
I, Asuna, don't want to travel around the world

The "daily life" of my time travel experience has passed: seeking encounters in the dungeon, God Eater, dungeon (disintegration of the family), leisure vacation, Wanhua Dream Mirror (optional), Sword Art Online, Zhanchi, Suqing ( beautiful world). Current progress - Re: From Zero (This is an immature book written by an author with brain problems. - I seem to have learned a lot from this book? - It seems that I have learned nothing? - Sure enough, there is still no progress at all.) ------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer! This story is a translation. It doesn't belong to me. Author: 相望 Title: 我,亚丝娜,不想世界旅行(至章节被破坏的结界) Cover: PixAI.Art

CrystalWisp · Tranh châm biếm
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29 Chs

Chapter 9: Crusade!

 Far East Branch.

  "There are three orders."

  Amamiya Ringtong stood in front of Soma and Tachibana Sakuya and said with a serious expression.

  "No death allowed."

  "Run if you feel like you're going to die."

  "Then hide."

  "If you're lucky, you'll find an opportunity to fight back."

  "You have said this sentence countless times."

  Soma pulled up his hood coldly, hiding his face.

  "Well, it's gentian after all."

  Sakuye held up his divine machine with one hand and smiled easily.

  "There is no way. This mission is far greater than before. I don't want to be the only one left after the mission is over."

  Amemiya Ringtong took a long drag on his cigarette and then said.

  Soma glanced at him without saying a word, and then began to check his divine machine to ensure that there would be no problems during the battle.

  After all, he was fighting a wild god like Aphrodite, and Soma didn't want the team to fail because of his own fault.

  "How many teams are there in total?"

  Sakuye looked around and saw the three of them behind him in the empty hall.

  She had some vague guesses in her mind.


  Amamiya Ritsou blew out a smoke ring and raised his eyebrows with satisfaction.

  "Because of Aphrodite, the wild gods from all over the world began to attack in an orderly manner."

  "So, they went to clean up those Aragami, and the three of us were responsible for conquering that super dangerous Aragami... That's it, Ryoden."

  Sakuya picked up what Ryuden Amamiya said.

  "That's right." Amemiya Ritsou nodded, "So, be prepared to never come back again."

  "Where are the adventurers from other branches?"

  Sakuye nodded, indicating that he was already prepared.

  "Tangled up."

  Amemiya Ritsou threw the cigarette with only the butt into the trash can.

  "Aphrodite has the ability to control other wild gods. The branches closer to us have suffered large or small attacks and are overwhelmed."

  And those branches further away seemed to be blocked by Aragami, but not from the ground, but from the sky!

  Aphrodite seems to control the Aragami over the sea area it passes through, specifically attacking the transport planes passing by.

  If it weren't for the special structure of the God Eaters, many God Eaters might have died in the crash.

  "That's really troublesome."

  Sakuye nodded clearly. She didn't know this information at all.

  Only the captains of the God Eater team like Amamiya Ritsou seem to know.

  "How are Asuna and Arisa doing?"

  Ryo Amamiya sat on the driver's seat of the jeep, put his legs on the steering wheel, and asked casually.

  "Everything is normal, but..." Sakuye said with a strange expression, "Asuna seems to be teaching Alisa sword skills..."


  Amamiya Ritsou said "Hmm" curiously, and Soma also raised his head, seeming a little curious.

  "Sword skills? Are you preparing to become a God Eater?"

  Sakuya shook his head, because what Asuna taught was the rapier skill in SAO...

  And the divine machine used by their God Eaters... is not of that type at all.

  There are only big, thick and long divine machines.

  "It doesn't feel like... but Asuna seems to be preparing something, and Alyssa looks a little worried when she looks at her."

  Soma turned his head away with a "tsk".

  "If you are not a God Eater, you will not be able to kill the Aragami no matter how hard you train."

