
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
193 Chs

Chapter 140 - 140. I'm Not That Crazy Though

Knock on the desk

ㅡ Talk talk.

The room was so quiet that I could hear the ticking of the clock on one side.

In the darkened room, the girl's golden eyes were shining brightly.


The girl was looking back at what had happened today.

"You said you had a family...?"

She found out the hidden secret of the man she had a crush on.

A past that everyone wants to hide.

They have secrets, but...

... She seemed so strange to her.

Jetto said she was still looking for her scattered sisters.

This is something that didn't happen in the last episode.

Why didn't this happen in the last episode?

No matter how hard I thought about it, the tightly tied knot was hardly untied.

More important than that.

"Why did I find out now?"

Jeto's important information.

Important information that he has a precious family.

Why did I find out now?

It was pathetic.

The girl, Eisel, closed her eyes.

Immediately a black darkness colored her vision, but she was clearly visible to her.

Zeto's end.

His last appearance, shattered to the point of misery.

Eisel thought.

If so, does that mean that Jeto in the last episode was unable to reunite with his younger sisters forever while helping himself?

Eisel's face contorts as she closed her eyes.

It was a terrible thing to imagine, but it was not imagination, it was a disaster that happened in the past that she had already experienced.

Her sister and brother.

Even if they are not related by blood, they are still within the framework of 'family'.

She didn't remember her family, so she didn't know her very well... But she did know that she was something that was so precious to ordinary people that some would give up their lives.

In the last episode, Zeto was unable to reunite with his younger sisters.

In the last episode, Jeto ended his life fleetingly while trying to save himself.

This fact was tightening her heart as if it would explode.

Of course, Eisel never asked Zeto for help. Her only sin she committed was that she had a close relationship with Jeto, who came to her.

Eisel leans over and buries her face on her desk.

Cold and hard

I didn't feel any warmth.

Too many things have already changed.

Suddenly, an ominous aura presumed to be a curse was engraved in Zeto's body, and while walking on such a precarious path, he succeeded in reuniting with his younger siblings and brought them to the academy.

'I think that the inside of Innocence Academy will be safe for my younger sisters as well.'

These words were added to the explanation of Jeto, who introduced him to his younger sisters.

Academy is safe.

I didn't know why that obvious statement was bothering me.

I had only an ominous feeling.

Soon after, Eisel clears her head and manages to get her upright.

Excessive delusion is poison.

It was just something that hadn't happened yet.

The girl with her white blonde hair rose from her chair and slowly recalled what she could do now.

Jetto and his sisters.

Zeto has now become a person who should not die even more.

Jetto is a person Eisel would never want to lose, but it must be the same for Jeto's younger sister.

There was one thing Eisel gave up this time while watching his cute little sister 'Ray' who was being carried on Jeto's back.

She broke her insistence that she would lift the curse on Zeto's heart.

It occurred to her that she could no longer put Zeto's life in danger because of one of her own pitiful greed.

She could no longer assert her personal greed.

This was nothing short of her atonement for her failure to protect Zeto.


Just in time, through the wide open window, a black model silently steps into Eisel's room.

"You came quickly."

Eisel greeted her with her calmness.

A woman wearing a black robe slowly approaches Eisel.

Then she lowers her robe.

The identity of the woman who appeared before long was Blanc, the southern branch manager of the continent's best information guild, Black Hand.

"Suddenly asking for the location of the saintess... Eisel, what the hell are you trying to do?"

Blanc argues and listens, but Eisel indifferently asks back.

"So the location."

"Of course I figured it out... But would you like me to tell you about it first? You're such a precious person that it's hard for me to tell you if it's going to cause an accident. Do you know that I wouldn't even tell you this kind of information if it weren't for you in the first place?"

"She has a favor to ask of her personally."

"Be more specific."

Blanc takes Eisel's ambiguous answer back.

"...I'm going to ask you to do it."

"Do you?"


"Who's cursed? Probably not you."


Eisel shuts up at Blanc's question.

"No way..."

Blanc's sharp senses, sensing the unusualness in Eisel's serious face.

"...Isn't it?"


Blanc asked, and Eisel avoided her gaze.

"No, what happened to that guy...?"

Yes. Blanc was talking about Jetto.

He was the only person who would care enough for Eisel to entrust her saintess with her Haeju.

"I don't even know that."

"Are you sure it's a curse?"

At Blanc's question, Eisel lightly nodded her head.

"An ominous aura emanates from the heart... No matter how much I think about it, I can only see it as a curse."

Eisel, who tightly closed her eyes, continued her words.

"...Unless you forcefully open and close the chest and insert a cursed object into it. The Zeto I know is a bit peculiar...But he's not a lunatic enough to commit such an outrageous thing. I don't think there's any reason to push something with bad energy into the heart even while doing a 'major surgery'."

Blanc nodded her lightly, affirming.

Eisel's explanation made sense.

It wasn't even that she lacked skill enough for Eisel to misjudge her ominous aura.

"...How much of a curse?"

"According to the investigation, life... Life is at a dangerous level... I think it's the curse of the demons."

Eisel struggled to answer.

"A demon...?"

"I don't know the reason or cause. But that was the only curse engraved on my heart."

Blanc, who folded his arms and organized the situation in his head, sighed.

"Haa... I guess I'll have to go find the saintess."

"So where is the saintess?"

"Still, it's good news. I thought it would be in the Holy Land, but surprisingly it's in a city close to here. It looks like it's working... It should be enough to make time to do it. Have you prepared the cost?"

"...A lot of money."

"Yes, have you ever run out of money..."

Cost was not a problem for Eisel. For her regressor, there were infinitely many ways to earn her money.

She was even the one who often wiped out criminal organizations with so-called 'black money' because she decided not to choose any means and methods in this episode.

