
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Kỳ huyễn
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193 Chs

Chapter 128 - Nothing Has Changed in the End

When Zeppetti asked if it would be good to decide the gender, I said do as you please.

Then, the boy's body changed in an instant.

Her waist got a bit narrower, her breasts got bigger, and she got the graceful curves of a woman.

First of all, Zeppetti thought that since she had the setting of 'mother goddess', the mother of all machines, it would be more appropriate to be in the form of a woman.

Then, in order to stop the indiscriminate slaughter of machines, it was time to put her palm on her immaculate back to remove the virus that had been planted in Petty.

It seems to be the same feeling as fingerprint recognition, but if you keep it like this, you can get rid of it.

Having said that, she revealed her own pure white skin without any shame. I could feel the warmth on Zeppetti's back.

Like a human

Is it because it is a virtual space?

"By the way, what's 'setup'? You and the X-05 I met the other day... And that guy too... Are you guys imitating humans?"

Ze Petty, who was staring blankly at my question, opened her mouth.

"We have adapted to this world in a form suitable for it. We judged that this is a 'fantasy world' where supernatural energy such as magic exists, and it is the result of repeating 'evolution' using media where such elements often appear as data."

"...Still, it seems you haven't escaped from the machine."

"Anyway, it wasn't easy because there was a limited amount of material that could cross the dimensional rift, also called 'gate'. However, we are analyzing and using the resources and energies of this world to create an organism. Was in the process of making a

An unidentified black sphere that appeared as soon as I entered. I thought it was my Petty, but according to her description, she was creating a 'human' within the sphere.

"I just needed data on appearance, so I'm sure you'll be satisfied with the current appearance."

My Petty turns behind her and stares at me.

There was no emotion in her red eyes.

"Is there anything else I can do to be satisfied?"

"I am a being born to serve Zeto. Therefore, all my functions and actions must be for the sake of Zeto."

It was Zeppetti, who might have been a little blocked.

"...I think it's fine as it is now."

I smiled and responded.

Soon, Petty tilted her head and asked me back.

"Am I pretty now?"

At Zeppetti's question, I took a closer look at her appearance.

Ruby crystal-red eyes, long eyelashes. Pure white hair without a spot.

"...I think you have a pretty face."

"It was an appearance created based on the data of 'universal beauty' from 200 years ago, but from Jeto's reaction, it seems to have been successful. I heard that appearance is an important factor for humans. 'If you tell me, I will reflect it anytime."

"It's just a matter of taste... It's fine as it is."

"All right."

Ze Petty turns her head away.

She then went on to tell her story about the virus.

In my opinion that the virus that made Panthera take a hostile attitude was something like 'force of fate', Zeppetti, who investigated what I was talking about, said it was a plausible argument.

I don't know if I was brainwashed or if it was a simple memory distortion, but one thing I can know for sure now is that this world has flowed into the future I knew.

Information about the future was not wrong.

The memory of him remained as distinct as it was.

I looked at the pure white bandage that I was holding in one hand, called the 'eyepatch that pierces reason' or 'crown'.

Memories of the games I played, information I found out through the community.

Those that were easily accepted felt so foreign.

What choices do I have to make in order to remain 'me'? In the first place, I couldn't figure out what kind of person 'I' was, so it felt like I wasn't even given a choice.

I felt like I was drowning in a deep, dark sea where the truth could neither be found nor reached.

It was not an exaggeration to say that the earth is now in a state of destruction from the human point of view.

There is no going back.

I didn't even think I would be able to go back, but when I realized that the road was blocked, it might have been a little helpless.

Time passed and Zepetty said that he had removed all the 'viruses'.

Next, I asked for an explanation of the alien species, that is, the gases.

According to Zeppetti, they are made on Earth and sent through a dimensional rift.

When I ask why she doesn't use modern or futuristic firearms, Zepetty says that her data on 'her weapon' has been completely wiped out along with her artificial intelligence that created her.

It was said that the current form evolved with the data learned in this world, and there are many humanoid alien species that resemble 'knights' among humans, and beast-type alien species that resemble 'monsters'.

