
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Kỳ huyễn
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193 Chs

Chapter 70 - Tears of the Dead and the Blind Saint

Now he has come to Daedroth to embed the tears of the dead into his body.

The key was where to put the jewels.

However, Daedroth's answer was already decided.

"So... It has to be near the heart?"

"It's better when it's in the form of an accessory. It's easier to recognize the wearer. If you choose to embed it into your body, you have to 'imprint' that you are the owner of the jewel. In the case of the tears of the dead, I think a place near the heart would be appropriate. The heart can be said to be the source of life."


Listening to Daedroth's kind explanation, I leaned back on the sofa and threw my head back.

'I'm afraid it's not a fantasy...'

I've never experienced putting jewels into my body, even in a game.

Because there was nothing to do with it.

However, the tears of the dead could not hide the energy that flowed through the same process as the sealing process like the urethra.

I chewed on the antlers of Dius, who remained silent for a while.

Then Daedroth asks a question.

"But what are you chewing on?"

"It's the horn shell of Dius. I got it for catching a lich this time."

At the word "Deus' horn shell", The Daedroth was shocked.

It wasn't a horn, it was just a shell, so it didn't seem like a precious elixir, but why is that?

"Hey, is your tongue okay...?"

"A tongue?"

"I've heard that Dius' horns are terribly tasteless..."


Come to think of it, I don't think I've been able to feel the rich taste of any food I've eaten lately.

I ate so many strange things that my tongue became strange.

If 'excellent sense' included taste... It was worth it.

[Disciple, are you okay...? I think taste is a pretty important thing in living life...]

"It's okay, Master. If you're going to eat something like this in the future anyway, I'd rather not be able to taste it."

[Still, gastronomy is an important entity...]

As Sierra and I are having such a conversation, Deidros shakes his head.

"It's mysterious no matter how many times you look at it."

He said that and drank from the glass on the table.

Since he was a dragon, he had no particular notion of being drunk. In order for him to get drunk, a human would have to be doused with a liquid close to poison.

Daedroth finally got up from his seat and said let's deal with it quickly.

Soon after receiving his guidance, I took off my top and lay down at a long table.

Potions of unknown use were placed by my bedside.

It was only when the cold table touched the warm skin that I realized what I was about to do.

Daedroth promptly gives me a potion.

"What is this? A potion? Could it be some kind of anesthesia?"

"...Didn't you say you expected to be sick? It's an elixir. You'll be sorry if you die on the way, so drink it beforehand."

I was speechless at Daedroth's blunt reply.


It was a top-notch potion that was hard to find in the game.

A potion that has recovery power at the level of divine magic 'heal', which is different from general recovery medicine.

At this point, wouldn't it be obvious that he is a 'Gold Dragon'?

I immediately drank the elixir.

What's the point if you die before you even get one coin?

"...I'll start. You'd better try to stay as still as possible."

Then, a dragon's scales grew from his raised index finger, and sharp dragon's claws... Should I say claws? In any case, it looked very sharp.

In a word, it looked painful.

His claws point near my heart.

Then, his hand goes down and down.

Naturally, blood spurted out between my gently cracked skin.

"If you think you're going to die, tell me in advance, and I'll pour the elixir on you. In that sense, it's difficult to lose consciousness."

"Keugh... That's really... Thank you..."

It was painful to have his chest opened and closed while his mind was intact, but it was a very subtle feeling.

Soon after, Dedros inserts a jewel into his chest.

Then he utters something like an incantation in a small voice.

I couldn't understand what language it was.

Something like ancient runes or dragon words flashed through my mind.

[ Hoo... The jewel is slowly taking root in your heart. It is a strange sight. ]

Sierra, who was observing the 'surgery' intuition, exclaimed.

Soon, the mouth of Daedroth, who had been reciting the spell, stopped.

Deidros pulls out his hand.

His hands were full of blood.

I closed my open chest and poured the elixir into it.

