
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
193 Chs

Chapter 18 - Acupuncture (2)

Chapter 18 - Acupuncture (2)

At the medical technology exchange meeting, you will learn skills such as 'medicine' and 'acupuncture' or 'first aid', which are skills that can be used by those without divine power to heal people, rather than divine magic that uses divine power such as 'heal'. Could

Of course, it is less effective than divine magic.

However, it has the advantage that it can be used even if the person does not have divine power, and above all, when the target of treatment is in a state where the divine power does not work, a greater effect than magic can be seen.

So, I went to the infirmary to join the medical technology exchange meeting.

Yuri, who kindly guided me on the way to the infirmary, headed for her exchange meeting, and Eisel immediately disappeared somewhere as soon as class was over.

It's a very Eisel-like behavior.

ã…¡ Smart.

He politely knocked on the door of the infirmary.

"Come in."

Permission was given, and I opened the door and entered.

"Where did you get hurt..."

As she said that, she checked my face, then the words stopped.

She opens her mouth with her bright face as she claps once to see if her memory has come up.

"Ah! Are you that blind man?"

"You mean 'the blind man'?"

I asked as I entered the infirmary.

The infirmary felt like an ordinary health room.

There are several beds for patients to lie down on, and maybe a desk for the medical officer.

It was the beginning of the semester, so there were no other patients, so it was just me and her in the infirmary.

"I heard from Reina. She's been drinking with him since the old days. One of her freshmen is blind, and she said she dispelled it with a sword... She seems to like it from what I've heard?"


"Your bracelet, that's Raina's favorite."

"...I see."

I knew it was Reina's favorite bracelet. It's epic, so it's worth it.

Even though it was a reward, it was strange to lend it.

She asks me, rising from her chair and running her fingers across her desk.

"So? Our blind man, who walks well on his own, doesn't seem to be sick. What happened?"

"I want to join an exchange meeting. A medical technology exchange meeting."

Surprised by my answer, her eyes widen. Was it the setting that medical technology exchange meetings were not popular?

After her brief silence, she opens her mouth.

"...My name is Priscilla."

"My name is Zeto."

"Yes. It was Jetto... Jetto..."

Priscilla narrowed her eyes and recalled my name.

"May I ask why you want to join the exchange meeting?"

"There is a skill I want to learn."

"Which skill?"

"Do you teach acupuncture too?"

"I teach, but... Acupuncture, is it unique? There were no guys who came in to learn acupuncture... Although there were only a few people in the first place."

Priscilla quickly nods her head and sits back in her seat.

Although Priscilla has unusually divine powers, she also has knowledge of other medical techniques. That is also why she is the medical officer of this academy.

"It's fun. It's fun."

Said Priscilla, who looked at me with her chin resting.

"As you can see, I have trouble with my eyes. Is it difficult to teach?"

"It's not hard. Didn't you know that the man who first made acupuncture was a blind man from the East? Oh, you're from the East too? You have black hair."

"I don't know where I'm from... Master took me in when I was young, but I've never asked where it is."

"Hey... Master."

Priscilla seemed to like me and invited me to sit on the bed next to her desk.

Priscilla had many questions after that.

Questions like how she walks well and who taught her swordsmanship are questions that she has already received numerous times, but since she is her duty officer, I spoke cautiously.

He nodded as if he understood the explanation of the feeling.

I'm glad it went well.

As a result, Priscilla believed me.

It seems that she had no doubts in the first place.

It was simply her curiosity.

Well, from the standpoint of others, it's hard to get to the point where you think you'll see it when you're covering your eyes.

There's no reason to do that anyway.

I couldn't even go to the question of asking if I could show the condition of my eyes.

The reasons for blindness are so diverse that even if you look at the condition yourself, you don't know what it is.

The eyes that had already gone blind said that they could not bring the famous saintess.

"Hmm... Blind people say they want to learn acupuncture... As much as they are blind, it would be nice for the patient to have acupuncture without any burden."

Priscilla stopped her questions and sorted things out. She then says she smiles brightly.

"Do you like it?"

Having said that, she gets up from her seat and she suddenly locks the door to her infirmary.


"Ah...? What are you doing?"

Priscilla asked about her sudden behavior.

"You said you were going to learn acupuncture? You should learn acupoints first."

"Hyeoljari... I heard the sound of locking the door. Do I have to lock the door to learn it? You're learning it right here and now?"

Priscilla was bombarded with my questions.

She knew that Priscilla was very good at her actions, but it was because she had doubts about her actions.

"Why? Are you busy? Since you're blind, you'll have to point out the acupuncture point yourself to find out where it is. But you can't put a needle on your clothes, can you?"

Priscilla said so and she undressed herself.

One eyelid, one eyelid.

She is stripped of her clothes that were covering her flesh.


Even her skirt came down.


Wearing only her underwear, her alluring body is exposed.

Priscilla, slowly approaching me in her underwear, lay down on the bed I was sitting on.

"Could you just point it out and move on quickly? She said she has a good memory for sensations."

"Yes. Once is enough."

