
James Crow

"I spent a few days trying to get used to it, it's not really easy to wake up with someone else's face, Uncle Ben and Aunt Mau, do not bother me because I say I'm sick, Peter Parker has no friends so nobody noticed the difference" .

I went downstairs and saw Aunt May sitting watching television, "Good morning"

Aunt May looked at me "ah, Peter has finally left the room, you have to breathe some fresh air, how are you? Are you still feeling bad? "

"Better" actually never feel so good.

"Ah that's great"

I sat down at the table and Aunt May put a pancake for me, it was looking strange but I shrugged and anyway.

I was thinking about how to start learning martial arts, I already searched the internet for a place that teaches Boxing, Karate, Judo, Muay Thai, krav maga, capoeira, I found one and I'm ready to go there today after high school.

From the school I saw a redhead coming out of the house in front of me, Mary Jane Watson, from the memory of Peter Aunt May already introduced us, we even got along well in the beginning but then she decided to hang out with the popular gang.

I really never really liked Mary Jane so I do not suffer any loss here, I looked at her one last time and went to catch the bus.

In the classroom I sat in the corner and started thinking about how to make my costume, I do not want to be walking around in a tight knit, not really my thing.

"Peter Parker, I heard you went to the hospital because of a mosquito bite, beware of the ants," a tall blond-haired teenager said.

I looked up to see Flash Thompson, a real tick in Peter's life, I did not really care about him and just ignored him.

"Look, Parker, you should exercise more to a mosquito and able to knock you down, you do some exercises with me?"

I really do not have the patience for that, I grabbed his arm and noticed behind his back "Look flash, today I really do not have patience for your antics so do me a favor and off" I released him and went to sit.

"Parker! You! Wait just!

Everyone in the class was looking at me in surprise, never expecting me to act like this, but I did not really care about them, the rest of the class was quiet except for some strange looks I received from time to time.

From the school I came across a master, he seemed normal like any other dojo, coming in I found a man in his 40s teaching students, had about 20 students ages 10 to 15, I waited for him to finish and after 30 minutes he came to talk to me.

"Hi, are you interested in learning martial arts?"

Yes, I want to learn all you can teach, he was surprised for a moment before going back to normal, "My name is James Crow, if you really that learning all the martial arts will be kind of difficult, but it's possible, you will have to try very hard ".

"Alright, when can I start? My name is Peter Parker. '

So what do you think of his love interest? Mary Jane, Gwen Stacy, Black Widow, Black cat or another?

Lord_Fujincreators' thoughts