
I Am Tired Of Being A Hero

“Have you ever wished that a truck would hit you and you would transmigrate into a world filled with swords and magic? Perhaps you wished that you would be a hero, defeating the villains, protecting the land, and receiving all sorts of admiration and love from the people. I would give you one piece of advice. Perish that thought.” -Ravi West *** Ravi West was a hero of indisputable esteem. As a Sentinel, he traveled the Realms, killing villains and saving entire civilizations. His job was everything to him. Until Luxor. Luxor changed everything. Luxor changed him. Ravi was done. The tiredness etched into his bones. He laid down his mantle and vanished. He chose the most boring planet in his memory for his retirement, except this Earth was not like the one he remembered- Nests, monsters, superheroes, and villains filled the streets but that was not his business. He has a plan, a quiet, uncaring life filled with wine, food, and books. But the New Captain at the Bureau seemed to enjoy shattering all his carefully laid plans. He was the most annoying person Ravi had ever met, blonde hair, the most beautiful blue eyes, and a sunny smile, the righteous Arlen Sinclair constantly got involved in cases much bigger than him, dragging Ravi along into his Shenanigans. **** Grumpy, Cynic Shou who doesn't care if the world burns× Golden Retriever, Righteous Gong who is the first to bring the bucket to save the burning world. #Foundfamily #Sliceoflife, #crime, #mystery, #Superheros, #OverpoweredMc, #Protagonistfallsinlovefirst #MutualPampering #Powercouple #Superpowers #Cooking #Farming #yaoi #Detectives #Villains [This book is participating in the WSA contest] Disclaimer: The book cover to be taken down at owner's request.

Dark_Scholars · LGBT+
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238 Chs

As pretty as a picture

Ravi walked down the stairs, he casually glanced at the kitchen to see some packets of noodles on the table.

Noodles were not bad for such rainy weather. Speaking of the rain, it has reduced a bit since a few minutes ago.

Too bad! He wanted to rain some more.

Ash was at the window, it was peering through it as if to see the person at the door. That would not work from that window, doesn't it know that?

He opened the door to face a tall, young man in a soaked dark blue uniform. The unrelenting rain fell between them, their eyes met silently.

The tall man smiled, "You should ask who it is before you open the door, especially at night." The voice was low and friendly.

Ravi felt his breathing become shaky as he closed his eyes, opening it a few seconds later, "Captain?" He muttered out loud. It was not as much of a question as it was an answer.

"En. Sorry for showing up unannounced."