When she heard my answer, she took my hand from her and put it on her own belly.

In the game, when you acquire a skill, it just takes time and 'I learned the skill!' I remember that such a sentence was at the end.

Of course, the process will not be omitted as much as I am learning it myself now, but when I think about it, this method seems to be the easiest to teach acupuncture to the blind.

My fingers gently brush her skin as she moves her hand holding mine.

Eventually, my hand stops.

"Here. This is the mana-related blood. Slightly to the right of the belly button like now. Call it the mana blood. And if you go a little further up..."

Priscilla was teaching diligently without changing her expression even during this time.

The person who had been speaking in a joking tone earlier was Priscilla with a serious expression.

No matter how blind I am, I am a 'man'.

So it might be a bit embarrassing, but she was professional. She also taught people the skills to save people, so she seems to be the type who doesn't put personal emotions into important things.

...The problem is that I can't concentrate at all because of the stimulating sight.

'Let's just learn the skill.'

You just need to learn it.

Even though Edward's class didn't pay attention, he was rewarded on his own, so he hoped that the same would be true for skill acquisition.

Priscilla's hand that continues to hold mine moves along her body.

The touch of her skin, which had become overly sensitive because of her excellent senses, was smooth and soft.

"Jetto. Are you paying attention?"

"...Ah yes."

"Because I can't reach the back. Do you want to move yourself? I'll help you find the location."

Saying that, Priscilla lays down on her bed and unties the laces of her underwear.

"Come on, let's begin."

She pounced on me, and I put her hand on her back.

"Up there a little bit more."

Just as she said, my hand ran up her back.

"Stop. A little lower. Yes, over there. It is a blood that is effective for people who have been paralyzed by poison. Paralytic blood."

An explanation of Priscilla's acupoints continued.

Acupuncture was different from the acupuncture I knew in modern times. I don't know the acupuncture point, but the location of the acupuncture point seems to be different.

In the game, acupuncture is effective in canceling status ailments. Here, status ailments refer to negative states such as fainting and paralysis.

Rather than recovering HP, if you use it on an ally suffering from a status ailment, the status ailment is removed.

It had no more dramatic effect than divine magic, and it took longer than expected to use it during battle, so it was a skill that was just perfect.

In addition to that, I learned about blood that awakens fainting or draws out poison.

It wasn't until I touched almost every part of her body that I could touch that the process of telling me the acupuncture point was over.

Priscilla was putting back on her clothes that she had taken off.

"Did you remember everything?"

As I sit on her bed and watch her wearing her clothes, I can only feel her weirdness.

When I don't answer, she comes over and touches a part of my back.


"...Paralytic blood."

I'm glad it's a place I remember.

She said 'Hmm.' After making her noises and stopping to try me, she sat back in her own chair.

"This is the end of today. I have to leave work now. Tomorrow is the weekend? Can you come here tomorrow?"

Priscilla asks, spinning her pen.

Weekends are precious, but this is all for 500 gold, a sword.

"There is time."

I answered Priscilla and got up from the bed.

Skill acquisition is still in progress.

I have to learn how to handle saliva, but I think I will be able to master it.

"Then see you tomorrow morning. It'll take some time, so let's have lunch together."

"Yes. Thank you. Oh, that's right. How about joining the exchange club?"

"Look at my mind."

Priscilla rummaged through her papers and found a sign-up letter, but when she saw the bandage around my eye, she said she herself picked up her pen.

"I'll write this down. Will it work then?"

"Yes, I'm sorry to bother you in many ways."

"Don't say that. You haven't done anything wrong. There's no need to crouch down like that."

I smiled bitterly at Priscilla's warm words, greeted her, and left her medical room.

'When I hear something like that, I get stabbed for no reason.'


The next day, I came to her infirmary in the morning to meet Priscilla and learn how to handle her saliva.

After explaining the types of needles, Priscilla handed me several pieces of Bohr's skin and many needles.

It's similar to human skin, so I was told to practice with an acupuncture needle here.

It is said that if you use the saliva a couple of times, the saliva loses its sharpness and does not penetrate the skin smoothly.

I was able to concentrate more than yesterday, so I turned on the status window and put acupuncture needles until skill acquisition appeared on the status window.

And finally.

〈 Zeto 〉 Lv.16

Skills you have

-Ghost Sword Lv.8

-Excellent Senses Lv.7

- Weakness Detection Lv.MAX - [Eye patch that pierces reason] Effect is being applied

-Acupuncture Lv.1

Remaining Skill Points: 2

Item being worn

-Eye patch that pierces reason [Legendary]

-The sword of the East of poor quality [Normal]

- Lively Silver Necklace [Rare]

-Bracelet with Origin [Epic]

Acquired acupuncture along with the message that the skill was acquired.

As soon as the acupuncture level appeared on the status window, knowledge about acupoints and how to place acupuncture penetrated the brain and naturally settled in my head.

I was surprised at the moment when my head suddenly throbbed.

"Oh. Are you putting it down now?"

Priscilla, who was watching the bed next to me, praised me.

The first preparation went well.