
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
193 Chs

Chapter 153 - 153. Zagoras and Ekis (3)

Zagoras remembered that day.

The day I stepped out of the desolate land of demons and stepped into human land.

Fertile land, overflowing humans.

And hope.

It was truly a dream place.

After the 'treatment' of the Ludwig clan was over, Zagoras, who had participated in the war, saved himself as much as possible.

He chose to wait for the resurrection of the demon king rather than die while making a contribution in a war that had no chance of winning.

Well, I didn't forget to steadily absorb the vitality of weak people.

Avoiding all kinds of metal and magic pouring down from the sky like that.

He survived

The opportunity has finally arrived.

Having infiltrated the human lands, Zagoras scrutinized and analyzed the human countries and cities.

He had carefully chosen the land on which to base himself.

What caught his eye was the Kingdom of Terrasia.

A dying king. The power play of the leeches next to the king. Often seen as a symbol of corruption, slums.

A foul stench was wafting up.

The kingdom was rotting to the core.

Zagoras had a hunch.

This would be the best place to spread your will.

And his predictions were right.

Even though the war with the demons had just begun, Zagoras took advantage of the already loosened vigilance and was able to become a member of the Golden Lion Knights, 'Delion'.

Joining the Knights, he proved his ability and showed off his presence. His people died along the way, but it didn't matter too much to Zagoras. He accepted that it was not a predation of his own kind, and that it was the fate of a weak killifish that would die someday even if it wasn't him anyway.

Meanwhile, Zagoras and Delion caught the eye of Terlos Okentia, who was only the vice-captain at the time.

Easy to use, powerful word.

It made me feel that way.

The thoughts that Zagoras had while watching Terlos were probably the same.

A parachute who just got a place with a noble status.

The scent of desire far from integrity and innocence.

Above all... Terlos was terribly incompetent.

It's a good 'pig' to use.

Having made that decision, Zagoras slowly took control of the Knights under the power of Terlos.

Zagoras first cut off his branch.

With just one vengeance to get rid of demons who would rebel against them if left alone, he got rid of the members with such convictions who set foot in the knights.

As the years passed, those who remained around were humans consumed by desires that were very easy for Zagoras to handle, chasing after money and fame.

Even if the arrows rain down, I just need not be where the arrows land.

He is reluctant to risk death, even though he knows full well that a great sacrifice brings honor.

Rather, I want someone to sacrifice instead of me.

Humans who are filled with extremely simple instincts and desires to survive and to enjoy a more comfortable life.

Zagoras couldn't understand how these scum were able to set foot in the Demon Knights, but it was a good thing for him.

He took the risk on their behalf and used Terlos to put high salaries into their hands.

You can be safe and happy too.

And I kept reminding myself whose it was all thanks to.

Around the time when they are slowly being eroded into the swamp of desire.

Zagoras, feeling that the time was right, made a proposal to Terlos.

I want to kill the knight commander.

And how would you like to become the leader?

Terlos, who was annoyed by the ambiguous position of vice-captain, thought it was a very sweet proposal, but he said without hesitation, 'Let's do it. Now I can get rid of that old woman.' Zagoras was a bit taken aback when he answered like that.

How could it be so terribly twisted?

His choice was not wrong.

What was in front of him was no longer human.

There was only a pig sitting in a chair, incompetent, intoxicated with power, faithful to its instincts.

However, when Terlos asked how to kill the leader,

Jago Lars, who smelled the disgusting scent, raised the corner of his mouth and said that.

'Some demon passing by will kill it.'

That night, the leader of the Golden Lion Knights died.

It was precisely what Zagoras and Terlos had done together, but officially it was recorded that way.

Zagoras still hasn't forgotten.

His reaction as he blinked his eyes while scattering demonic energy over the corpse of the leader who had been stabbed deeply by Terlos' sword.

Zagoras did not hide it any longer.

What if it was a demon?

Will you give up everything you've been leading up to now?

Look, is the blood on your sword right now the blood of a dirty demon or a noble human?

The red blood that came out of the sword.

Aren't you proving your existence?

Terlos, whose face froze at Zagoras' words, couldn't open his mouth.

Zagoras let out a fishy grin before bursting into laughter.

It was just fun.

Humans are funny beasts too.

He had no doubt that Terlos would be able to keep his mouth shut.

From then on, Zagoras, who left Terlos in the position of captain and assumed the ambiguous position of vice-captain, took complete control of the Knights.

However, the guys around him now were nothing more than trash.

Terlos alone was enough to be incompetent.

He needed someone who was more loyal and competent than this but had a weakness that he couldn't go against even if he revealed that he was a demon.

It was time for a water change.

The new knights began to select those who had the most ability and potential.

He gave a huge amount of money to a member who had a poor younger brother with a disease and became his savior.

A maniac with rather bizarre tastes, he kidnapped women and took them to the basement of his house.

It provided the necessary things and took over the weakness.

Those who had the slightest hint of going against his will, or those whose weaknesses were not clear, were eliminated at once.

Removal was easy.

It is because many other knights also have inexperienced new knights dying while dealing with demons.

