
I became a ntr protagonist

Togi despised NTR and anything associated with it. Betrayed by his wife, he emerged from the ordeal a half-dead shell, only to transform into an MMA master driven by revenge. But after losing his chance exacting his vengeance, he found himself empty. Summoned by a goddess, he was forced to endure tragic hentai, fueling his anger to new heights. Now, more determined than ever, he sets out on a quest for vengeance against those who exploit and inflict emotional pain. gantz will be the main plot line mc will not be ntr after the first chapter and pics have been added

Borg_Zilong · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

I am now togawa

Why was this happening? I looked at my wife, her face covered in someone else's essence, the screen casting a dim glow across the room as I watched her being taken from behind.

"Soo good...more, fuck me!" Her voice echoed through the speakers, each word twisting the knife deeper into my heart.

"No...no...this can't be, this has to be a mistake," I muttered to myself, feeling like my world was crumbling around me.

"Hahaha, look at your wife, Togi! She's mine now, my slut!" The voice on the other end of the screen belonged to Tom, my best friend. I couldn't bear it anymore; the pain, the betrayal, it was too much. I passed out, unable to face the reality of it all.

A week later, I found myself in prison, sentenced to 15 years for attempting to commit murder in a blind rage. Tom, with his boxing skills, had beaten me down before I could do anything. And now, here I was, trapped in this hellhole.

"Damn," I heard Prisoner 4008's voice from across the cell, complaining about being bullied and having his food stolen. It was hard to muster any sympathy for him; after all, he had brought this upon himself.

As I navigated the brutal dynamics of prison life, I witnessed an old man being threatened by three other inmates over a bag of chips. My first instinct was to walk away, to avoid trouble and protect myself. But something inside me stirred—a flicker of decency, a remnant of the values I was raised with.

"Hey, bastards, think you're tough picking on an old man?" I confronted them, despite knowing my own limitations.

They turned their attention to me, and before I could fully process the situation, I found myself on the receiving end of their violence. The old man watched with a mixture of resignation and disappointment, and in that moment, I felt ashamed of my futile attempt at heroism.

Years passed, and I served my time in prison under the guidance of an old master named Muyoto, who taught me how to survive and fight. But even after my release, the scars of betrayal and loss weighed heavily on me.

Visiting Muyoto's grave, I poured out my gratitude and my resolve for revenge against Tom. But life had other plans; I spiraled into a self-destructive cycle, drowning my sorrows in alcohol and eventually meeting my end in a drunken accident.

As I woke up in a strange realm, faced with the prospect of being a hero tasked with preventing tragedies akin to the ones I had suffered, I couldn't help but feel bitter.

"Why me?" I questioned the goddess who had summoned me, handing me a book filled with stories of heartbreak and betrayal.

"You must learn from these stories and intervene in similar situations," she explained, but her words did little to ease my frustration.

A month later, standing before the portal to a new world, I felt a dangerous glint in my eyes. "Goddess, I'm ready to take on this role, but don't expect me to be a hero," I declared, my resolve fueled by a mix of anger and resignation.

The goddess smiled knowingly, and as I stepped into the unknown, I couldn't shake the feeling that my journey was just beginning, filled with challenges that mirrored the path I had walked in my past life.

rewrite time.

Borg_Zilongcreators' thoughts