
Max Bismuth

As Lucifer turned around he saw a muscular figure with a broad jawline, sharp eyes and a stature that was maybe a few inches taller than him. If only there was an armour over his body that person would no doubt look like a Guardian Knight or something along that lane.

But the words spoken by this guy were exactly opposite of the vibes he gave off. Lucifer immediately tagged him as carefree and lewd. This person was no on other than Max Bismuth.

Looking at Lucifer's unresponsive yet piercing gaze the muscular guy gulped on his saliva and created some distance between them in a flash,

"Bro, don't tell me you are into guys it's not like I mind or anything but am not so…."

Lucifer just rolled his eyes and turned around to enter the gate without waiting for Max. Max embarrassed about his previous doubts followed Lucifer.

"Hey Bro, why don't we introduce ourselves afterall with your level 1 prowess I think it will be hard for you to support yourself without some backing you know."

Lucifer's gaze turned sharp, "how do you know I am at level 1"

Max gave a smirk, "It's just one of my skills, I can analyse anyone weaker than me"

Lucifer was slightly alerted and so cross questioned, "Then that's all the more reason for you not to be friends with me since am weak"

Max sighed looked around and spoke in a hushed and embarrassed tone,

"Bro I will be honest, you look like a total womanizer so maybe when you satisfy yourself you can give the leftovers to me like introduce someone. I mean ofcourse in return I will protect you too I may not look like but I am strong."

Lucifer looked at Max in daze before bursting into laughter,

"haha fuck me dead man, I have never seen such a huge despo (desperate for well you know) ever?"

But unintentionally Lucifer's words had hit Max's soft spot added with his unbrazen laughter that was just adding fuel to fire. Max immediately became angry and released a terrifying aura, with a hmph he turned around and spoke in a disdained voice,

"Fucking fuckboi!"

Lucifer just smiled thinking Max's reaction was completely childish but still listening someone call him fuckboi, Lucifer's blood vessels nearly popped. But the fact that Max didn't resort to violence to deal wit things had created a positive impact about him in Lucifer's mind.

Both of them started walking without speaking a word with one another thereafter.

Lucifer was looking at all the buildings around the campus. They were short yet beautiful like castles. The campus area was empty maybe the students were not allowed to roam at night. But still he could feel how great the university would look like in the day time with all the hustle bustle. He was eager to attend his first class.

Time passed by…

Two men were walking one behind other. Max's head was covered with blood vessels that were about to burst while Lucifer was cautiously following Max.

Max finally lost it and shouted, "why the hell are you following me?"

Lucifer replied in a casual manner, "it's a…a coincidence dude, no need to fret" The truth was that Lucifer had to report to the dean for his stay and classes to be arranged and he didn't know the direction to the dean's office and as Max was also a newly added student their was a high probability that he was also going towards the dean's office.

Max massaged his temple in frustration but suddenly a merry smile formed on his face,

"hehe don't tell me you don't know the way, indeed a fuckboi you are!"

After which without waiting for Lucifer Max increased his speed so that Lucifer couldn't follow him anymore.