I had a lot of money.

Only questions remained about how the saintess, who was already acquainted with Zeto, would accept this, and why the saintess did not heal Zeto's curse.


As Chairman Hubert said, complicated procedures were handled quickly.

There were more beds and other furniture, and it seemed that Ray and Zeppetti could now go in and out through the front door of the dorm.

Well, the other cadets in the men's dormitory glanced bizarrely at Ray who was sitting on their backs, but they all went on to say that.

Now that I have laid the sleeping Ray on her bed and finished a simple meal with Zeppetti.

Following Petty's suggestion if she could check on me for a moment, she sat on her bed and had her closely analyze her.

It seems that Shady was also 'eating' in the middle of the meal, so she was worried that she would bleed.

"...For some reason, I can detect an impurity containing a huge amount of energy in Zeto's heart. What's the purpose of this? If it needs to be removed, I can perform the surgery myself."

Zeppetti, who was staring at my chest, spoke softly.

It's impurity

It seems to say 'tears of the dead'.

"There's no need to do that. It's... An item that allows you to resurrect..."

"...Resurrection? Is that 'resurrection' I know correct?"

In response to Zeppetti's question, I explained how I obtained the dead man's tears, what kind of item it was, and how I had it implanted into my body.

Sierra, who listened to her explanation together, shook her head, saying that looking back on it now, she was full of energy.

"...That's what happened. From what you've said, it seems like a fairly drastic operation, but the operation went well without any loss of life."

"Is it...?"

"I can't judge the level of dragon's medical technology, so I can't think about safety, but if it's an ordinary human, wouldn't it be reluctant to perform such an operation?"

"It's a resurrection anyway."

"Yes, the gains obtained cannot be denied. Because of this, Jeto-nim can live a longer life, so I think it's a good thing. There will be more opportunities to sow Jeto-sama's seeds."

An opportunity to sow the seeds.

It was Zeppetti who was still unstoppable in his choice of words.

However, this seemed to be one of the reasons and purpose of Zeppetti's existence, so it was difficult to tackle.

Then, Zeppetti, who was scanning my body, opens his mouth.

"The body just weakened for a while, but it seems that there are no other abnormalities."

"It's because of Shady here that I shed blood."

I pointed to Shady, who was on top of me.

"Did you say it was a spirit? It doesn't look very good to eat away at Zeto's vitality, but..."

"Ke, Kereung..."

Shady over my head must have felt Petty's cold stare and he stopped eating and shrank his body.

"It can't be helped. He's a useful guy in many ways."

"All right."

Around the time Zeppetti and I were having such a conversation, Ray, who was sleeping on the other side, complained.


Then, Ray suddenly stood up.

"Are you awake, warrior?"

I ask Ray, who rubbed her eyes, to see if Petty is dreamy.

It's still early to wake up, but maybe the conversation between Zeppetti and I was noisy.

Soon, Ray, who had a pouty face, opened her mouth.

"...Does not exist."



I questioned Ray's sudden words, but she still stuck out her mouth and didn't answer.

Soon, Ray's gaze, which turned her head and looked around her room, moved from her head to Shady, who was eating her meal.

She gets off her bed and immediately comes running towards me with a dodo sound.


I was still trying to do something, so Ray stood up on the bed I was sitting on and took Shady from above my head and held her in her arms.

"...I'll borrow it for a while."

At her absurd behavior, she nodded her head once.

Ray goes back to her own bed and she lies down again. Lying on her bed, she held Shady tightly.

As Petty stares at Ray in silence, her blushing Ray exclaims loudly for no reason.

"This is because it's been like this since I was Le-Leon...!"

...It was an irrational number that no one would believe.


With Blanc's help, he was able to meet Saint Bernice on time.

Although it was not a formal request to meet her, Bernice readily agreed to meet her, perhaps remembering the me she had seen during the open class.

Bernice didn't have much time, she did.

She said she only took a moment because she had work to do.

So, without delay, I went straight to the point.

Asked Bernice.

I beg you to cure Zeto's curse.

I didn't know what kind of relationship she and Jeto had, so I wasn't happy, but I wasn't in a situation where I was jealous right now.

As expected, Bernice knew that Jeto was cursed.

"The Curse of Cadet Zeto... I mean..."

Bernice, her expression darkened, trails off her words.

"I don't care how much it costs. As long as I can get rid of his curse on time, that's enough for me."

My earnest request followed.

Things weren't that good.

In this situation where Bernice was aware of Jeto's curse, there were two instances in which she did not cast off Jeto's curse.

First, Bernice is not close to him or not benevolent enough to curse him without any cost.

There was a possibility that this was because he did not know Bernice very well. In this case, she had nothing she couldn't do as long as it cost enough.

However, the worst was the second case.


Bernice hesitates to answer.

It was hard for her to open her lips.

"Isn't it okay...?"


Bernice closes her eyes tightly.

Finally she opens her mouth.

"...I cannot curse Cadet Zeto."


Inadvertently, the half horse came out.

I feel trembling in my eyes.

In an instant, his hair went white.

Bernice went on with his words, not caring about my rudeness.

"I can't tell you the specific reason. The only thing is, I can't be involved in the curse of Cadet Zeto... If this is the end of the business, can you please leave. I'm busy with the Knights."


I wanted to hit the desk in anger, but I endured it and managed to leave the room.

It was second.

For some reason, Saint Bernice cannot be involved in her curse.

There is only one reason.

As far as Bernice is concerned, there is only one being who can give such an order to her saintess.

Goddess Heneris.

It's divine intervention.

After all, it's not the same 'fate'.

Annoyance wells up.

As I left the room, I took a deep breath and pondered.

The bulwark called 'saint' was broken, and it returned to the starting point.

If this happens... In the end, there was only one way left for me.