It is said that the unique energy called Mana is currently being researched, and the result of the research will be 'Zepetti' as an organism that Zepetty is making.

I decided to ban the panthera and hostilities, preserve the aircraft and increase their numbers.

When asked by Zeppetti if they were preparing for a large-scale invasion, he said it was to prepare for a war with the demons.

As long as there is no ending and no place to return to, it has become a situation where the demon king and the hero collide and have to face the war that will happen one day.

Alien species are not living things, but machines, that is, lumps of scrap metal, so even if they fall down during the war, they have no vitality to serve as a foundation for the growth of the demons.

It is possible to upgrade all machines to anti-demonic weapons, but to do so, data on demons is required, but Zepetty said that he had never come into contact with demons.

She said that sometimes she had data that witnessed people passing by who were different from the Panthera people she knew, but she did not reach the idea that they were the demons she had only heard about.

It seems that he had contact with demons who hid their horns.

I told her not to worry.

Because there are overflowing demons who will be data.

"Zetto, what are you planning to do with 'The Crown'?"

Zeppetti looked at the bandage that had been untied and still remained on my hand, and asked me that.

Come to think of it, I had to see this place as a virtual space created by Petty, a space made up of her data she possesses.

Still, being able to figure out the color of my eyes, I wonder if it was as simple as clairvoyance.

"You seem to be reluctant, but amnesia or distortion has already happened and will not be undone. In my opinion about the current situation, I wouldn't use it unless you were afraid of Zeto's process of becoming 'King'. It doesn't seem necessary."


"Currently, there is only one intention of God that I have grasped. It is that Jeto wanted to become a 'king. As a result of judging that it was far from the truth. I don't think there was any brainwashing. If I had been brainwashed in the first place, I wouldn't have any doubts. I don't think a transcendent being who easily twists dimensions wouldn't have taken such a clumsy brainwashing."

Well, it didn't seem wrong.

Scratching my head, I carefully wrapped the bandage around my eyes.

It's true that it's unpleasant to have your memory touched by an unknown god... Anyway, in terms of the item's performance, the 'eyepatch that penetrates reason' has a lot of advantages.

This will be of great help in accomplishing my purpose.

It's been that way all along.

I tightened the bandages and looked at Zeppetti.

It is the process of becoming a king.

"Did you say your emotions wear out?"

"Exactly, 'lack' seems to happen. My guess is that the 'King' is slowly excluding unnecessary emotions."


I quietly reflected on Zeppetti's answer.

It seems that the closer you get to the 'King', the more distant you become from humans, but to be honest, I haven't felt any discomfort about this yet.

Rather, I had to say that it was comfortable if it was comfortable because I was needlessly calm and cool.

But from a human point of view, this didn't seem like a very good thing.

"I've been thinking about a countermeasure for this, but would you like to hear it?"

He nodded at Zeppetti's suggestion.

Zeppetti's mouth, which had been silent for a while, opened before long.

"...You may not believe it, but 'emotions' do exist to me."

"Emotions exist...?"

"All human emotions work intensely, creating various unnecessary 'errors'... Nevertheless, the artificial intelligence that created me made me that way. Through interactions such as 'empathy', I become more human. To better understand."

Since it was said that artificial intelligence was created to serve humans, it did not make much sense.

I'm just curious about how the complex human emotions were created.

In short, Zeppetti's opinion was that while I could lose my emotions, I could get my emotions back through learning, so I might be able to reverse my condition through the emotions I gained.

I didn't have any thoughts of wanting to be a 'king' that I didn't even know the meaning of.

In addition, he said that if you continue to face various emotional changes, the speed at which emotions wear out can be slowed down, and the stronger the emotion, the better the effect.

"For example, there must be a feeling like 'love'."

"...That must be intense."

"In any case, for the continuation of the species called 'Earthlings', Zeto-sama needs to sow seeds and produce as many offspring as possible."


Sowing seeds might be a fairly harsh expression for artificial intelligence to use.

"So, why don't you give me a chance to learn emotions by Zeto's side?"

