
I arrive at Black Clover as Satoru Gojo

You are living your own life, facing the situations that arise in your life, but in a moment all that changes, you want to rest and for everything to end but you never expect that to happen, now you have to live in the unknown and see how to solve everything. "Gojo-sensei could you help me?" "I'm coming" "I'm craving for something sweet" As you can imagine I'm Gojo Satoru and I'm in a world different from mine where I don't know how I got there.

Lightstrick558 · Tranh châm biếm
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20 Chs

Chapter 12

The plain truth is that I was too lazy to write


"Brother, brother look, I made this drawing in my class and the teacher congratulated me on how good my drawings look."

"The teacher is absolutely right, your drawings are really beautiful, Amelia."

"Hehehe, I know. In the future, I'll be a great artist and everyone will know my drawings."

"I hope so. I can't wait to see you exhibiting your drawings in a museum."



"Kids, it's time to eat."

"We're coming, mom."



"What did you make for dinner today, mom?"

"Well, I made the dish your father likes and the dessert your sister likes."

"Yay! Strawberry cake!"

"Haha, that's right, Amelia, but first we eat the soup, then the main course, and finally the dessert."

"Can't we do it the other way around, dessert first and then the soup?"

"No, young lady, dessert is for the end."




"Sorry I'm late."

"It's okay, dad. We were waiting for you."

"Hello, love. How was work?"

"Hello, dear. Everything was fine, a very pleasant and quiet day. There were no problems. So, what did you make today, honey?"

"Hehe, it's a secret."

"Mom made your favorite dish and my favorite dessert, dad."


"Sorry, mom."

"Haha, well, thank you, love, for the food. Now we can start eating."



A lovely family of four: a wife who takes care of household chores but also works from home selling things, a very calm father who works almost all day to ensure his family lives well, an older son who is about to start high school, and a younger sister who just started elementary school.

Enjoying this beautiful family moment where everyone talks about how their day went or something they want to share with the family, a moment of warmth and tenderness, full of laughter and fun. Once they finish their meal, everyone clears their plates and takes them to the kitchen sink. The mother goes to the living room to fold the laundry that just came out of the washing machine, the father goes to the bedroom to change his clothes, the younger sister goes to the living room with her mother to watch TV, and the older son goes to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Everyone is focused on their activities, but occasionally they start talking about different topics. The older son, who was talking with his mother and father, hears something fall to the floor. Surprised by the loud noise, he tries to figure out where it fell from the sound, determining that it fell in the living room and possibly his sister dropped it.

He lets it go and continues washing the dishes: glass, fork, spoon, knife, plate, each one is washed and dried to then be placed next to the sink for his father to store in a cabinet above. Once he finishes his activity, he dries his hands and heads to the living room. Upon arriving, he sees an empty sofa with some folded clothes and the TV on.

He lets out a small laugh upon seeing the TV on because he knows it was his sister who left the TV on when she got bored and went to her room to play. The son turns off the TV and grabs the folded clothes, telling his mother that he will put away his clothes and leave the rest on each bed.

He goes to his room and neatly stores his clothes in each drawer. Then he goes to his sister's room where he leaves her clothes, but curiously, his sister is not there. She might be in the bathroom, he thinks. He leaves and heads to his parents' room where he leaves the clothes on the bed but sees a shirt with a tie and a pair of pants at the edge of the bed that looks like it's about to fall off. He sees his father's shoes next to his socks.

So he picks up the socks and puts them in the laundry basket. Then he leaves the room to head to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He knocks on the door to see who is inside and to ask how much longer they will be. After a few seconds, he knocks on the door again. Several seconds of silence pass, and he looks at the door to knock again.

There is no response, so he opens the door and sees that there is nothing inside. A bit annoyed, he tells his family that if there's no one in there, they should let him know. Without receiving a response, he enters the bathroom to brush his teeth, grabs his toothbrush and puts toothpaste on it, brushing his teeth after eating. He takes a glass of water and rinses his mouth, then spits the water into the sink, placing his toothbrush in its place, and notices that two toothbrushes are missing, his sister's and his mother's.

Curiously, he looks around the bathroom and finds them lying next to the trash can and behind the sink. Raising his eyebrow at this, he doesn't know what to think. Are the toothbrushes old and need to be replaced? But they are only a month old. He puts them back in their place and leaves the bathroom to ask his mother about this. He goes to the kitchen and no one is there, goes to his room and no one is there either, goes to his sister's room and no one is there, the living room is empty, and no one is in his room.

Scared, he takes out his phone to ask where they went and why they left him alone. He's not scared to be home alone, but rather because they didn't tell him they were going out. So he calls his mother, hears the call tone, but it goes to voicemail. He tries again, and the same thing happens. After several attempts, he doesn't get a response. He calls his father, and the same thing happens.

Seeing that they don't answer, he starts sending them text messages to find out where they went but soon notices that the messages he sends don't reach his parents. Seeing that there was no way to communicate with his parents, he starts to get scared and a bit agitated. But what caused him intense fear was not seeing his little sister.

Determined to find his sister, he grabs a jacket, his sneakers, his wallet along with his phone, and a set of keys to lock the house. He runs to the door to go look for his sister, but upon opening the door, everything is different. There is a lot of smoke, dust, overturned cars, some on fire, lots of debris everywhere, some houses destroyed. He doesn't understand what happened since everything was calm a moment ago, but now it's different.

He couldn't keep looking around to understand what happened because soon he felt something pulling at his pants on the right side. Turning to see what was grabbing him, he saw a small hand clutching his pants, a small and delicate face, dirty with traces of blood on it. Immediately, he recognized his sister.

Scared, he kneels to check on his sister, placing his hand on her face, but something caught his attention. His hand had blood on it, not only his hand but also his arm, along with some cuts and stains of dust or dirt. Filled with fear, confusion, and desperation, he didn't know what was happening.


Just a moment ago, he was eating with his family with much joy. Everyone was fine, his sister was smiling, his father had just returned from work, and his mother had just finished preparing the food.


But why is everything in chaos now? Why is my sister under some debris? Why does my whole body hurt? Where are my parents?


Someone, help me get my sister out. Amelia, you have to hold on, someone will come to help soon. Please hang in there, stay awake, don't fall asleep, please. Amelia... Amelia... AMELIA!!!







*Head bump*

"Ouch, my head."

"Idiot, you hit me."


"Yeah, it's me."

"But... what... I was asleep... was it a dream??"

"Yes, after training, you wanted to take a nap, but I didn't think you were such a heavy sleeper. You've been asleep for hours."


"Yes, you've been asleep for hours. Your mother asked me to find you and bring you back home, but I found you sleeping, so I tried to wake you up. But you were sleeping with a terrified face, moving side to side, and you were saying a name like Ame or Ami, I'm not sure."


"You had a nightmare, Satoru. We need to tell your parents because it might be due to excessive exercise, or maybe you're not sleeping well."

"There's no need, Sofi, and I'll head home now."

"Are you sure???"

"Very sure, and thanks for waking me up, Sofi."

Getting up from the ground and brushing the dirt off his clothes, Satoru hugs and says goodbye to Sofi. He runs home, which will take about 10 or 15 minutes. He could teleport quickly, but he wants to take the time to relax his mind and spirit because he was indeed having a nightmare.

But not just any nightmare, a nightmare hidden deep in his heart, a memory he never wants to see again, something that didn't happen.

A situation that marked his life forever, especially in his previous life.


<Author: Indeed, I was too lazy to write the chapter, but here is a new chapter. If you like story, please let me know so can continue writing, if not, well, another story goes oblivion, and am looking for time day publish as my own boss when feel it.>

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