"...It seems like it's finished somehow."

Said Daedroth, who poured the entire bottle of elixir.

It could have been a simpler task than I thought, but I think it was possible because it was Daedroth, not anyone else.

I barely moved my arms while lying down and felt my chest to see if the wound had healed.

'Is it already closed?'

In the meantime, it seemed that new flesh had sprouted.

I stood up from the table and smiled at the Dedros.

Sierra comes up to me and hugs me tight.

Her bursting breasts block my face.

The sound of her voice stroking my hair echoes in her head.

[It must have been very painful... I endured it well. Death won't be able to separate us now. ]

"It's only once, haha..."

Sierra seems to have been happy inside after hearing the effect of the tears of the dead. Because she was saying that her contract with her could somehow go on longer.

At that moment, Daedroth opened his eyes wide and held out the Elixir to me.

"...I don't know what they're talking about, but blood flows from their mouths."

[Really. She also buried her mother-in-law. ]

After Day de Los, Sierra added her words.

She listened to him and wiped her mouth, and a lot of her blood was coming out.

There was also blood on Sierra's chest, which was blocking my face.

Is it possible to touch because it is my blood?

I couldn't figure out the details.

Judging from the fact that the Daedroth doesn't mention it, it seems that there is no blood on Sierra.

As Sierra ponders what to do with her blood, she wipes Sierra's blood off her own breast with her hand and licks it.

In response, she asked Sierra.


[Bo, she's in the process of being cleaned by the original woman...]

Sierra stuttered her words as she turned her head away from me.

In a way, it's the first time Sierra has put something in her mouth since she died. She couldn't have tasted it, but Sierra licked every bit of her blood.

I was watching it, putting on a top and adjusting her dress.

As I got off the table, I immediately opened the status window to check if it was applied properly.

Fortunately, I was able to confirm that 'Tears of the Dead [Engraving]' Was written on the list of items being worn.

I also finally got one coin.

'Looks like I can do a little overdoing it now.'

I have no intention of wasting One Coin in vain.

However, it gave me confidence that I would be able to pull off a narrow line.

Of course, since the tears of the dead contain hundreds of ghosts, it seems that side effects may occur, but I have not experienced it, so I did not know.

Daedroth, who was observing me, opened his mouth.

"It's like a charm. It seems that the energy is well hidden... It's hard to feel the energy unless someone puts a hand on his chest."

"Thank you. But, how should I pay for this job...?"

I asked him, glancing at the three neatly emptied bottles of elixir.

"Conservative... Conservative..."

Deidros blurted out his words while thinking about it.

This time, he didn't create a work like Yodo, so he didn't want to get paid.

'Are you going to do something?'

Even in the game, at times like these, they were given miscellaneous quests such as errands.

Meanwhile, Daedroth cuts off the conversation.

"...A guest has arrived."

It seems that it sensed that someone had stepped into the barrier.

ㅡ Smart.

Immediately after the Daedroth chanted, someone knocked on the door of the mansion.

Daedroth roughly wiped off the stained blood with a cloth and approached the door.

ㅡ Kikkiik.

"Chief... My child..."

The door opened and it was a villager who appeared.

A villager was carrying a child on her back.

Looking at him from a distance, he could see the wound on his ankle.

"This... Looks like it was attacked by a poisoned one. If it's one nearby... Whoa... I'll have to call a priest soon."

The tone and voice of Daedroth, who had been talking like that, quickly changed to that of a young village chief.

"Yes, thank you... Thank you so much... But it might be hard to get through tonight... The child is in so much pain..."

I eavesdropped on their conversation from a distance and made my judgment.

If it's a Daedroth, there must be several ways to cure that child.

However, when he says he will call a priest, he seems to hate solving all the problems in the village with his money or ability as a dragon.

Is it because it's not natural?

However, as far as detoxification was concerned, acupuncture was also possible.

I always had a kit in my backpack.

I slowly approached Daedroth.