  He said calmly: "If you want to kill the Aragami with the armor and the rapier, it would be better to leave an Aragami behind to let her realize the reality, so as not to harm the little girl."

  Amemiya Ringdan and Sakuya smiled at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

  "It's okay. As long as they stay here, they will be safe. When we come back from the crusade, maybe that girl Asuna will be attracted to me and take the initiative to become a God Eater, hahahaha."

  "Huh? You seem to be thinking about something bad, Rgentian? Do you want me to help you wake up?"

  "No, no, no, let's forget about this."

  Aphrodite is about to land on the coast, and they need to take a military helicopter to the coast to stop her.

  On land, flying Aragami are very rare. Only near the sea or in the very high sky can large groups of Aragami move together.

  The other adventurers in the branch are responsible for cleaning up the orderly Aragami near the branch to prevent them from attacking the branch and causing humanity to lose one of the few strongholds.

  As for the aces of the Far East branch, Amemiya Ritsou, Soma and Sakuya took on the task of defeating Aphrodite.


  A blue light curtain was projected into the air, and the word "dignity" was written all over Skylark's pretty face.

  "The Aragami mines have been deployed on the coastline where Aphrodite is about to land. Although considering the opponent's size, it may not have any effect..."

  In the end, Skylark's tone was extremely weak. After all, the opponent's size was really too big.

  She couldn't imagine how Ringtong and the others would face such an Aragami!

  It's totally like going to die!

  "It's okay, leave everything to us."

  Amemiya Ritsou put away his usual casual attitude and said seriously.

  "Aphrodite will land on the coast in half an hour. Sakuya, the special ammunition developed by Dr. Sakaki is already on its way. I hope it can be helpful to you."

  "In ten minutes, a helicopter will pick you up, please be ready!"

  "Yes, I understand. Thank you Dr. Sakaki for me."

  Sakuye nodded.

  Skylark responded with a slight blush, and then closed the communication.

  Because, Sakuye is still wearing the same "clothes" as a bellyband.

  Asuna's "advice" for many days was ultimately useless.

  A few minutes later, Sakuye took the ammunition box from the staff and replaced the ammunition in his magic machine.

  Silence fell in the empty hall, and Sakuye repeatedly raised his divine machine and took aim.

  In fact, with her strength, there was no need to do these useless things, but the Aragami they faced this time was so perverted that Sakuya couldn't help but feel deep pressure.

  After Amamiya Ritsou smoked half a pack of cigarettes, he felt refreshed and raised his magic machine and waved it.

  The warm-up exercise before the battle made Amamiya Ritsou impatient to defeat the Aragami.

  If Aphrodite is defeated, the situation will definitely change a lot.

  Humanity has never conquered a super-large waste god like Aphrodite before, if they succeed in setting this precedent.

  Then, it is undoubtedly a huge encouragement to other God Eaters.

  Humanity will also be confident on the road to regaining lost land.

  Soma, on the other hand, had been sitting there holding his divine machine, his eyes blankly in a daze.

  There was a look of nostalgia in his eyes.

  It seems that I am reminiscing about someone...

  Not long after...the helicopter arrived.

  "Retell it again!"

  Ryo Amamiya carries the magic machine on his shoulders:

  "No death allowed."

  "Run if you feel like you're going to die."

  "Then hide."

  "If you're lucky, you'll find an opportunity to fight back."

  "What you said is obviously four sentences." Unexpectedly, Soma actually said this sentence.

  Heartfelt smiles appeared on the faces of Amamiya Ritsou and Sakuya.

  "Hahaha, you guys, have you finally thought about it?!"

  "Soma, let's work together!"


  Soma pulled his hood, jumped into the helicopter.

  "Hahaha." Amamiya Ryuden laughed and jumped in, then shouted to Sakuya below.

  "Hey, Sakuya, throw the ammunition box to me."

  "Well, it's connected!"

The three people shouldered the lives of countless people and set out resolutely.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

CrystalWispcreators' thoughts