
I am Your Daddy

A noob gamer has reincarnated into a new world where exists various races with superpowers. However, his physical body is crippled, making it impossible for him to cultivate. CALM DOWN! He got A CHEAT SYSTEM! BUT, he later finds out that the cheat system is incomplete, which presents a challenge to his survival in the new world. WHAT? How can he find a way to survive and thrive in the new world of cultivators then?

Daoist8YNuB2 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
4 Chs

Chapter 3: System's Incompetence (2)

[As for what kind of innate bloodline the host possesses, as of now, the system is unable to detect any further. The reason being the system's defective, incomplete form. ]

[Therefore, the host's next mission while advancing as a cultivator is to find the System Sparks. The system had a total of 5 sparks scattered over.]

"Eh" he was dumbstruck. 'System Spark? Incomplete form? Why are you ordering me around huh? So it's now has become my freaking problem too eh?'


"So it's like that.." bulging veins was apparent on his face.

"I've always wondered why you are not too competent as a 'guide' the first time I came to." he snickered.

[ ..]

He was feeling even more depressed.

"Anyway, I should be able to utilize battle arts to some extent even as a mortal right? But I don't even have any weapon right now."

While still pondering, he opened [System Store] with a thought.

Following Roy's command, the display screen altered to a new layout.

[System Store]


-<mortal weapons>

-<Low Earth-Grade> : Locked

-<Middle Earth-Grade> : Locked

-<High Earth-Grade> : Locked

-<Sky Grade> : Locked




'Eh?! There are even a Sky-Grade Weapons available in the system!'

Sky-Grade Weapons are vastly different in many aspects from those in the lower grades, apart from the extremely rare materials it used, the prerequisites for one to be able to wield such frightening weapon is said to be life-challenging, it was unclear what the requirements is. But many had said, it was related to soul-binding of some sort.

It was said that in the entire Tarekh Continent, the number of people who owned such terrifying weapons can only be counted with one hand!

Roy smiled lightly ".. there are so many question marks.." He felt excited about the future possibilities, but he also managed to control his anger towards the system's incompetence.

"Huh locked? Fine!"

"But what a shame."

"Oh well, since I am only a mortal right now, first I will .."

Let's see..

[Mortal Weapons]









[Ordinary Long Sword]

[Cost: Free]

In the end, Roy chose an ordinary-looking sword--ones that matched with his battle art. The metal of the carved guard, and leather-bound hilt, balanced the thick, heavy blade efficiently. The ordinary-looking sword hovered in the air.

His eyes was musing upon the sight.

Reaching outward, he took it by the hilt. With a flick of his thump, the blade clicked and glinted in the light. Roy gave it a few more swings, adjusting his stance to compensate for the weight of the sword, which seemed to become lighter as he became accustomed to it.

"The balance of this sword is impeccable, I think." Roy commented earnestly. He was surprised that he suddenly knew how to wield the sword and made a few swings casually, as if he had been training with it for many years non-stop.

Putting aside his newly obtained weapon, he continued to explore the system's window, as if not wanting to miss even a small detail within.

He then tapped on the description panel of the <Special Skill> to see what it was about. A new screen accommodatingly appeared, but as the second screen, the space in front of him was getting crowded.

He absentmindedly thought it would be convenient for the other screens to close, which they immediately did.

[Special Skill: <<Devour>>]

[Description: A special ability to devour anything.]


✸The activation consumes Mysthic Energy.

✸The target must be an inanimate object.

✸Only works in a direct physical contact.



"I wasn't paying attention before but now this is.."

"Hey system, I want to ask. Is the dead considered inanimate object?"

[Replying to the host]

[No, the dead are not considered inanimate objects. While the dead body may no longer be alive and functioning, it was once a living organism and is still composed of organic matter. Additionally, many cultures and belief systems in this world attribute spiritual or metaphysical properties to the dead, which further distinguishes them from inanimate objects.]

"What about this sword?"

He was eyeing the surroundings, "or that boulder over there, if there's somehow some kind of some creature's soul trapped or resided inside. Would it still be considered inanimate object?"

[In the case of a boulder that is estimated to contain spiritual qi or spiritual beings, it would still generally be considered an inanimate object. This is because the stone itself is not alive and does not possess the capacity for consciousness or thought.]


No matter how you look at it, isn't this skill a bit.. too overpowered? and I think, this skill's possible hax is limitless.

And moreover..

What the heck is with that vague description?!

Can't you at least give me a tad longer explanation of the skill? Am I meant to understand with only this little sentence?

"System, what is this even mean? Can you elaborate please." he asked with a small sigh, while facepalmed himself.


[Replying to the host..]

[It means exactly as it is written]


. . .

The surroundings were quiet, aside from the sound from the burning and crackling of firewood. Roy lied underneath a huge tree, his breathing light.

But suddenly, at this moment, Roy heard the soft rustle of footsteps coming from the other direction of the hillside. In a patch of dark grass, a pair of red eyes flashed by. This pair of red eyes was filled with a vicious blood-thirst.

The owner of those pair of red eyes was a wild beast. The height of this wild beast was around half a human, with a horse-like tail, four rough and powerful legs, sharp curved claws, and two strands of red hair standing upright on its back.

The row of sharp teeth seemed able to tear anything apart. From the front, looked somewhat like a dog. Although wild beasts are cruel and bloodthirsty, they were still somewhat intelligent.

The dog-like creature had been observing from the shadows for quite a long time. Its sensitive nose was able to detect the enemy's weapon and tell from the smell of a person whether they were strong or not.

The bizarre dog had smelled Roy for about a minute and came to the conclusion that this was a free dinner. It moved forward step by step in a domineering manner. When it was just a few steps away from its prey, it abruptly bent it's hind legs and pounced forth savagely.

"Who?!" startled by the sudden noise, Roy jumped to his feet.


"What the hell is that??"

"A dog?" he secretly readied his sword, prepared for the incoming attack.