Daedroth heard my presence and said, 'Wait a minute.' I left the word to the residents and closed the door for a while.

And then he looks at me

"I think I can fix it."

I pulled out a spit from my backpack and whispered in his ear.

"...Hey, did you know how to handle acupuncture?"

"Any amount of detoxification is possible, but would it be better if I didn't step in?"

"Hmm... It seems that the poison has already spread in the body, so it will be too late to wait for the priest... Good."

That's how the close conversation with Daeros ended.

Daedroth opened the closed door again and opened his mouth while looking at the residents waiting in front of the door.

"This is an old friend of mine who says he knows how to do acupuncture. Can you please trust me?"

The villager checked the bandages around my eyes and was hesitant, but replied that he would know if the trust Daedroth had built as the village chief was considerable.

Detoxification was fairly simple.

It only took a little time because the poison was widespread, but it was not difficult.

"...I think this is enough."

As I retrieved the saliva from the boy's body, I turned my head behind me and said to the boy's mother, who was watching it.

Shortly after, the boy who had lost his mind opens his eyes.

He calls for her mother, and her mother comes over in tears.

As I moved away from them, I approached the Daedroth, who was watching me with my arms crossed.

Then the Daedroth's mouth opened.

"I never knew how to handle acupuncture... Once upon a time, there was a very famous blind acupuncturist. He's from the East, and it seems like you and I have a lot of overlap."

Could she be referring to the person who made her acupuncture, which she had told Priscilla about when she was trying to learn her acupuncture?

It was a statement that felt like the years he had lived.

"I asked how to get paid... How about taking a walk around the town? It's because there are not one or two people in this small town."

"...That's fine with me. But acupuncture has its limits, so it can't cure all diseases. Will that be enough?"


Deidros' answer fell short and he wandered around the village late at night, treating the minor and major ailments and injuries suffered by the residents.

Deidros memorized who was injured and how, and what disease he was suffering from. Thanks to that, it was easy to tell if I could treat it or not.

When I ran out of needles while walking around town, Daedroth hurriedly returned to his mansion and handed me a bunch of needles as if he had made them in the meantime.

It was late, but at some point the villagers started to gather, and eventually they had to spit in front of most of the villagers watching.

Lastly was a little girl who was having a bit of a headache.

I was afraid of sticking needles in her body, so I had to kindly reprimand her because of her uproar.

"Now, it doesn't hurt at all, right?"


Her eyes widened as her girl looked at her spittle in her own arm.

Soon after, she said that her head didn't hurt and started running around on the spot without taking her saliva.

"I heard you're the chief's friend..."

"There's no such thing as a saint..."

"The Blind Saint..."

"A saint has come to this small town. Crunchy..."

Residents watching this hear whispers.

...Most of the villagers felt that way.

I finished everything and was talking to Daedroth.

"Why does the voice of the saint come out...?"

I was simply curious.

Not only in this town, but also in the academy.

Deidros took a sip of his drink and opened his mouth.

Haha! Come to think of it, you can't read books, so I don't know about that 'fairy tale book'."

"Is it a children's book?"

"There's something like that. I guess it felt like the way he did and talked was similar to the saint in that fairy tale."


It's a fairy tale

While playing the game, I hadn't come across anything about children's books, so I couldn't point out anything.

She said, "I don't know what children's book she's talking about, because she's never really interested in books. ]

Even in poetry, there was not much difference.

It won't be very important.

That's how she passed the conversation topic and talked a little more with Deidros.

It was mainly the old stories of Daedroth.

Maybe because I took the first step well, he liked me in many ways.

"...I'll just go back now."

Time was getting late.

It was only in the morning that we were able to say goodbye and leave the Daedroth Mansion.

The villagers I met on the way to ride the carriage asked, 'Where are you going now?' To the question, I...

"It will flow as far as your feet go."

After saying ..., I got out of them and boarded the wagon.

Of course, the destination was Innocence Academy.