
I am the protagonist of NTR novel

Kai was reincarnated into the novel that Kai read yesterday As a protagonist who got NTR by his harem. Even the last chapter is NTR end and no happy ending! But kai won't let shit like that get in his way! He will do anything to get stronger just to slap the face of the author who brought him here! *No NTR, no R-18 *** this is my first time writing a novel so there are bound to be a lot of mistakes But I will do my best to make you guy have a fun time when reading this novel Also, in the future I maybe add tag r 18 if you like but I still a newbie so don't expect anything from those scenes

Slimehard · Huyền huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
27 Chs

Math exam

After asking the yellow slime, I know a lot of information that is extremely useful to me

"Another world peoples, skill gem, Hydra earring, skills and my school"

When I heard that yellow slime says Lin the one who give me a Hydra earring (or Hydra soul) It's a hybrid of slime and human, I feeling normal

'Maybe to much surprise thing today so I feel normal when the slime reveal something'

I started going into town and looking for something to buy for tonight

"Tomorrow gonna be tought"

"Yeah... man I hate taking the 30-minute exam"

'Exam? Wait... F*ck I forgot to learn'

I started running straight home


"Linear Equations..."

Tomorrow is Math exam, the subject that I absolutely hate since before my reincarnation and now

If you ask "What's the point of study when this school teaching about Skill, stat, race, blah blah?" then I think you should read less Korean novels, academies and schools have to study to get grades after all

Besides, I'm Asian myself so learning is in my blood even I don't like it

And also, studying here won't change F to E, once you're in a certain class, you'll stick with it for 3 years

'Everything here is not so different from my world, except for some new subjects of the world'

3 more days I will attack the dungeon with Fiona's team...

"Im want to sleep..."

Damn, I really hate this world


"Today I will give out a math exam, hope you do well"

"Yes sir"

It was the old man who sneered at me with his smirk at the beginning of the school day, he was the examiner

I heard my class talking about the old man has a skill that makes him able to catch cheaters

But at the beginning of the school day, he knew that my stats were faked but he still didn't do anything

'Anyway, bribery is hard to resist, blame the person who did it'

Can't help it

He started handing out exam sheets to each desk

"Exam time...began!"

"I give up!"


"I give up too!"

W-what??! You guy are already give up??!


The old man laugh very loud

"Good luck with the exam, students class F! HAHAHA!"

... I will destroy your arrogance, you bastard


The exam was easier than I imagined

I think it must be hard right? But all the sentences that even a middle school student can do it (in my world)

Whatever, the exam is over, now I can train my body to increase my stats

When I'm going to the exercise area which is currently deserted, I met Noelle

'Huh? Why she's here?'

She looked at the sandbag and raised her hand

"Storm blade"

The sandbag was suddenly cut into pieces


T-that kinda to much!!

And Storm blade??! Why don't you use it in Borron??

"Still weak.."

W-weak?? You just cut that sandbag into pieces!

"... I won't let this happen again! I have to be stronger!"

... Maybe I shouldn't make any noise and go outside


Oh come on

"WHO'S THER- Oh It's y-you!"

Man I hate my life