
I, Asuna, don't want to travel around the world

The "daily life" of my time travel experience has passed: seeking encounters in the dungeon, God Eater, dungeon (disintegration of the family), leisure vacation, Wanhua Dream Mirror (optional), Sword Art Online, Zhanchi, Suqing ( beautiful world). Current progress - Re: From Zero (This is an immature book written by an author with brain problems. - I seem to have learned a lot from this book? - It seems that I have learned nothing? - Sure enough, there is still no progress at all.) ------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer! This story is a translation. It doesn't belong to me. Author: 相望 Title: 我,亚丝娜,不想世界旅行(至章节被破坏的结界) Cover: PixAI.Art

CrystalWisp · Tranh châm biếm
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29 Chs

Chapter 11: Great Deeds

"Then, please tell me, my Lord God."

  In the service hall, Asuna clasped her hands together, bent down slightly, with a relieved smile on her face.

  "Humph, I understand, I will tell God Hestia." Aegina snorted helplessly.

  I am really worried about these adventurers!

  I clearly told you that the deep levels are dangerous, but you just didn't listen!

  She didn't know how many adventurers she had bid farewell to in this way.

  However, Eina felt a little more relaxed when she thought that Asuna had the strength to subdue the Sword Princess.

  "She is stronger than the Sword Lady——"

  "——It will be fine."

  Looking at the girl with a bright smile in front of her, Eina helplessly reached out and rubbed Asuna's head.

  "Next time, let's find a chance to have a meal and talk."

  Asuna felt the warm movement on top of her head, and looked at Eina's helpless eyes, and the corners of her eyes couldn't help but get a little moist.


  She turned her head away in anger, "I'm so strong...I'm still alive..."

  "It'll be fine for sure!"

  I survived the crisis-ridden three years of SAO, how could I die at the hands of these weak monsters!

  "Ah... then please pay attention to your safety."

  Eina retracted her hand in a daze, and she clearly noticed that Asuna's mood suddenly became a little more excited.

  "Is it because of my gentleness?"

  She couldn't help but think of this.

  "I...I'm leaving." Asuna put on her hood and hid her long chestnut-colored hair and seemingly slender and fragile body in the shadows.

  Turning her back to Eina, she waved her hand.

  "That child... is very lonely."

  Not far away, Misha glanced at Eina and Asuna who were walking away, and walked to Eina's side.

  "Although I usually hide it well."

  "But it can be seen in her inadvertent actions."

  Eina also sighed and sat down with her friend.

  "So, I need to take this opportunity to ask the child's God."

  "Well, what's wrong?" Misha asked, "Does the child have anything to ask you?"

  "Yes, she seems to be going on a deep exploration. She probably won't come up for many days."

  Aina took a sip of the already cold coffee, looking very worried.

  "With her strength, there must be no problem."

  Misha patted Eina's leg and said: "That is a strong man who can capture the Sword Princess. We weaklings can just prepare for them with peace of mind."

  "There is also psychological counseling, psychological counseling."

  "Hi, teacher Eina."


  "I didn't expect that the floor master of the 38th floor would be resurrected so quickly."

  In the dungeon, two adventurers, one tall and one short, walked leisurely.

  The boy who looked like a small human held a spear that was too long for him, and exuded a leadership quality that made people believe in him.

  "It's okay Finn, I'll just call Ais and the others to fight against it when the time comes."

  Another tall figure has long green hair, pointed ears, and holds a staff in his hand, giving him a majestic look like Mother Nature.

  "I just hope it won't affect the expedition soon."

  Finn scratched his head, but judging from his expression, he didn't seem to care about the floor owner on the 38th floor.

  "How about spreading this news and asking other Familia to help us clear the road, Riveria?"

  "Leave it to Ace and the others."

  The elf magician named Riveria stretched out her hand to smooth her long emerald green hair and said:

  "That child Ais has been unable to calm down because her level has been stuck at lv.5."

  "Let her try to see if she can achieve [great things]."

  "Isn't it a little too dangerous?"

  Finn frowned slightly and advised.

  [Great cause]

  But to put it simply, it is the same as experience points. However, the accumulation of great achievements is related to the strength of the opponent and the difficulty of the situation. It is not like experience points. As long as you keep training and fighting, you can continue to grow.

  The accumulation of experience points will not stop until it reaches the upper limit of the current level.

  [Great Deeds], the stronger the opponent you defeat, or the greater the difficulty you overcome, the more great deeds you can accumulate.

  At the same time, great achievements will also be distributed among the team according to certain rules.

  After all, this is the [quality] that adventurers must possess if they want to upgrade.

  According to the concept in SAO, it is an equipment enhancement stone. Once you have accumulated enough achievements, you can upgrade it, which is equivalent to an enhancement stone with a 100% success rate.

  And if you don't accumulate enough [Great Deeds], then I'm sorry, you won't be able to level up in this life.

  When the adventurer obtains enough great achievements, he can ask the main god of the dependent clan to upgrade him.

  Although all basic abilities will be reset to zero after each upgrade, new skills can be obtained.

  This new skill is related to the various events that adventurers encounter before upgrading. For example, if they encounter many poisonous plants or monsters, floor owners, and enemies that release toxic substances before upgrading, then poison resistance may appear during upgrading. Skill.

  This is the source of skills. If you want to obtain strange skills, then if you keep trying to commit suicide, you will definitely be able to obtain skills that even the adventurer himself can't expect.


  Although the basic abilities after upgrading have returned to zero, the basic abilities at the previous level have not disappeared!

  Instead, it is retained in the adventurer's body as a hidden ability, that is, inside the [Device].

  Although on the surface, there is no visible change after the adventurer upgrades.

  For example, the whole body is glowing, the sky is struck by lightning, the ability is obtained, the body is stronger, etc., but that does exist.

  And after the upgrade, the adventurer's [Weapon] will be sublimated, so although the basic ability displayed after the upgrade is 0, the actual ability will be stronger than before the upgrade.

  As for Ais, she holds the record for the fastest leveling up not only among the Loki Familia, but also in the entire Orario.

  No progress has been made in a long time.

  Not only the experience value, but also the [great cause].

  Because, except for some monsters in the deep layers, only the floor master can bring any trouble to Ais, who is level 5.

  That's right, it's just a little trouble, and the kind that doesn't give [Great Deeds] after it's over!

  Of course, the floor master referred to here is limited to Goliath.

  Other floor owners require the cooperation of the team to reach the corresponding floors.

  If you fight alone, you will only be surrounded by ruthless and endless monsters, and eventually you will be "beaten to death" by the group.

  This is the only conclusion drawn by the adventurers of Orario's ancestors through their own lives!

  The mage is too fragile, the countdown of his ultimate move is too long, and although the warrior's attack is strong, it can only target individuals.

  As for the archers? This is a dungeon with endless monsters!

  Just your little archer, shoot arrows one by one, where are you missing Tao Zi?

  Unless it's the kind of cheating archer, a big group attack!

  Otherwise, the archers will be seeking death if they go down in this spirit!

  And when it reaches the deep level, the resurrection speed of monsters far exceeds the killing speed of adventurers, and the profession of archer gradually disappears from the sight of adventurers.

  "It was precisely because of the danger that I asked Ais to go..."

  "Otherwise, that child will definitely not be willing to stay at level 5."

  Riveria sighed helplessly.

  "Furthermore, if Ais is promoted to level 6, those three guys will definitely not be willing to lag behind Ais."

  Riveria narrowed her eyes slightly.

  Two Amazon girls and a little werewolf appeared in my mind.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

CrystalWispcreators' thoughts