
I am the protagonist of NTR novel

Kai was reincarnated into the novel that Kai read yesterday As a protagonist who got NTR by his harem. Even the last chapter is NTR end and no happy ending! But kai won't let shit like that get in his way! He will do anything to get stronger just to slap the face of the author who brought him here! *No NTR, no R-18 *** this is my first time writing a novel so there are bound to be a lot of mistakes But I will do my best to make you guy have a fun time when reading this novel Also, in the future I maybe add tag r 18 if you like but I still a newbie so don't expect anything from those scenes

Slimehard · Huyền huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
27 Chs


"... what do you mean?"

"No need to lie, I know you from the novel and you act so weirdly"


I pulled out my sword and pointed it at Reito

"No need to scared, I not the bad guy"

"Even that, I still can't trust someone like you"

"So what do I need to do to gain your trust?"

"Show me your real name"

"My name's Reito"

"Not that name you moron"

He looked at me with displeasure and started to stand up

"That's my real name"

"That's the antagonist name you bitch!"

"Then who're you??"

"... Kai"




The 2 of us started fighting and arguing


"So your is Reito in old world"

"And you is Kai in old world to"

... Is it a bit too coincidental? I didn't know there were people who were reincarnated too

'Wait... does that mean??!'

"Im not a hero"


Well, my brain sometime not work correctly

But looking at him, I have a lot of questions to ask

"I got reincarnation like you too"


"Like I said before, your face"

"F*ck you"

Then he started telling his lengthy stories like how he got here and how he got a syste- Wait what?


"Yes, I had a system on my side"

... I really need justice here, why does he have a system but I don't even have one? It's no fair! How the f*ck??

"You don't have one?"


"Poor you"

... Im gonna kill you in the future I promised

"So what volume of the novel have you read?" I ask 'gently'

"Vol 3, I read to Reito fighting with his brother part now"


Wait what? My head hurt, why Reito fight with his brother in vol 3? I had to read vol 14 to get to that part

'... Something very wrong'

Look at Reito, I started thinking

'... is that possible? No is can't be right?'

Well Im not sure but If I don't ask, I will not get the answer I want

"Reito... What your novel name is?"

"Is 'I will become the strongest' why you asking me that?"

"... No f*cking way"

That name is different from the one I know?!! My novel name's 'TYCER'??

There's so much I didn't expect here, I should keep that information to myself...

"What's wrong?"

He looked at me with an expression that said 'is something wrong?'

"Well... there's nothing wrong about it"


"Bro trust me"


We started discussing this world in the dark night


"Everyone! Are you guys ready?"


"Good! Now we go!"

It's already morning, If you ask me how do I know it's morning then ask Fiona, don't ask me

And her body looks like she's 15 years old, looks like the effect of the skill is about to end



Reito beside me wants to ask me something

"I have a feeling there's something wrong ahead"

"Nah, maybe you thinking too mu-"


"Well I regret what I said now"



What is it this time?? Ugh that's... hard to say

It looks like the last one we met but it looks worse and it smells so rotten

'And Is 3 of them!!!'

"This is dangerous, Ma'am still can't used her skill yet"

"Can you use your black hole orb?"

"Since this place is very crowded, I don't want to waste people"


I look at them and start planning

"... I got a plan"

"That's very fast"

"I will be the bait to seduce them and you will be the one to finish"

"Are you sure this is work?"

Looking at him, I smiled slightly

"Im know what I doing"


Hey guys, Im back!

I've been quite busy with school these days, so I haven't had time to write, sorry about that

And now I finally have free time!

So I hope you guys enjoy my novel

I also have difficulty with grammar so if I make a mistake please remind me so I can correct it

Love you guys😘