"Stay by my side... Didn't they say the organism, that... Body wasn't complete yet?"

"Yes, but it looks like it will be finished soon."

Since he is attending Innocence Academy, it doesn't seem easy to bring in Zeppetti, who belongs to an outsider... But that was the same for the soon-to-be-brought hero.

Since the timing seems to coincide, wouldn't it be better to deal with it all at once?

"Then I'll come pick you up again soon. Until then, you... I think it'd be good for you to learn about the existence of 'little sister'. You're talking too hard right now."

"Little sister. That's my 'role'. I see."

Little sisters from an orphanage who lost their place to go.

A thrilling reunion, the reluctance of those who don't want to be apart again, to live with me at Innocence Academy.

That was the scenario in my head.

'I wonder if the warrior will follow suit...'

Since the interests are aligned, there is nothing I can't follow.


"...So I guess it was the king, I..."

After I finished talking with Zeppetti and got out of the virtual space, I was able to face Sierra, who was blazing hotly at me, who was speechless.

Jeppetti's code, which was now in a spherical state... He was sitting on the throne and talking to Sierra, guided by something like a long arm.

[My disciple was the king of the other world...? Aren't these guys the ones who hurt humans? ]

"I gave the order to stop. There will never be another such slaughter. People who have already lost their lives to them can't help it..."

[Yeah, I can't help it until that point... But it's hard to accept it easily. Then you are also from the other world? ]

"...I think so. Maybe."

Hearing my vague reply, Sierra touches her chin and lets out her drool.

Her mysterious purple eyes were examining the aircraft in her throne room.

[It's a good thing to stop the slaughter, but I'm curious about their purpose. Have you figured out what you're doing after making you king? ]

"They have no purpose."

[ Then? ]

Sierra's eyes narrow.

"They just served me. The battles I had with humans before meeting me were also a kind of 'error'. .It wasn't easy for me to accept it either, but after talking with 'Zepetti' here, I confirmed that there was no lie in all of this."

I said that while looking at the black sphere next to the throne, Zepeti.

It seems very complicated to explain artificial intelligence, the essence of her science and technology, to Sierra, who lived in a fantasy world.

In any case, there was no lie in my explanation.

However, it was not easy for me to accept it, but Sierra, who does not have as much knowledge or information as I do, must be even more difficult to accept.

Sierra, who was pondering something about her, finally opened her mouth.

[Maybe... Do you have to go back to the other world...? ]

"No, that's not going to happen."

Sierra's eyes widen slightly at my terse reply, then she narrows again.

She asks her question again in her cautious voice.

[ ...Why? According to you, that place is not your hometown. ]

"As you can tell from the look of the guys, it seems that the place has changed a lot from where I used to live. They say that there are no humans living there anymore. I was the last human left to get caught up in this world, so it seems they chased me. So I I'm making you a king."

[If you don't have to go back to the other world, that's it. No matter how many times you explain it, it doesn't seem like it's a story that the original woman can understand. I thought she was a prophet, but she was a human from another world...]

"I do have a similar ability. ... Actually, I'm saying this now, but I'm not sure who I am or who I am."

[ ... ]

To my confusion, Sierra bites her mouth.

Soon she comes to me sitting on her throne and gently caresses my cheek.

Sierra's soft voice echoes in her head like a whisper.

[...I don't know how I got that idea. But... ]

Her warm echo escapes her head and spreads throughout her body.

[... No matter what you go through, no matter what situation you find yourself in, it will not change that you are the original daughter's first disciple, her last disciple, and the most precious being to the original woman, 'Zeto'. So don't be afraid, my dear. ]

Even though her own disciple was a human from another world, her nonsensical tolerance simply exceeded my understanding.

In the end, I was talking to her like 'Zeto', as if it had nothing to do with the other world.

Warm emotions such as a sense of stability and coziness melt away the tension in the body that had been hardened.

Before long, she felt that she was thinking stupidly, so she smiled softly.

"...That's right."


I have no place to go back to anymore, but on the contrary, I have a place to be.

