
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
193 Chs

Chapter 147 - 147. Practice Match (Complete)

In the end, Murka couldn't withstand Eisel and Jeto's consecutive attacks and was decapitated.

The real Murka wouldn't be finished this easily, but unfortunately, the Murka that Edward had embodied as a fantasy was at its limit.

Even so, everyone at the test site knew that Murka was not up to the standard of a typical dark red horn.

Jeto's Joe showed the beautiful sum like a hunt and engraved the dignity of class A's top fighters in the minds of the cadets again.

After getting out of the illusion magic, Zeto was focused on analyzing Murka, whom he had just dealt with.

'I was able to lead it to a war of attrition this time, but I think it would be difficult to do a war of attrition with Murka, who would have been left behind even after becoming a black horn...'

Upon realizing that Zeto could dispel, Murka blocked his sword with cold weapons nearby.

No matter how fantastic Murkara was, it was an amazing application.

It must have been a response that Murka would have taken in real life.

Jeto thought.

He was still in a state where he hadn't fully revealed his power, and it would be the same for Aisel.

But since he didn't reveal his power, it should be considered the same as Murka... The calculations got complicated.

In any case, what Jeto wants is that Aizel doesn't die.

And Eisel's aggression towards Murka that Jetto saw in this battle.

Eisel in the game was shown dying without fail even while fighting with the player.

'...Maybe I need to tie Eisel's feet.'

For Jeto, who had such memories stuck in his head, it was because fighting with Eisel felt too risky.

He didn't get much out of it.

The Black Horned Murka he knew.

And the sense of having just dealt with Murka in Edward's fantasy.

Jeto drew a clash between his power and Murka.

Eventually, you come to a conclusion.

'I'm about to reach the limit in a narrow way.'

However, he thought that he could kill at the cost of a life.

Jeto puts an end to his worries.

'Fortunately, I guess I have one more life...'

It was a worthwhile investment if it could save Eisel safely.

The battle between Zeto and Joe came to an end, and a group from Class C had to fight together for the last time.

It was the group with Kaen.

However, even though they were from Class C, the opponents were the dark red horned demons that the cadets from Class A were dealing with.

Everyone was feeling puzzled by this.

Zeto, who was watching this, thought that there would be no surprises since Kaen would never show his power.

In fact, even halfway through, they were being helpless by the demons.

Class C cadets protested to the instructors, asking if this was unreasonable, but Kaliman, their instructor in charge, said, 'Trust me, trust them.' I just answered silently.

Even if you look at it, it seemed that the balance of power was not right, but the battle continued.

However, even Kaliman, who had uttered such words quietly, was getting anxious.

'When... When will you reveal your strength... Kaen.'

Kaen, who was seen on the screen, was sweating profusely and was barely receiving the demon's attack.

Her legs falter.

Quivering eyes.

Even if you look at Kaen, she seemed to be beyond her limits.

But it should be noted that she was barely getting through.

Her crew was already out of action.

At that moment, Kaen allowed the demons to attack.

Kaen, who used to be a martial artist, was hit in the stomach by a straight blow from a demon, and then flew away and crashed into a wall.

'Have you gone...'

Kaliman rubbed her eyes.

She thought it would be hard to get up again.

This leads to two conclusions.

Either it was her incompetent opponent to Kaen who was hiding her power, or she had no intention of revealing her power now.

She blew her own judgment on her training, which would be an invaluable experience for her cadets either way.

So even if this training wasn't good enough, it should have been a means to hand over Caen to Edward.

Just like that, Carly was the only one with her head hanging over her throbbing headache.


Following the voice of an unknown cadet looking at the screen...


...Exclamation pours in.

Feeling her doubt, Kaliman's eyes immediately followed the screen.

The Kaen seen on the screen was standing tall.

'The atmosphere has changed.'

No agitation was visible.

In her eyes, only silence sank, and it felt like a calm lake.

'Right. That's how it happened. It was all... 'Directing'.'

Only Kali then realizes Kaen's intentions.

As expected, it was all directed by Kaen.

Awakening after reaching the limit.

That was the scenario in Kaen's head.


Kaliman let out a laugh.

Reina, who was next to her, looked at him and opened her mouth.

"You said you believed, did you mean something like this?"

"Ah, I believed."

Kaliman said and raised the corner of her mouth.

As he firmly believed...

...Kaen was not normal.

'It was good to leave it to Edward.'

Kaliman, admiring her own wisdom, nodded her head.

I don't like her accidental bundle anymore.

There must have been so many people around me who had accidents since I was young.

Carly Mann felt that she should thank Edward in many ways.

Kaen wipes the blood from her lips.

At some point, black gloves were placed on her hands.

The gloves you received from Zeto earlier.

Beneath the glove was Kaen, who was wearing the ring Zeto had given her on her ring finger.

