
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Kỳ huyễn
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193 Chs

Chapter 39 - Master's Prank

Chapter 39 - Master's Prank

After meeting Eisel, he trudged to the dormitory as if her soul had been taken away.

On her desk, eyeballs with red eyes were placed intact on the cloth.

It was time to sample the long-awaited eyeballs.

'Has there ever been a time when I had to eat something bizarre like this in a game?'

It was difficult to put the eyeballs in the mouth easily.

She was just repeating picking up and putting down her eyeballs.

[This girl is upset...]

Holding her heart and trying to eat her eyeballs, Sierra sighs and mumbles.

"...Why are you doing that, Master?"

I politely asked Sierra, who was completely downcast.

[Even though she says she's upset... Her pupil is trying to eat her eyeballs... Why does she keep trying to eat her fucking eyeballs? ]

Soon, Sierra, who glanced at me, grumbled.

I also wanted to eat it quickly.

On her way back, she visited the Herald who was making a spicy curry and asked about her eyeballs...

'Heh heh, well. I don't know about that either? Why do I have to eat eyeballs in the first place?'

Upon hearing the sound of ..., She returned to the dormitory without any income.

So she was in deep trouble.

Can I swallow my eyeballs?

If you can't swallow it, you'll have to chew it.

Should I chew it?

Meanwhile, Sierra is doing that.

When I don't answer, Sierra continues talking to herself as if she were the misfortune heroine in a play.

[I can't forget the original woman's mind, the image of her pupil laughing at a blonde woman...]

"When did I laugh out loud?"

...Was it

I couldn't remember what I was like because her hair was messed up at the time.

Sierra seems to have been quite shocked by Eisel's somewhat outspoken 'prank'.

'I do not know.'

In an instant, he picked up her eyeball with her fingers and tossed it into her mouth.

[Hey, look at that. Even though she says she is upset...! Did you really eat it? Oh, try it. Ah. ]

Sierra was fingering my cheek, wanting me to open her mouth.

I had a hunch the moment Sierra touched my cheek with her random strokes.

'This... I can't swallow it. If you swallow it, it will definitely get stuck in your throat.'

First, I opened her mouth to Sierra, who urged me by squeezing my face.

To someone else, it would have been a very strange sight.

Sierra's eyes widened as she checked my mouth.

[You really put it in her mouth... Haa... My son, the original woman might regret having her disciple for the first time. To think I was eating her eyeballs in this situation [...

I left Sierra's grunt behind and chewed her eyeballs out.


Her unknown liquid spreads out of her mouth.

Thinking only of the skills he would acquire, he chewed.

[You're chewing... Why...]

I gulped down my eyeballs to answer Sierra's words.

"I was afraid her eyes wouldn't be okay at all... Just in case, you never know, right?"

Moderately covered.

'I ate eyeballs to get skills.' I couldn't say anything like that.

My answer casts a shadow over Sierra's face.

Others often did the same.

Thinking that I wouldn't be able to see their expressions, I reveal all my emotions on their faces.

I don't know if that's a good thing.

Eventually, the dark vision gradually brightens.

I could see clearly into the room where not a single light was on.

He obtained the skill 'Night Vision'.

The 'eyepatch' was covering my eyes, so I ate it with dubious doubt, but I wonder if I should say that this is compatible...

'Even though I ate the eyeballs, it would have been unfair if the skill hadn't been applied.'

I rinsed my mouth with the water I had prepared on the desk beforehand and approached Sierra with a gloomy expression.

"Of course, eating eyeballs won't make you blind. In fact, being able to touch and feel Master like this is enough. Just think of it as the foolishness of a stupid disciple."

He held Sierra's hand and smiled bitterly.

[ ...Yes, I understand how you feel. ]

Sierra glanced at the hand she was holding and she said and nodded her head.

Judging by her reaction, it seems that somehow it went well.

But suddenly, Sierra's purple eyes flashed.

[But, touching and feeling is enough...]

Sierra spat out those words and gradually approached me.

Sensing a strange feeling at the corners of her raised mouth, I had no choice but to step back.


He hesitates and steps backwards, but soon his foot hits the bed behind her.


My body naturally fell onto the bed.

Still, Sierra did not stop approaching her.

"Master, what are you doing..."

[Previously, she hadn't had a conversation with the girl about listening to her heartbeat or anything. ]

After interrupting me, Sierra came in and brought up her affair with Eisel, whom she had just met.

"...I did."

[So, can you hear the original woman's heartbeat? ]

"Master's heart beats..."

At that moment, Sierra cuts her off again and climbs on top of me.

Then she grabbed my hand and put it on her own chest.

It was a movement quite similar to Eisel's prank she had just met.

Eisel was wearing her academy uniform.

I couldn't even feel the touch of her skin.

