
I am the protagonist of NTR novel

Kai was reincarnated into the novel that Kai read yesterday As a protagonist who got NTR by his harem. Even the last chapter is NTR end and no happy ending! But kai won't let shit like that get in his way! He will do anything to get stronger just to slap the face of the author who brought him here! *No NTR, no R-18 *** this is my first time writing a novel so there are bound to be a lot of mistakes But I will do my best to make you guy have a fun time when reading this novel Also, in the future I maybe add tag r 18 if you like but I still a newbie so don't expect anything from those scenes

Slimehard · Huyền huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
27 Chs

Boss fight (2)


I block the tentacle very quickly to protect Fiona, the team's survivors are now only 7 people (Kai, Reito and Fiona not count)

"I-IM OUTTA HERE!!" The guy with red hair run

*XIENG (idk how to write the piercing sound lol)

Now only 6

His heart was pierced by a tentacle, his body decomposed very quickly and a stench wafted out

Reito hasn't been discovered by the boss yet so he's resting in a corner right now

Fiona's bodyguards are doing their best to protect Fiona so his body is full of wounds and blood

Yeahhhh... the situation is really bad


"4 minutes..."


The situation is extremely urgent, my current condition is very tired from having to block the boss's attacks


4 people left

Damn, physical attacks are useless because the boss has hard skin, currently in dire need of Reito and Fiona's attacks but Reito is resting and Fiona has 4 minutes left


The guy with bald head use something

'Wait, that thing is...!'

Holy water, which is extremely expensive, is thrown out

Everyone knows holy water is a powerful thing to kill demons, but it's useless against monsters

'why did he throw that thing? Does it do any harm to monsters?!'


"Wait is really work?"

The boss was in pain, its eyes suddenly exploded into pieces

The tentacles suddenly became easier to cut like silk and something inside the boss tore off its skin

"I feeling this is the bad idea"

A humanoid creature with black skin and many eyes, the aura it gave off was something... holy?


I was f*cking right, this is a real bad idea

The boss has reached phase 3, which has never appeared in the novel. People are extremely panicking and scared when something radiates more powerful energy than before




My hand loses feeling and what remains is painful

'F*ck, My hand has been stab'

The boss was right in front of me and stabbed my biceps with its arm


When it was about to strike its next attack, Reito used his skill just in time

The boss was hit by a black hole orb and lost an arm. It jumped out of me

"Thanks for saving my ass"

Reito breathed heavily and collapsed, blood suddenly gushing out from his mouth


Oh no I forgot it's a side effect of Reito's skill, if he uses too much, his body will be very tired and severely damaged

That's why he always gets tired every time he uses the skill

The boss started to raise the other hand

'I don't like this'

The arm starts to shoot energy bullets all over the area


And yes, it's explosion


My plan failed completely, Reito reached the limit, the boss on phase 3 because the bald guy and Fiona have 1 minutes left

Carried the Reito body, we ran out of the boss room

Well... the invisible wall blocked us

'F*ck!! We gonna die here?!'



Now it's just me, Reito, Fiona and her bodyguard

"Young man"


"Please protect Lady Fiona, I will buy time"

"You gonna die!!"

"I know"

Bruh you're so brave!



His head was cut off by the boss's arm

'Not even a 1 second!!"

Fiona showed a sad expression when she saw everyone die because of her

There's no choice... If I not doing anything, Fiona and Reito will die

And the money

Putting down Fiona, she looked at me surprised and sad as if she was telling me not to do it

"I don't know you cared me that much"

Look at her with a smile, I grab 2 sword and approach the boss



Well no surprised, I got slap like a bitch

The boss approaches Fiona and begins to attack

'Can't help... We're gonna die here'

I give up, my life in this world is over

looking at Fiona, I really feel sorry for her when I still had strength but gave up after just one slap


My eyes suddenly saw the illusion of a girl in a high school uniform in my world

"Who's this?..."

For some reason, my body spontaneously stood up and ran towards the boss...

...the boss's arm 'donut' my belly

I collapsed in front of Fiona, she looked at me with a panicked expression

"Why you did that!, you don't have to block that attack for me..."

She's cry

"I don't know... maybe for your money haha..."

My surroundings are getting colder, it seems her skill is finally coming

The boss stood in front of us and started to attack but Fiona stood up

"You gonna paid for this"

She raise her hand

"Ice butterfly"