It doesn't change that I am 'Zeto'.

To those I cherish, I still remain a jesus.

She brushed her hair and cleared her troubles.

"Thank you. Thanks to Master, I'm a little bit more conscious."

In response, Sierra said it was something she had to do as a teacher, and covered her mouth with her sleeve and laughed softly.

[So... What are these other species going to do? ]

Sierra, who turned her head to look at the 'knights', asked softly.

"They intend to use it as a means to counter the demons."

[I guess I should do something like that when I think of the people who were killed by them. It won't make any atonement... But if you are truly their king, you need to take responsibility. ]

She nodded in affirmation at Sierra's words.

When the explanation for Sierra was gradually being sorted out.

There was still time left before Zepetty's body was completed, so it seemed that there was nothing more to do here.

While standing up from the throne like that, I heard a question and looked at the black sphere and spoke to Zeppetti.

He spoke the language of the other world, Korean.

Sierra looked at me strangely as I spoke to the sphere, but he explained that he was 'Zepetti', but it doesn't seem to be well received.

"By the way, Zepetty, wasn't this an 'ancient ruin'?"

It was because the space I was standing in, the audience room, was too far away to be called an ancient ruin.

Jeppetti answers my question.

"Actually, there are 'ruins' that are presumed to be ancient in the upper floors. Currently, they are blocked to prevent the Pantherans from entering, but if you're curious, would you like to take a look?"

Were the remains in the upper floors?

Apparently, this deep underground space was created by Zepeti, and it seems that there was no basement in the original ruins.

When I replied that I would go, Zeppetti's arm moved and led me somewhere.


Following Zeppetti's guidance, I got on an 'elevator' similar to the one I saw when I entered the place.

Without stopping on the ground, we climbed a little higher and immediately arrived at a space that could be called a ruin.

I don't know if the ruins I stepped into with Sierra were built in ancient times, but they were in a precarious state on the verge of collapse.

[Is this an ancient ruin...]

There were cracks everywhere on the decrepit outer wall, and the floor and walls were full of dust, as if there had been no entry for a long time.

I had to hold back a sneeze because the dust kept flowing through my nose.

[ ...It's full of stone statues. ]

There were quite a lot of 'stone statues' that seemed to be made of stone.

Most of the stone statues were in a strange shape with their heads bowed in one place.

Where they bowed their heads, a stone statue that was very different from the other statues stood out.

Then Sierra grabs my arm and leads me to the statue.

The stone statue located at the end of the center was a first look.

I didn't know who it was, but at least one thing I knew was that it wasn't Heneris, the god, and Helgenas, the demon, who were known as the gods of this world.

The two are known as sisters Ik.

That is, a goddess in the form of a woman.

Often portrayed as female.

However, the stone statue in front of me was a male figure, so it wasn't the two of them.

'If there's something that stands out...'

Did you notice this similarly to me?

Sierra, who was examining the statue, opens her mouth.

[I don't know if it's a being that was worshiped in ancient times... But it's really coincidental that you're holding the sword in reverse... It looks like you're just holding the sword on the ground, so it's not clear if you really handled the sword in reverse. Not. ]

Touching my chin, I caught the stone statue in my eyes.

It was a well-made stone statue that seemed to be alive and breathing.

The man holding the sword in reverse sat cross-legged on the rough stone floor.

A red light shone in his eyes, which were bathed in the blue moonlight seeping through the small hole in the ceiling.

Like the horns that stretched out from the side of his head, it felt different from the horns of the demons I knew.

A face with no expression, no emotion.

Is it just a stone statue?

I turned my head slightly from the stone statue and looked behind me.

The other stone statues looked like subjects or people who bowed their heads to the 'king'.

I've been trying to figure it out, but I haven't been able to get any information.

A stone statue of a ruler holding a sword in reverse.

It reminds me of a being who lived in ancient times and achieved great achievements, or a forgotten god that often appears in fantasy.

Does this stone statue have anything to do with the series of events that happened to me?

Was it really just a coincidence that it was made in a position where the sword was held in reverse and the ground was touched?