
I am The Villain! [AU - MARVEL/DC UNIVERSE)

Starting within the hellish walls of Hells Kitchen, New York. Adrian Starhart was a victim to black market mutant-trafficking, finding himself imprisoned to be tortured for hours on end, and treated less than a beast ever would. However, at the take-over of another soul, the X-gene in his body had undergone another awakening, proving that his life truly wasn't over, and that there was something else out there in the world he was meant to be... It all depended solely on his view of human nature... Something he detested as the new soul peered through the small life time of horrific things his previous self had to deal with before he arrived. '...Fine. I get it... All my past life's skills and experience were meant for this moment right here. All that time I spent wondering if my line of work was even worth anything in the end- It seems I was wrong. There is something I can use those skills for... Correcting this dastardly world by my own hands!' This world is mix of MCU and the Comic universe. With a bit of DC mixed in here and there as well. The story isn't about structure or realistically anything to do with the Marvel timeline or DC's. Whatever I choose to happen will happen, it will be an action pact more straight forward story.

Kustomari · Tranh châm biếm
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New Life & Its Miserys

...It's dark.

'Where am I?' My eyes moved around, searching for anything in sight. My hopes fell empty, even though I knew I was moving them... It was just too dark to ever dream of seeing anything through it.

'am... am I dead? What- What happened to me?' I grunted, though it only came to me mentally.



'Ding?' Did I die? Or did I simply go insane after losing my ability to see? Because I definitely heard a ding... I felt my head shift around, trying its best to guide my eyes towards any given path- Yet those paths were nowhere in sight.

As if proving that my thoughts were simply just that, thoughts, the alien noise ensued once more.

[Confirming subject.... 000... True.]

'Argh!?' The voice assaulted me once more, this time at the end of its statement, a deep rumble tore my very chest apart, as if something were blooming from my heart. I shivered metaphysically, I was for sure dead, I knew that much now.

Nausea was the spell that followed suit... 'Fuck! Make it stop!' It was too much- Overstimulation was never something I was good at handling- It always resulted in some sort of explosive outburst of movement to try and get rid of that agitated feeling.

But this was that- magnified by ten.

[Site Confirmed, target: Alternate Earth – Comics.

Progress: 67%... 70%... 85%... 93%... 100% Initiating memory and life experience mergence; Soul transfusion in progress...]

'...Soul transfusion?! W-What the hell does that mean!? Hey! Answer me damn it!' No matter how much I desired to voice my concerns and desires, no such right was given to me. Restricted by the lack of a physical vessel.

I had two choices, face the unreal reality before me, or sit and cry and complain about my situation... 'It seems I still have time till whatever this soul transfusion bullshit takes place...' Every time I replayed that term in my head, the idea of Transmigration plagued my mind.

'Shit... If that's the case let me get some one like Gojo Satoru- Damn! Or some superpowered deviant that wields some strange never seen before powers! Ha~ At this point, the possibilities are endless!' My mind felt as if it were split in two... One half, the loudest part, seemed to be stoked for this situation, seeing the good out of the bad... Yet the other half screamed at me, telling me that this couldn't possibly be real, and I'm surely just hallucinating to try and cope with my situation.

'mmm.' But that thought just didn't seem true.

I got my answer soon enough though.

[...Soul transfusion mandate set... Selected vessel, Adrian Starhart...

State: recently deceased. (10 Seconds.) 

Recognizing deepest desires... Skill: Warlocks Eyes attained.

Soul Transfusing Progress... 15%... 23%... 42%... 50%...

Commencing memory/life overlap.


As the systems endless notification continuously stocked up within my mental view, my eyes stared deeply at the second to last notification with a grave feeling welling up within my chest.


But I could do nothing but sit there and accept it. My mind wanted to think of any kind of way to escape this simulation, but that's hopeless. 'Whatever's happening now is beyond anything I can ever hope to control... I can just hope and pray that it's in my favor...'

With an outward sigh, I forced my jaws shut to prevent any noise escaping my mouth as the cringe worthy feeling of something making its way into my very brain sent shocks through my nervous system. Electrical spikes that increased in intensity threatened to blow whatever semblance of life I had left in me to smithereens...

Yet, I could do nothing but reel back in pain as my head was forced to swallow the nearly two decades worth of life experience and memories of some other person, I've never even heard of...

'Gah! D-Does everything have to hurt!?' If I had any hands they would've already been on my head, trying to tear it off of me probably. This was worse than anything I've ever imagined.

But as the information invaded my head, I couldn't help but get swept along into it...

. . .

[June 12th, 2005]

A boy, no older than fourteen, sported long, matted unkempt black hair. He sat dirtied in a lair, locked in a cell as his spiritless gaze fell upon the cracked, leaking stone ceiling above him.