Eventually, we arrive at the current situation.

Even with her horns exposed inside her order, no one found it strange.

"...I don't feel good."

Zagoras, who was sitting in the leader's seat and resting his legs on the back of Terlos, who was prostrated on the floor, murmured.

Terlos should have felt deeply humiliated, but there was nothing he could do.

It is thanks to his position as the leader of the Golden Lion Knights that he is recognized by his father, the chancellor of the Kingdom of Terrasia.

This kind of treatment was now getting used to and getting dull.

Meanwhile, Zagoras was in trouble.

What happened after Krektar's death was so unusual.

At the same time as the demons who prey on their own people appeared, it seemed that the land of the demons was also noisy, saying that the 'nameless one' would come again.

Moreover, the existence of Eisel Ludwig was also a thorn in the eye. Even so, it was Zagoras who was avoiding Albed's urgent contact for a while.

That, too, was very ominous.

The ominous thought that he would not be able to come back alive if he was deeply involved in this incident did not leave his head.

Krektar was beaten by an unknown swordsman.

It wasn't even the work of the Knights.

It would have been difficult for the knights to discover him in the first place.

Even though his eating habits were unique, he wasn't someone who would be easily defeated anywhere.

It was strange.

The same was true of demons and Eisel who prey on their own people.

'I thought I was on track now...'

Zagoras, who clicked his tongue, felt impatience.

Recently, I took the members and raided the slums thinking that I couldn't stay still like this.

Originally, leaving no survivors in the subjugation process was something that was not often done.

In any case, the Golden Lion Knights had to be managed by the Allied Forces just like other knights who catch demons, so it was to avoid the reputation of the Knights and anything suspicious.

Occasionally, it was limited to preying on the new knights to be eliminated.

At least so far it has been.

Feeling impatience, Zagoras rushed and ate the humans without hesitation.

Even his stalwarts expressed embarrassment at this, but nothing to do with the relationship he had built with them to the extent of killing beggars in the slums.

They knew very well what would happen if they went against it.

Zagoras had to leave the stable 'supply source' he had established for a while. The source of supply and demand was very stable, but it was good in the long term, and in the short term, the efficiency was not good.

In the end, Zagoras achieves what he wanted.

It was finally.

It was late compared to his other colleagues, but he had just arrived.

The color of the horns sprouting from the forehead of Zago Ras, who was resting on his chin, showed his changed status.

The horns were not black with reddish tinge remaining, but had reached a complete 'black horn'.

The amount of demonic energy felt in his body.

The black horn, which I had only heard about, was on a different level.

How many children's lives were lost before this horn was completed.

It was a terrible thing that he did not want to think about, but it was not something that his demon, Zagoras, was concerned about.

He's lost in his thoughts for a while.

When he came to the idea of ​​what to do with replying to Al Bed's call, he pushed Terlos away from under his feet and stood up from his seat.

"Follow me."

Saying that, Zagoras left the room.

If Albed had contacted Murka, things would have gone wrong, but wouldn't it be okay if it was a little late?

Murka, who was also the commander of the unit, was feared by them.

"Take good care of the house."

Before leaving the room with the members, Terlos, who was still lying face down on the floor, said Zagoras without even looking at him.

The members who follow him flirt.

Zago Ras and his members mounted the horse like that.

An informant from the Silver Wing Knights, who was watching this, chanted into the crystal ball.

"The target is moving."


Zagoras, riding a horse through the plains last night, encountered Saint Bernice and her knights who were waiting for them to pass through.

It was not a good situation for Zagoras, who was intentionally avoiding the saintess without knowing the others.

They are blocking the road without any justification.

Bernice, who was said to often wear a pure white dress, was wearing a white cloak, unlike what she had heard, and was completely dressed for battle.

In a tense situation, it was Zagoras who spoke first.

"Aren't you a saint? I'm Delion, the vice-captain of the Golden Lion Knights."

"I already know."

"...I didn't know I was so famous, but it's so glorious. But... How did you come this far? This wouldn't be the Holy Lady's front yard."

To Zagoras's sharp question, Bernice answers in an incoherent voice.

"Since you seem very busy, I won't drag you on for a long time. It's no different, Delion, I'm here to subdue you."


Zagoras, who frowned at him, was annoyed.

The voice sounded like he was forgetting some kind of ghost, but on the contrary, Zagoras was completely confused.

'What? When did you hear Has the recent raid on the slums stepped on its tail? No, it's hard to reach the information that I'm a demon, unless I'm under suspicion from the beginning.'

When Zagoras doesn't answer, Bernice opens his mouth again.

"What else could there be in subjugation? Just like what we do... Subjugate demons."

"What do you mean by demons..."

Zagoras sighs, but Bernice raises his hand.

"Get down."

With her voice, a huge light pours down from the sky and covers the place where Zagoras was.

Divine power.

Ras screams as his body burns as he sleeps.

Zagoras fell from his horse and rolled to his side, dodging the beam of light.


As he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, Zagoras' forehead revealed the horn he had been hiding.

A word from Bernice who saw this.

"Subjugation... Can I do it?"