By the way, Sierra's clothes... Were revealing clothes that covered only the important parts, revealing her breasts.

So, to put it another way, her bare breasts, which were too large to fit in her hand, were touching.

Her hands trembled a little because she was so nervous.

Sierra's chest felt warmer than her hands.

[If you do this... Can you feel your heart beating? ]

Sierra's languid voice echoes in her head as she presses her face in her ear.

But contrary to her wishes, she couldn't feel a heartbeat at all in her chest.

Even though I wondered what this was, I answered honestly.

"...No, I don't feel it. It's just that Master's skin is too soft..."

[It can't be, can't it? Then listen at least ]

Sierra tantrumed her like a child, then grabbed me lying in her bed and pulled me halfway up.

Then she pushed my face straight into her own chest.


Then he hugs me tight so I can't escape.

For some reason, it seems that Sierra is often hugged by her breasts.

Her once-tender breasts rubbed against her face.

However, since she was both a soul and a urethra, the sound of her heart beating could not be heard.

"...Uh, I can't hear you."

[Then... I must stay like this until the disciple can hear the heartbeat of the original woman...]

Sierra bowed her head over my head as if it was embarrassing, and her shy voice resonated in her head.

How much time had passed in that state?

Sierra seemed intent on staying this way until she heard an answer she liked.

Her breasts were soft, but very soft, so she thought she could sleep like this.

But she couldn't move her body at all.

I put up with my whole body tickling and then I open my mouth first.

"...I can hear it."

[Is it true? ]

"Yes. Kung, Kung and..."

Only then did Sierra let me go.

I took a deep breath and lay down on the bed.

[Puhyuk ... I can't hear the sound of her heart from her deceased mother. It's more stupid than it looks. My student... Was just a 'prank' by her original daughter. ]

Sierra, her eyes narrowing, covers her mouth and laughs.

It's a joke.

Whether it's Aizel or Sierra, I don't know if this can be called a joke.

'At least it was embarrassing.'

Without saying anything else, Sierra's voice echoes.

[Huh, her ears are very red...]

However, Sierra's face was also red as she said that while laughing.

She touched her ear at her words.

I think it might be that my ears are a little hot.

Her breasts were familiar to her as she was with her all day, but her crushing was another story.

Sierra looks at me intently and then goes on with her.

[So... Did you like the original girl's pranks or the pranks of her child named Eisel? ]

"Should I be joking...?"

Sierra is smiling despite my ambiguous answer.

Sierra seems to be making a lot of weird noises out of her today.

I turned her head and tried to sleep right there.

It was the limit My body was very heavy.

It wasn't like going to the labyrinth, but thanks to the 'play' of the two women, it seemed that all my spirits were sucked.

[ Yes? Is she sleeping? Disciple, answer me and go to sleep...]

Suddenly, Sierra's voice rang out, but she thought it was a lullaby and she decided to go to sleep.

Soon, Sierra leaned against my lying body and continued to urge her to answer.

Her voice was soft and pleasant to listen to.

Soon, her drowsiness pours down.


'A labyrinth... It's very annoying.'

It was doubly difficult because I had to have a party and pretended to be clumsy all day long.

"Oh, it's Jetto."

On the way out of the labyrinth, one of the party members next to him mentions his name.


As I looked around, I saw his figure in my eyes.

After attracting the attention of the cadets, he leisurely walked his way as if nothing had happened.

"I heard you took the lycanthrope on the 5th floor by yourself."

"What is it? Amon Caligus was also by his side, did he really catch it alone?"

"...I think I have a bit of a headache. Shall I ask for some saliva?"

"Are you crazy?"

I hear the whispers of the female students who were watching him.

In the past few days, Jetto has become a celebrity at the academy.

'It's the attention I deserve...'

I took a deep breath and tried to stay calm.

"What's wrong, Kaen?"

A party member who was watching me from the side asked me.

The party member narrowed his eyes and patted me with his elbow.

"No way... Did you become interested in Jeto too?"

"...Ahaha! I've been interested in it for a long time! It's cool. Hehe..."

I replied to the party member with a foolish expression.

The interest she was talking about was for a completely different reason, but she wasn't lying.

Jetto's rise to fame is deeply irritating. However, the plan was not disrupted.

Rather, it seemed that he would be easy to call people when he had to fight thanks to his fame.

At that time, if I reveal the power I was hiding and defeat him...


...I was excited just imagining it.

'But it's like Cadet Eisel's work, and the Helong Mushroom... He's still a dangerous guy.'

The guy reveals the woman.

I didn't think I would lose, but if I did, something terrible might happen after that.

Even so, I had no intention of allowing him to rob me of my virginity.

'Even if I have to use my grandfather's swordsmanship.'

Won't make that happen.


Kaen had no idea.

Sierra, who was supposed to be by Jeto's side, tilted her head in front of her, watching all of this.