With cracks with peaks that showed an entrance way into another portion of his holding facility.

"Poor thing... I almost feel bad for it. Hehe..." Breaking through the silence, an old, rustic- raspy voice mocked the lifeless form of the boy before him. His gaze holding a strange intense emotion, one that was hard to read...

The nearby prisoners sobbed for the boy's death; he was amongst the youngest.

The man who spat in the face of the dead turned around, his eyes whipping through every one of his prisoners before his lips curled in disgust, his brows drooping as he spoke- pure disdain in his rocky tone:

"Tch, the hell are you mutant trashes crying about? Heh, who knew you vermin could even express yourselves."

"Get out of here! You piece of trash!" One mutant prisoner roared, her raspy tone and sobbing hiccups rallied the similar emotions of the other mutants together, raining words of fire upon the mutant-trafficker.

"And you think yourselves superior! You killed that boy!" Another one shouted, his raw emotion seeping through his voice too.

The man could only listen to the words, relishing in it as his subjects cursed him. He snarled malevolently, his gloved hand instantly reaching for a device stashed in his back pants pocket.

His eyes gleamed evilly as the item was akin to a remote, a single button on it with a wheel to raise or lower an output.

Putting it on the max without hesitation, the man slammed his thumb down on the black button situated in the middle of the pure silver remote.




Screams of agony and pleading cries broke out like a surging leak.

A mechanical whirr and a powerful electrical surges tortured the mutant populace within the lair, bringing them all to their knees, or completely to the ground.

"Hahaha! Shut your sorry asses up! Getting all riled up like that like you're all really about some shit! If you were, you guys wouldn't be in here, so do as your told, and be fucking quiet."

Releasing his grip, he spat once more in the face of all the mutants, further disrespecting the captives...

"Tch... Screw that! Once I'm out of here I'm wiping this place off the map! Humans will di-" A child of similar age to the one who was facing death, lost control of his temper. His real, true thoughts and intentions leaked out only for his mouth to be sealed by his mother.

The blonde-haired duo shared a look, the boy sympathizing with his mother's wordless conversation. His gaze lowered, muttering an apology as his bottom reached the floor.

"Kyle... Please, don't cause that man to come back... I can't take any more of this..." A rough weathered old man pleaded with the boy, from his corner of their shared cell, his lifeless, weakened body all the apparent.

His words were straight forward, the metal collars the group shared was a bigger shackle than the very prison they were held in...

If it weren't for it, they'd have long escaped, having full usage of their powers.

The mutants curled back into their corner, all feeling bad for one another as they awaited yet another day of pure, inhumane torture...

However, off in another, separate cell, the one housing the singular dead corpse of the fourteen-year-old boy, a strange tapping noise began to subtly make an appearance.

It wasn't noticeable, the other mutants haven't even caught on to it...

Yet, the dead boy stirred, his lifeless eyes gaining a glint of an unmanaged raging flame, his breathing starting with a deep, hungry gasp.

Shooting up straight, the boy's eyes were horrid. His face was a mixture of all types of different forms of rage that the people in the room didn't even know how to feel...

Surprised and happy that the boy was alive and well... Or concerned for what he could've seen in the land of the dead...

"H-How..." One muttered, but the rest were still horrid, shriveled by the sheer presence that the boy now brought.

It was like a wave of unstoppable hatred. A flame of hate that threatens to burn the world down to its very core.

"Motherfucker!" The boy shouted through gritted teeth, his right fist slamming into the stone wall beside him only for it to harm him more than anything. However, the boy repeatedly did this for a moment before stopping, taking deep cool breaths.

Still ignoring or ignorant of the others around him.

The others were awkwardly looking at one another, trying to see if anyone had any semblance of an idea as to what the problem could possibly be after having come back to life.

"U-Um... Adrian... Are you alright?" The one to speak first was the blonde kid from before. His curious, soft, concerned hazel eyes spoke more than his general question.

Adrian spared the boy a look, nodding as he did so. Readjusting himself in his lonely cell, his back to the other mutants in the room.

"...Yeah, my bad about that. Just give me a moment." The boy spoke fluently and with an age of wisdom and maturity.

"A-Alright, I-If you say so..." This time, the boy's mother replied, taking her son by the shoulders and pulling him in for a tight hug, finding that showering her son with all the love she could manage before being killed or sold off, came.

Adrian sighed, his pure white eyes, devoid of any color, sparkled with a glint of anticipation, and anxiety.

As he stared at the wall in front of him, his lips split with a victorious smile.

[Ding! Welcome, Adrian Starhart, the new owner of the EVO system!


NAME: Adrian Starhart


ABILITIES: Telekinesis (0/100), Telepathy (0/100)

PASSIVES: True Magic Affinity/Warlocks Eyes.]