or slavery! "My power will surely manifest, I am the giant wolf sweeping the universe, I am the war."

xinchao_zhang · Kỳ huyễn
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54 Chs

Chapter 013 Catch All in One Catch


After seeing Wang Ming fall, Scar rushed up angrily with the accompanying werewolf.

But they were beaten back by the oncoming werewolf soldiers.

"What's the matter with this guy? Who brought it?"

At this moment, an officer commander walked up to Wang Ming, who had fallen to the ground, and kicked him with his foot. He found that there was no response at last, and then asked.

"Gan brought it back," the man on the side greeted him and whispered in the officer's ear.

"Lock them up first, and immediately notify Gan to come and find me!"

With that, the officer turned and left.

Then came two werewolf soldiers, one carrying Wang Ming's wolf feet and dragging them away.

"Gan, the commander asked you to find him."

Gan Gang, who had just returned to the residence, was about to take off his clothes and wash them when he heard someone shouting in front of the door.

"Commander looking for me? Not so soon, right?" Gan became very flustered after hearing about Chuan Xun.

Then he asked, "Did he say anything?"

"You're in big trouble, Gan. The half beast you brought back just made a fuss and even the commander was alarmed. You'd better hurry over."

The soldiers who came to deliver the message immediately left.

Upon hearing this news, Gan Mingxian was stunned for a moment, then suddenly seemed to have thought of something terrible, and quickly dressed up and grabbed the door and left.

"I listened to others' conversations all the way, and I was shocked again, 'It's true.'"

From time to time, Gan came to a building, which was the office of the Samsung Intermediate Commander.

Upon arrival, Gan tidied up her makeup, calmed down, and knocked at the door.

"Come in!"

A shout of anger, with a hint of dignity, rang from the room.

"Your excellency!"

After Gan Lai arrived, he gave a Kapang military salute to the officer sitting in his seat.

"Tell me about it. What kind of idiot like you came back alive from the Tal people? There are only 13 semi beasts in several towns in the east?" The officer asked coldly at Gan, his face extremely gloomy when he saw him.

"Yes, sir, thanks to the help of Half Beast, I was able to come back to see you alive. I originally received 63 Half Beasts this time, but during the conflict..."

Gan's forehead was dripping with sweat and his expression was very tense, but he still reported everything truthfully.

"Get help from a half beast? If I'm not mistaken, it's a half beast with black hair, but your goal for this year hasn't been achieved. You know the consequences."

After listening to Gan's report, the officer's tone did not change at all.

Upon hearing this, Gan's expression became even more ugly. He knew that he might not be able to run away this time. He lowered his head slightly and said, "Your Excellency... I have disappointed you."

"You're such a big head guy. What's the matter with those half beasts you brought back? Especially the black haired half beast, two soldiers who have been fighting in the battlefield for a long time, were knocked unconscious by him."

"Let me tell you how you managed to escape from the guns of the Tar Orcs."

The officer's tone revealed his curiosity about Wang Ming, and then took out the information on the side. This is the semi animal material Gan brought back today.

"Yes, my lord, it's like this... Balala, this, that, then this, finally..." Gan explained the matter carefully without missing a word.

But he changed it a bit. "That's right, sir. Under my courageous and fearless command, the half beasts have finally reached their potential, and under my cover, they can finally escape danger."


The officer looked at the information while listening to Gan's talk. When Gan finished speaking, his face showed great surprise.

Staring closely at the information in hand, this is exactly Wang Ming's information.

"In my opinion, this Ming is not simple. He has activated half beast potential, but to my surprise, this guy is actually the son of that person and the brother of the Second Group Army, that frost!"

As the officer spoke, his tone and expression also changed into shock.

"Yes, my lord!"

Seeing the officer shift his attention, Gan let go a deep sigh of relief in his heart.

"However, this does not cover up the fact that you are not doing well, come on!"

The officer's face flipped as he spoke, and under his angry drink, two ferocious werewolf soldiers entered the door.

"Your Excellency, please give me another chance! Your Excellency..." Upon seeing this, Gan became very flustered. As the two werewolves entered, he quickly pleaded with the officer for mercy.

"Dismiss your position, demote to criminal status, and send them to the pig farm to raise pigs after three days of imprisonment!"

The officer gave the order without mercy.

At the command, the werewolf came up and pulled off Gan's uniform, leaving him only a pair of briefs on his body.

"No, my lord! Give me another chance!" Gan cried with a heart rending voice.

"Drag it down!"

The officer shouted with a displeased expression.

The two werewolves looked at Gan's struggling hand, their corners of their mouths slightly raised, revealing a smile that made Gan extremely uneasy. "Come on, baby!" Then they directly lifted him away.

"Ming? It's a big deal, why are you here? Just keep it safe for a good day?" The officer looked at Wang Ming's information and muttered to himself.

A concentration camp detention facility.

"Ah, Lord, give me another chance! Lord!"

In the dreary hallway of the prison, a series of startled cries gradually spread, which was very sad.

"Hey, what's so familiar with this annoying voice?"

"Yes, my dear brother, let's take a look!"

Upon hearing the screams, the two Shabi brothers poked the wolf's head out of the cell where Wang Ming and others were being held.

In the corridor, two werewolf soldiers were dragging naked Gan towards this side.

"Oh my God, look, isn't this the stupid commander driving?"

"Yes, my dear brother, but he only has one pair of underpants now."

Upon hearing what Shabi said, the scars in the cell and other wolves quickly got up and came to the front of the cell. Curiously, they brought the wolf's face up.

"That's true!"

Looking at the dragged Gan, the werewolves looked curious. Isn't this guy also involved because of their trouble?

"Please be quiet!"

As for Gan's rogue struggle, the werewolf soldier finally burst into a small universe. Just now, he forbore the gaze of the Kapang army members on the road, but now that he's here, he feels he can do whatever he wants.

"Bang," a punch hit Gan's delicate cheek.


Gan let out a scream again, and this punch directly knocked out one of his wolf teeth, making him quiet.

From time to time, the werewolf soldiers locked Gan up in the cell where Wang Ming was imprisoned and left.


Gan sat on the cold ground, touching his swollen left face with his hand, and exclaimed.

"Hahaha, what's the matter with you? Is it because of us?"

The scarred werewolves couldn't help but laugh when they saw Gan Luode's current appearance.


In particular, the two of them, Shabi, burst into laughter with their bellies straight up, almost without losing their breath, making Gan even more angry.

Gan ignored these fallen werewolves, and then he suddenly glanced out of the corner of his eye at Wang Ming, who was lying on the pile of hay. His face was startled.

"What happened to him?"