
I, Asuna, don't want to travel around the world

The "daily life" of my time travel experience has passed: seeking encounters in the dungeon, God Eater, dungeon (disintegration of the family), leisure vacation, Wanhua Dream Mirror (optional), Sword Art Online, Zhanchi, Suqing ( beautiful world). Current progress - Re: From Zero (This is an immature book written by an author with brain problems. - I seem to have learned a lot from this book? - It seems that I have learned nothing? - Sure enough, there is still no progress at all.) ------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer! This story is a translation. It doesn't belong to me. Author: 相望 Title: 我,亚丝娜,不想世界旅行(至章节被破坏的结界) Cover: PixAI.Art

CrystalWisp · Tranh châm biếm
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29 Chs

Chapter 10: Not good, something is wrong with my master god!

Just when Asuna admitted her mistake with a guilty conscience, Bert, the werewolf who thought he was the fastest in Orario, also returned to his family base early.

  "Here, the cookies you asked for."

  He angrily put the biscuits on the coffee table in front of the sofa. Regardless of the plate already wrapped on it, he sat on the sofa and crossed his legs.

  "Hey!! I'm so happy today!"

  Loki, who was lying on the sofa, turned over, got up from the sofa, picked up the bag with cookies and smiled foolishly.

  Her hands were like caressing a lover, and she eagerly poured the biscuits onto the snow-white plate.


  Bert turned away with a very unhappy expression and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

  It smells so good!

  "Finn and Riveria aren't back yet?!"

  Loki asked, squinting her eyes and patting the table.

  Her expression was very solemn.

  Bert turned back and glanced at his own god, who didn't seem to be very reliable, and nodded reluctantly.

  He eyes always drifted involuntarily to the plate of biscuits in front of him.


  He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, it tasted delicious.

  "Well, the leader and the others went to the dungeon to collect materials a few days ago."

  "Huh?" Loki glanced at her suspiciously, stretched out her hand, pinched a piece of biscuit and put it in her mouth.

  "Eat it if you want."

  She chewed it with a happy smile on her face.


  Bert swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva before reaching out to the biscuits with anticipation.

  I'm so stupid. Why didn't I know how to sneak a few pieces when I first went to buy them for Loki?

  Now Loki has written down the number of biscuits and doesn't even give me a chance to sneak some on the way.

  I'm so stupid, why didn't I know to steal a piece and try the poison for Loki!

  That way, you can eat one more piece every day!


  At some point, a pious expression appeared on Bert's beaten face. He ate in small bites, completely deviating from his werewolf clan setting.

  It's like basking in the sun...so comfortable and warm...

  Bert sighed deeply from his heart. It felt as if he was basking in the afternoon sun, warm and bright.


  He curled his lips with a very complicated expression, I'm so stupid.

  Just when Bert reached out to eat the second cookie,


  Loki slapped his outstretched hand away.

  "These are reserved for Ace and the others!" Loki opened her narrowed eyes righteously, but in Burt's view, this abominable god just wanted to spare him and eat alone!

  Didn't you see her eyes narrowed like a fox?

  "Then just wait here and I'll call them over."

  Bert narrowed his eyes and said, "If you dare to eat secretly, I will kill you!"

  "Hey, hey, you can go with peace of mind. Didn't I leave it for you that time?"

  Loki smiled brightly and sounded sincere.

  "Haha." Bert sneered, "Does each person count as keeping one piece?"

  After saying that, he disappeared into the house, bringing up a gust of wind, obviously the wolf was at full strength.

  "Hey hey hey."

  Loki let out an evil little laugh, quickly ran to the door, closed it, and took out a bottle of unknown liquid from behind the cushions of the sofa.

  "God Soma's sacred wine and the snacks of that short family member, ah, what wonderful reactions will be produced when these two are mixed together!"

  Loki immediately opened the cork of the wine, ignoring the charming aroma of the wine, and just drank it down.


  She burped with satisfaction, her expression was very...so...satisfied.

  "It feels better than going to heaven."

  Her narrowed eyes drifted to the cookies on the table, "Hey hey hey, double the happiness."

  Loki, who had a female body except for her breasts, put the cookie into her mouth.


  In my mind, there was a bizarre experience like being on a roller coaster.


  She opened her eyes wide, "Where's that comfortable feeling?"

  "No, no, do it again!"

  "Tons, tons, tons!"

  So, after taking another sip of the divine wine, Loki rode the roller coaster again and entered the Kingdom of Heaven.


  After the biscuit entered the entrance, the thrill roller coaster that Rocky was riding seemed to have lost its power and stopped quickly.

  The intoxicating feeling of beauty and infatuation has completely disappeared.

  And Loki seemed to have turned into a salted fish that had lost her dream.

  She opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling blankly.

  It was obviously a rare opportunity to take advantage of Riveria and the others to go out and secretly drink the divine wine.

  He obviously deceived that boy Bert, and wanted to experience double happiness with the cookies...

  But...but where did my double happiness go?

  Why do I feel like everything is boring now? !

  God Soma, you are no longer worthy of being a god!

  The defective divine wine that was sold was actually wiped out by cookies made by children from other families!

  What a disgrace to our God!

  Hurry up and commit suicide, return to heaven and bring me the real divine wine!

  Loki smiled "haha", with a calm and indifferent expression like a saint on her face, walked to the vase, and poured this small bottle of valuable defective divine wine into it.


  Loki stood in front of the vase and silently uttered this sentence.

  Then, she opened the door and sat back on the sofa silently.

  For some reason, now that she was facing this plate of cookies that was obviously very tempting, she had no appetite at all.

  It seemed that the divine wine and biscuits had a wonderful reaction in her body, making her stay away from cravings.

  "Ais, hurry up. If you go late, Loki will definitely leave some for us!"

  Outside the house, a girl's clear and lively shout came.

  "Hey, Tiona, run slowly. Even if you go, Loki won't leave anything for you!"

  Another voice that sounded very gentle couldn't help but yelled loudly.

  Loki glanced at the few cookies he had eaten with an expressionless expression.

  Sorry, Tione, I, Loki, will be left with you today.

  But since you said so about me, I'll give you a piece.

  "Ah, sister, please hurry up too, don't drag Aisi to be slow!"

  The girl's energetic voice was getting louder and louder, and she seemed to be getting closer quickly.

  The next second, three scantily clad girls suddenly appeared in front of the door.

  Ah, Ai Sitan in a backless dress is obviously so attractive, but why don't I have any fluctuations in my heart?

  Loki cried silently in her heart.

  If it had been before, she would have run over and touched her hands, but...but...

  Damn Soma God, why can't you make some better-quality divine wine!

  Damn it, my Escan!

  "Ah! Oh no, sister, Ais! That guy Loki is surprisingly calm, something must be wrong!"

  The person who said such words was a girl with healthy wheat-colored skin, no trace of gloom on her face, and a very optimistic personality that could be seen at a glance.

  There was only a thin piece of cloth covering her upper body, and a long skirt wrapped around her waist, exposing her graceful limbs without hesitation, making her look quite open.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

CrystalWispcreators' thoughts