It was her iron rule that there must be at least a little change in appearance for 'awakening'.

The reverse is now.

Kaen runs to her demons.

It was the moment when the unprecedented history of Innocence Academy was born, in which a C-class cadet was quickly skipped to A-class even before the main exam was given.


On a barren land far from Innocence Academy, two demons were riding horses with their horns exposed on their foreheads.

After all, there was no reason for them to hide their horns.

This was their land, untouched by humans.

Soon, a red-horned demon holding the reins and stopping the horse points to a building in the distance.

"I found it."

Soon after, a man with long white hair and pale skin next to him opens his mouth.

"That place. The place where the ungodly people who serve sinners gather..."

A black horn sprouted from the forehead of the man who uttered those words in a cool voice.

Right-hand man of the current corps commander.

It was Murka.

Rumors that demons who prey on their own people, known as the second coming of the 'nameless one', appeared in the land of humans, had long spread to the land of demons.

In fact, the rumor turned out to be true.

An entire branch of the intelligence agency was wiped out by him.

Because of this, most of the demons in the human land were on alert.

But that's it...

It was another story that the rebels who served the treacherous criminal who dared to go against the demon king were active in the land of demons.

The 'nameless person' was someone who tried to take the position of the demon king in the distant past.

Even after hundreds of years, there were still people who were intoxicated by his strength and will.

The staff figured out where they were stationed, and Murka was about to dispatch under the command of the corps commander.

"Soldiers are holding them in that building."

"Is this the end of this area?"


The soldier of the staff who followed the dispatch finished the explanation with a short answer.

Murka holds out his hand towards the building.

The staff member watching him was puzzled by his movements, but Murka's voice that followed made him aware of what he was trying to do.

"From now on, by order of the corps commander, I will summarily execute you guys."

But right now there was quite a distance from the building, so of course there was no one to listen to it.


When the soldier expressed his question, Murka glanced at him and smiled lightly.

"Death is going to be the same anyway, so what will you do with the disposition?"

"Murka-sama, but there are still soldiers inside the building...!"

The soldier said so in an urgent voice.


Murka twists his hand and grabs it.

A large building was visible on the other side.

ㅡ so bad!!!!

The whole land mass is distorted.

The building, twisted in a clockwise direction, is compressed into small pieces, creating something like a round sphere in the air.

Inside, many demons, including buildings, will be crushed.

"This area is over. Then let's move on to the next location."

It could be seen even from a distance.

The black blood of the demons was dripping from the sphere.

Murka didn't care about the lives of the soldiers. The only thing in his mind was the urgent need to deal with this troublesome business.

'That Eisel Ludwig was alive...'

It was Murka who finally learned the inside story of what happened in the land of humans.

Krektar died instantly, and Zagoras lost contact.

In the end, Albed, who was alone, had no choice but to inform Murka, who was their leader.

The news of his men's deaths did not bother him. In the first place, everyone around him was Murka, who he used as his chess piece.

However, for Murka, who could be said to have just seized power, Aisel's survival was not a good thing.

'Even though they're my subordinates, they're not very trustworthy. It's going to take a lot of work, but I have no choice but to handle it myself...'

Murka had to find time to go to the land of humans as soon as possible.

In order to do that, it was good to solve this troublesome thing quickly.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and don't follow me."

Murka, who was riding ahead, turned his head and urged the distraught soldier of the staff.

"Ah... Yep!"

The soldier of the staff swallowed his saliva and thought.

Now Murka is a monster.

An insatiable monster who wants more power.

While helping the staff this time, he learned a little about the 'nameless one'.

Until then, there were few ways to find out information about the Nameless One who was sentenced to record erasure.

Strangely, it is said that the demons who followed him, the Nameless One, never let their 'comrades' die alone.

To think that a demon who preyed on his fellow tribesman took care of his comrades.

It was quite a contradiction, but seeing the ruthless Murka in front of me now, it was probably because of my mood that I felt that the meaning of 'the nameless one' was more correct.


The afternoon after the joint battle.

Jetto was hurrying out of the exam hall.

After the battle was over, what he soon faced was the aftermath of the words that had already flowed out of his mouth that he would never be able to pick up again.

Sierra did not show up after entering the urethra immediately.

'That was... Yes, it was a confession.'

Zeto, who belatedly noticed the absurd fact that he had made a 'confession of love' during the battle, was on his way to meet 'Zepetti' in the dormitory.

He himself was feeling confused about himself... He needed a concise and clear answer from Zeppetti.

Zeto, who was hurriedly moving his steps as if looking for the blue and round cat robot...

"That word... I want to hear it to the end..."

...The arm is caught.

It was Eisel.


Eisel looked at Jeto with her mouth closed. Her golden eyes were full of anticipation.

There was no way she would miss Zeto, no one else.

Jetto was instantly entangled in the chains that Aisel had extended.